Nine Heavens

Chapter 2356

"You don't hate me?"

Ouyang Langlong asked Liu Qianlang.

"Hate, but that was before my cosmic nuclear body was formed! When I borrowed the powerful soul power of the Devil Emperor and God Emperor to gradually wake up.

Soul injuries, body injuries, and emotional injuries also gradually recovered. After a long period of thinking, I finally realized the true meaning of cultivation.

We have always believed that immortals and demons are the two major ideological roots of cultivation.

In fact, it is not the case. Immortals and demons are nothing but two means of cultivating the truth and thinking about the source.

And like the inside and outside of things, light and darkness. Moreover, immortals and demons seem to have many contradictions and constant struggles, but in fact, they are all beneficial and indispensable to the evolution of cultivation.

This is like forging a divine weapon, its power is infinite when it is completed, but the process is infinitely complicated and dangerous.

The completion of a tool is like a fairy way, and the process is like a magic path. Both are indispensable, otherwise there will be no day for the birth of a divine tool!

The true essence of self-cultivation lies in meditation, or enlightenment. If the way is clear, there is no such thing as immortals and demons. If the way does not work, it is said that immortals talk about demons in vain.

The reason why I don't hate you anymore because you harmed my relatives and friends is because the real fairy heart is spirit and thought, which cannot be tarnished by any means.

The body of the fairy, god and demon is just the carrier of the fairy heart, and the only meaning of its existence is to carry thoughts. Its defeat, disappearance, and flogging will not pollute the good and lucky fairy heart holders.

There is a distinction between righteousness and evil, and the faction of demons, immortals and gods exists. It can only be said that those who enter the cultivation are still enlightened! "

Liu Qianlang said calmly.

"In this way, you have already understood the truth, but I am still confused and asked. Is this not easy to let go of light, but hard to let go of darkness?"

Ouyang Langlong thought deeply about Liu Qianlang's words, finally felt his own inadequacy, and sighed.

"No! You are the same as me. For tens of millions of years, you finally calmed down and all the demonic energy dissipated from your body. This means that you have entered the Tao.

Next, you and I travel together in the illusion of the new universe, singing songs day and night, and the soul leaves the earth to form a body, which is the time when the illusion of the new universe becomes real.

At that time, you belong to me, and I belong to you. We are here together, and the soul of the fairy and the devil are united. True immortals come to the universe, creating thousands of universes and worlds! "

Liu Qianlang shook his head slightly and smiled.

"My mother?"

Ouyang Langlong once lied to his mother-in-law, saying that Zhou Zhengyi was a fairy, but it was a demon again. Ashamed to mention it now.

"Her soul was born in the galaxy of ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine lives. Your mother, my mother was originally a separate body of the same soul, and now it has also sprouted from the same soul.

I named the comet where their combined souls were born, Niang Xing.

You see, among the countless vast galaxies and stars, Niang Xing is the brightest, it is an infinitely warm golden red color.

In the past, he was tired of the struggle between immortals and demons, and had no chance to accompany him. In this time, as long as Langlong likes it, he can go to water and accompany him at any time. "

Liu Qianlang sent his eyes away, his eyes flashed towards a river of stars, and he said in relief.

"Will she forgive me? She once turned into a mother mountain and returned home, but I became a madman in another universe!"

Ouyang Langlong got up, looked at the place where his mother was, and wept spontaneously.

"There is no mother who is not infinitely tolerant to her son. You don't need to blame yourself, mother will never care about her son.

If you miss her, go to see her, she wants to see you all the time, even though she has just germinated in the new universe at this moment, and has no soul memory yet.

However, the deep affection between mother and child is only instinct, and you will also feel her warmth.

I have already begun to conceive that in the future we will create a ruined universe, the human world, the immortal body and the myriad worlds, all with the mother as Hengyang and the father as Eshan.

The sun shines all over the world, and everything is bright; the sun warms the hearts of all people, so that there is no chilling person in the world.

And my father is Mount Asan, with a majestic and heroic appearance, and sometimes lays the night for Hengyang to rest..."

Liu Qianlang is not only thinking about reviving all the souls of Immortal Demon Universe, but also imagining what kind of universe he will create in the future, and so on.

"Langlong understands, you can do whatever you want. Langlong is going to see his mother."

Ouyang Langlong nodded deeply, stepped on the blood demon dragon Chihong after the immortalization, tossed and turned, and flew towards the distant mother star.

Liu Qianlang didn't move or ignorant, and smiled happily to watch Ouyang Lang fly away.

Ouyang Langlong was extremely anxious, and he was galloping towards Niangshan.


When Ouyang Langlong walked through the countless stars on the red rainbow, he suddenly heard bursts of sad sobbing and crying.

Ouyang Langlong was very puzzled, so he couldn't help slowing down, and then slowly walked towards the direction where the crying sound came from.

As he got closer, seeing the opponent's slim figure breaking through the ground clearly, Ouyang Langlong was ashamed.

The other party turned out to be the British demon princess who was tortured to death by herself.


Ouyang Langlong was embarrassed and ashamed, he knelt on Chi Hong's body with a groan, wept, and blamed himself in a deep voice.

"Who are you, why do you kneel down to me and say sorry?"

Princess Yingyao can already speak, but the lower part of her calf is still growing in the fairy soil. Seeing Ouyang Langlong kneeling in front of him suddenly, he asked in surprise.

When Ouyang Langlong heard the words, he knew that the other party didn't know who it was, so he reluctantly raised his head and asked:

"Why is the girl crying?"


When Princess Yingyao heard the words, she had a painful expression on her face, she shook her head helplessly, her eyes were full of tears, and she didn't want to tell the reason.

"Girl, why don't you tell me the reason, maybe I can help you?"

Ouyang Langlong's only thought at the moment is that it is fine to have a broken arm and a remnant soul, as long as he can help the other party and atone for the original evil.

"I, I was born with tears, no water to moisten my body, my whole body was dry and tormented all day long, and I cried because of the unbearable pain.

I have already shed tears, and I can’t stop crying anymore, my eyes are blind, my heart is exhausted, life is like death, so I am crying. "

After Ying Yao finished speaking, she continued to sob because of the pain.

"Ha ha……"

"The universe blesses me, girl, don't cry. It just so happens that I am born with tears, which never fall for a day, and the pain is full! Let me cry for you in the future, and let me help you even more, okay?"

Ouyang Langlong laughed out loud when he heard the words.

"You are such a good person. I don't know my name yet. I beg the immortal to give me a name. When my immortal feet are born and dance in the sky, I will always remember the immortal grace."

Princess Yingyao was pleasantly surprised when she heard the words, and said happily.

"Looking at the cherry blossoms flying all over you, Pingting is still drunk after tears, you should be a hero."

Ouyang Lang Long Ming knew the other party's name, so he blurted it out.

"Well, I really like this name, I'll call it Yingyao, thank you, kind white-haired fairy.

You are so kind, you not only planted our souls in fairy soil, watered us, and reborn us, but also treated us so well! "

Of course Princess Yingyao likes her own name, instinctively, she is grateful to Ouyang Langlong, and recognizes Ouyang Langlong as Liu Qianlang.

Hearing the words, Ouyang Langlong felt ashamed in his heart, and tears welled up in his eyes, and then Si Niang sighed, his heart ached with pain, tears streaming down his face.

In tears, Ouyang Langlong waved his sleeves and poured all the tears at Princess Yingyao's feet.

"Oh! I am so comfortable! Thank you, good man!"

Princess Yingyao was very happy and kept shouting.

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