Nine Heavens

Chapter 2357 Immortal Devil Life Source

Ouyang Langlong cried bitterly in front of Princess Yingyao, and then flew towards Niang Xing.

From then on, for countless years, this Immortal Demon Universe would see from time to time two identical immortal figures with white hair flying around.

Sometimes they sit and drink while playing chess, sometimes they fly apart, sometimes they float in the sky and look down, sometimes they fly...

Ethereal, silent.

The years are long, drifting infinitely.

I don't know how long it has passed, in the newborn fairy universe, in the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine galaxies, the fairy shadows guarded by Liu Qianlang and Ouyang Langlong are complete in every shape, swaying the sky, and they are about to leave the earth resurrected.

For these fairy gods, Liu Qianlang or Ouyang Langlong only need to wake up all their past memories.

In this situation, after Ouyang Langlong finally knelt farewell to his mother and Princess Yingyao, he came to Liu Qianlang.

At this moment, Liu Qianlang was sitting cross-legged on a Zhou Peak.

"You don't have to be like this. You and I exist together in the universe. I will be bright, and you will be colorful. This fairy life is equally perfect!"

Liu Qianlang didn't need to look back, he also knew Ouyang Langlong's intention for coming here at this moment.

"Since the mind is clear, there is no difference whether it exists or not. If it exists, it will cause the sad past of Princess Yingyao and Niang, and it will disappear.

The disappearance of me, the existence of me without me, the past without me, the pain of no regrets, the bowing of my head without shame, for me, it is the best ending. "

Ouyang Langlong raised his head, looked up at the auspicious clouds in the sky, and said with relief in his heart.

"We can erase their bad memories! Why do you mind!"

Liu Qianlang's white hair is thousands of miles away, her body is hundreds of thousands of feet high, and her body is covered with nine-color divine rings and rainbow flashes, comforting Ouyang Langlong.

"I know that. But Langlong has always been an outsider of Langyuan Xianmen, so he still let Langlong go outside.

The sins of the past life cannot be pursued, and the future does not want to conceive remaining sins! Tomorrow morning, the memories of Princess Yingyao's death will wake up.

If she still holds a grudge against me, I will keep the sword in Zhou, turn it into an eternal green sword bamboo, and let her chop.

Broken green is reborn all over the ground, I only hope that she will forget her hatred sooner or later, and leave her sword in nothingness.

My mother is about to come out, please don't talk about my whereabouts, and let her have a little expectation of me, it's better.

As for the entire Langyuan Xianmen Immortal God, I don't need to go into details, any apology is meaningless, only pale blessings. "

Ouyang Langlong turned his head back, looked at the new immortal world with infinite nostalgia—Xian Shenzhou, who had redeemed countless years, and said calmly.

"Since you have made up your mind, I won't say any more. But if you are willing to die, you don't necessarily have to die. If you have the heart to repent, you need someone to respond! I hope Langlong will return to his heart and let everyone be at ease."

Liu Qianlang sighed.

"Yes, I am also worried about this, a mistake is a mistake, making up for the future cannot change the past!

I only hope that the bamboo will live forever, and there is no end to hatred! Ying Yaoxian has no complaints about snow! "

Ouyang Langlong naturally understood what Liu Qianlang meant, his white hair flew far away, and the fairy rainbow robe was endlessly white, he shook his head slightly.

"It seems that your heart has not yet calmed down. Even if you are gone, it is also with a regret. I will take your whole soul and Yingyao's resentful soul to the five human worlds of the frontier universe.

Let you be the shoes of the British demon forever, for it to trample on, and then you come back, the British demon will surely feel at ease, I don't know what you want? "

Liu Qianlang thought for a long time, and asked Ouyang Langlong behind him.

Ouyang Langlong thought for a long time after hearing this, and then said:

"Forget it, if the injustice is not repaid, how can the immortal heart be at ease. You can just listen to the immortal god Emperor Zhou. Keep the sword immortal Zhou Huazhu, and let the demon immortal god Zhou cut it.

I put my whole soul down to Xiao Zhou, and will be her embroidered shoes forever, and let her trample on her, so as to relieve her hatred! "

"Well! In that case, are you ready?"

Liu Qianlang still turned his back to Ouyang Langlong and said.

"Get ready, Immortal God Emperor Zhou, let's begin!"

Ouyang Langlong said.


At this moment, Liu Qianlang and Ouyang Langlong heard a cry from the sky at the same time.

"Immortal God Mingquan, you have finally appeared! It is inevitable that the demons will come too!"

Liu Qianlang kept his original posture and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, I'm here too! How could I not come when it's time to come.

Congratulations, it is really a miracle in the world of immortals to transform from the form of the Immortal God's Life Spring into today's Immortal God Emperor. "

After Liu Qianlang's words fell, two shadows descended steadily from the sky.

One was dressed in Cuixia neon clothes, and the other was wearing a fluttering white fairy robe.

One is stepping on the petals of the red lotus god, and the other is standing steadily on top of a huge blue water spirit.

One is the goddess Duanwan Tuoqin, and the other is the fairy holding the flute in a chic way.

The goddess Tuoqin was falling, and said in a vigorous and vigorous voice.

"I'm afraid that Langlong and I should have told you all about this! Langlong and I have had infinite pain and entanglement, and Langyuan Xianmen has experienced a lot of pain.

Everything is just a farce for you to travel to the frontier universe and travel to the five worlds, including Nuwa Empress and mentor Du Demon Sword Ancestor, right? "

Liu Qianlang still didn't turn his head, and said with a bitter voice, facing the shadow that was slowly descending behind his back.

"Haha... Immortal God Emperor, you are really wise, what you said is almost right.

My Immortal Shen Mingquan felt that the Immortal Demon Universe was boring, so he made a bet with the monster Shengzhong, and deliberately provoked a war between the Immortal Demon Universe and the Immortal God, while we went to the Lower Universe, which is what you call the Frontier Universe, to travel.

Want to compare, whose life god can be stronger, so as to determine whether the universe is stronger, the fairy god that represents light, or the demon seed that represents darkness is stronger. "

Facts have proved that it is not immortals, nor gods, but the way of love and relationship represented by you is the most powerful. "

Among the two, the one holding the emerald green flute said.

" are here now, are you trying to kill us!?"

Liu Qianlang laughed loudly.

"Smart! If the manipulator is manipulated by the manipulator, do you think they will be willing?

So there is only one final result, that is, the person being manipulated must surrender and the soul will disappear. "

Holding the flute of heaven, the god said again.

"The fairy man doesn't seem to understand this Immortal God Emperor. Although this Immortal God Emperor does everything for the sake of love and morality, he will never bow his head in front of any threats.

What you said about disappearing or surrendering, I am afraid I will disappoint you!

At the same time, this Immortal God Emperor does not want the battle between the Immortals and Gods to continue. You should be the ones to die! "

Liu Qianlang's voice suddenly turned cold, and said.

"Ha ha……"

"Ridiculous Qinglun Immortal God Emperor, although you are so powerful now, but if we join hands with the source of life of immortals and demons, you will definitely die!

In other words, if our immortal god's source of life falls, you will die immediately, if you are not defeated, so what? "

The woman holding the Shenqin in her hand raised her head and smiled mockingly.

"Hehe, fairy man, the Holy Mother of Linhe River, don't you all know what is the greatest strength of this Immortal God Emperor?"

Liu Qianlang laughed.

"Could it be that your soul is cultivating the god of Huazhou, and you have also cultivated to become the source of life of Huizhou!?"

The Holy Mother of Linhe suddenly changed her expression and asked in surprise.

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