Nine Heavens

Chapter 2355

"Why don't you come and kill me!?"

Immortal Emperor Blood Sword finally couldn't stand waiting for Liu Qianlang to challenge him, so he shattered the Blood Demon Cosmic Seal, floating in the bright sky of the New Immortal Cosmos, questioning Liu Qianlang.

However, Liu Qianlang still ignored him.

Liu Qianlang, all his thoughts are only on the fairy soul Hai Haier he planted, he only has them in his eyes, not Ouyang Langlong.

Facing the questioning of Ouyang Langlong, the blood sword fairy emperor, Liu Qianlang turned a deaf ear to it.

He sings fairy songs by himself, carries fairy baskets, raises fairy hoes, pours fairy water, and smiles at his soul child who has been calling for care for hundreds of millions of years.

There are a total of 99,999 cosmic galaxies in Xinxianyu, and each galaxy has 99,999 comets. On each comet, Liu Qianlang has completed The cultivation of the soul of the fairy god.

Moreover, Liu Qianlang's efforts of hundreds of millions of years have gradually paid off. The souls of immortal gods and the heads of soul children on many comets have broken through the ground.

The emerald green color on some comets is full of waves and waves, and the rhythm of life is everywhere.

"Liu Qianlang! Did you hear me talking to you?"

The Blood Sword Immortal Emperor had condensed the blood demon energy around him to the extreme, stepped on the blood demon dragon, swept the wind and clouds, swung his sword and roared, and waited for Liu Qianlang to challenge, and then suddenly slashed at Liu Qianlang.

However, Ouyang Lang turned around to face Liu Qianlang, and Liu Qianlang still regarded him as air.

Ouyang Langlong's self-esteem was extremely strong, he couldn't stand Liu Qianlang's ignorance, and questioned angrily.

However, Liu Qianlang is still busy with his own affairs, no matter how Ouyang Langlong howls and whirls around him, he doesn't seem to be able to see it, as if he and Ouyang Langlong are not in the same time and space.

I don't know if he can't see Ouyang Langlong, or he is ignoring him on purpose.

Liu Qianlang was finally furious to the extreme, he began to activate the blood demon poison mist, and the blood demon poison poison filled the air to attack Liu Qianlang and his ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine comet rivers.


"Ha ha……"


Countless stars in the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine galaxies are all laughing freely and happily.

This kind of laughter permeates the universe, forming infinitely powerful waves of joyous sound waves and oceans.

Soundwave Cosmic Ocean, in all time and space in the extremely warm and bright New Immortal Cosmic Domain, flows like a spring breeze, invisible but ubiquitous.

Very soft and breezy.

Ouyang Langlong, frequently chopping out majestic, terrifying and countless hurricane vortices, seems powerful, but before it touches the newborn soul body of the soul child on the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine comet rivers, it has already been "Xi Xi" Laughter" melted.

No matter how loudly Ouyang Langlong roars, roars, or attacks viciously, all evil is powerless in the infinitely bright Newborn Immortal Universe

The evil spirit attacking the elephant has no effect; the vicious means of destruction are in vain; all the poisonous insects have collapsed and dissipated before the evil can split.


Blood Sword Immortal Emperor Ouyang Langlong found out that his domineering magic power and magic power, which dominated the immortal and demon universe, ended up like this in the end. He couldn't understand and couldn't accept it. He stared at Liu Qianlang who just ignored him, and galloped on Empty, roaring and roaring.

Roaring and roaring, he discovered that the Blood Moon Immortal Palace, which he had always thought was still powerful, was actually not what it used to be. The once vast and majestic Blood Moon Immortal Universe, in terms of time and space, is now inferior to one of the 99,999 rivers of comets in the newborn Immortal Universe.

Moreover, his Blood Moon Immortal Universe is still rapidly shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Looking at myself again, the evil spirit inside and outside the body is also rapidly leaving the body and disappearing.

Ouyang Langlong, who was ignored by his opponents, Ouyang Langlong, who had lost the power of all kinds of magic skills, and the emperor of the Blood Moon Immortal Universe, has been wailing in the void for hundreds of billions of years since then, and has been asking:


During these hundreds of billions of years, the Blood Moon Immortal Universe was destroyed in constant collapse.

The infinite mana and evil elements in his body also decreased day by day in constant self-questioning, until finally disappeared, and then turned into a fairy face exactly like Liu Qianlang.

Finally one day, Liu Qianlang raised his head and spoke to Ouyang Langlong:

"Langlong, it's time for us to consummate our soul union, are you still confused?"

Liu Qianlang's white hair was fluttering, her silver clothes were gone, she rose steadily, floated, and sat cross-legged on a white cloud.

In front of him is also a white cloud, on which floats a beautiful blue jade fairy wine table, the wine table has two cups and a pot of wine, the cup is a green cup, and the wine is Shiran wine.

There is a third white cloud opposite the wine table, and Liu Qianlang invites Ouyang Langlong to sit on it.

Ouyang Lang Long heard that Liu Qianlang was finally willing to talk to him, he sighed, and he was also sitting opposite Liu Qianlang with white hair flying around and silver clothes.

The two of them started drinking without any greetings.

"Nine trillion years, you are finally willing to talk to me!"

Ouyang Langlong's first sentence is this sentence.

"Yeah! It's been nine trillion years, and you've finally figured it out, haven't you?"

Liu Qianlang sighed.

"However, our price is very high, especially me, the evil things I have done are unbearable!

It's not that I can't figure it out, it used to be such a simple truth, it's just my wishful thinking that I insisted on for countless years! "

Ouyang Langlong said.

"However, this is also inevitable. We are both part of the Immortal God's Fate Spring, you are his dark shadow, and I am the shape of the light above him.

In fact, we are all his illusory existence. I used to think that I was all the waves turned into the spring of life by the gods, how ridiculous!

I am just his glamorous body, but I think I am big, doing what he should do, and the result, hehe...

We don't know what we are, we are all on the wrong path, and of course we have to pay the price! "

Liu Qianlang, bent into a self-mockery.

"Do you regret it?"

Ouyang Lang asked long.

"No! Apart from being ashamed of my arrogance, Liu Qianlang has no regrets!"

Liu Qianlang looked at the 99,999 vast river of comets in the vast universe, and said firmly.

"And you?"

Liu Qianlang asked back.

"Regret! If it weren't for my evil, your road wouldn't be so bumpy!"

Ouyang Lang felt ashamed and poured wine for Liu Qianlang.

"Langlong's words are wrong, without your evil, how can I be strong, without your perseverance, how can I have my persistence, without your persecution, how can I have my continuous strength!

In comparison, Lang Longgang is worthy of admiration. As his shadow, you have suffered far more than me! "

Liu Qianlang shook his head slightly and said.

"Thank you Qianlang! Langlong is a demon, and unexpectedly he will meet a bosom friend! With your words, Langlong will feel relieved!"

Ouyang Langlong burst into tears when he heard Liu Qianlang's words.

"You don't need to be polite, Langlong is born as a shadow, indifferent to pain, unable to see light, difficult to touch joy, and heartache like this, isn't it just talking.

Outside Panshui City, when you and I first met, you naturally hated me. Now that you think about it, your heartache is so early and so long!

Compared with us, you suffer even more! Don't you want to ask, why haven't I killed you for trillions of years?

The reason is very simple, because I understand you, I am ashamed of you, and because we are above and below the spring of life. We live and prosper together, you are with me, and you are dead with me! "

Liu Qianlang smiled and toasted Ouyang Langlong.

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