Nine Heavens

Chapter 2370

Linhe Green Immortal Territory, Red Scale Palace.

Yaya and Xiaomei strolled on a waterfall bridge floating vertically in the sky.

"Heck... I'm busy today, Qingxian Master Yaya, are you okay, why are you free to come to my Red Scale Palace?"

During the walk, Xiaomei smiled coquettishly, with barking red eyes and a mischievous look.

"Cut! You don't know what's good or bad, isn't it okay for Sister Yaya to come to see you?"

Yaya Youlan's long hair fluttered, her blue eyes flashed with a smile and said angrily.

The two Nine-Heaven Immortals Fated to the Universe, floating on the Miaomiao Waterfall Bridge, are both beautiful and charming.

A bright red scale dress is shining, and a light blue fairy dress is floating. Looking at it from a distance or near, it is infinitely elegant and refined, with a natural and soul-stirring feeling.

"Heck, well, Xiaomei knows it's wrong. Sister Yaya is here, Xiaomei is really happy.

However, my cultivation of the magical power of creation is still good. Look at the brocade fish with colorful scales in the thousands of waterfalls around you. They are all inch long. I don’t know how cute they are. Sister Yaya just needs to praise me and don't blame me! "

Xiaomei held Yaya's right arm, raised her head sideways, looked at Yaya's beautiful side face, and said with a smile.

"Well, I saw it, but don't be proud, what we are doing now is just working hard for the vitality of the Nine Heavens Immortal Universe.

In the future, we will still have the ability to create life for countless people in the frontier universe, independently open up the barren universe outside the universe, and even create the universe..."

As the lord of Qingxian, Yaya taught the clan immortals is a consistent topic, following Xiaomei's words, she said habitually.

"Okay, okay, my good sister, Xiaomei knows, you have said it 8,000 times, if not 10,000 times.

It’s not easy to come here, hehe, let’s talk about something else, for example, back then, brother Yun, who was chasing who? "

Xiaomei shook Yaya's arm and said.

"Oh! Could it be that you, girl, have been moved by love? I don't know which young master has fallen into your eyes. Sister Yaya is very willing to grow old for you!"

Hearing this, Yaya stopped in her tracks and looked at Xiaomei who was blushing.

"No more, Sister Yaya is making fun of me again."

Xiaomei immediately turned around, stretched out her hand to get close to the waterfall, held a small bright red golden fish with a halo in her palm, and looked down.

"Hee hee... Sister Meimei is shy! Yaya Master, I know who Sister Meimei likes, brother Yiying..."

The little Jinlin fish in Xiaomei's hand opened its small mouth, spitting bubbles, shaking its head and floating, and said.


"You have a good eye, you girl! In the entire Nine Heavens Immortals' Fate Universe, there are a few beautiful fairies who don't like him, but you are convinced by you.

Um! My sister Xiaomei not only has eyesight, she is really charming! Can you tell me where Yiying likes you? "

Yaya said amusedly.

"Of course sister Meimei is beautiful and kind..."

The little Jinlinyu raised his head again to take the conversation.

"Fuck you, I won't talk to you anymore, go play!"

Xiaomei blushed even more, but her face was full of joy, and she gently sent the small scale brocade fish into the waterfall, smiling.

"Hee hee...hehe...hehe..."

The small brocade-scaled fish playing in the thousands of waterfalls all swam over curiously and laughed in unison.

"Hmph! You naughty ghosts are getting more and more naughty, sister Yaya, let's go, let's go somewhere else!"

Xiaomei was so shy that she took Yaya and quickly left the waterfall.

"Oh! Sister Meimei is shy! Sister Meimei is shy..."

The countless small scale brocade fish behind them shouted in unison.


Yaya was pulled by Xiaomei, fluttering for a while, and kept having fun.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to run away, it's not me who is being teased."

Yaya smiled, and then slowed down.

"Sister Yaya, don't listen to their nonsense!"

Xiaomei stomped her feet in shame.

"Okay, but Sister Yaya reminds you! If you really like Yiying, you have to cut through the mess quickly and make sure as soon as possible, otherwise he will be taken away at any time!"

Yaya reminded her seriously.

"No, brother Yiying said, he will always like me alone!"

Xiaomei said anxiously.


"Really! It seems that Sister Yaya should report the happy event to the emperor's palace for you! Our Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou is going to have a happy event again!"

Yaya smiled and turned the demon.

Xiaomei bowed her head when she heard the words, obviously liking it in her heart.

Shy for a long time, then asked:

"Sister Yaya, I know you are very busy, why did you come to me? Don't keep teasing me."

"What a smart and wonderful person, I know what to do about your affairs.

I'm here, of course I really miss you and come to see you. By the way, I would like to know something about the past of your venerable Our Lady of the Long River? "

It's not good for Yaya to ask Xiaomei directly if she can still feel the breath of Our Lady of Linhe, so she had to ask tentatively like this.


When Xiaomei heard the words, her expression became very displeased, and she said:

"Sister Yaya, don't you suspect that our Linhe Three Immortals are not up to the mark, so what are you doing with her!"

The trillions of immortal gods in the entire Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe knew that the Lady of Linhe and the Wuxiannan were hiding trolls, and after the creation of the Virgin of Linhe, he and the little devil turtle Lin'er naturally had this reaction.


"Silly girl, you are too sensitive. Emperor Xianyuan asked me to ask you about this. I was afraid that you would be overwhelmed. Emperor Xianyuan and Dad repeatedly told me to explain it clearly.

You know, Sister Yaya thinks we are sisters, there is no need to turn around and grind our feet, so I mentioned her directly!

Sister Yaya and the two saints never doubted Xiaomei and Lin'er, the little devil's insincerity. "

In order to alleviate the embarrassment, Yaya hurriedly said, and then explained in detail that the Virgin of Linhe and Wuxiannan might not be dead.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sister Yaya, I thought..."

When Xiaomei heard this, her fair face flushed again, she lowered her head and said in shame.

"Hehe... my good sister, you just need to understand, the two holy venerables have been worrying for a long time, because they were worried about the comfort of Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou, so they had to come to disturb my sister.

Why doesn't my sister know what you Linhe three immortals are taboo about, but only you know her and can sense whether she exists, so my sister is ashamed to ask. "

Yaya straightened Xiaomei's blue strands of hair fluttering from her temples, and said with a smile.

"Okay, sister Yaya, let me tell you everything I know about her and us."

Xiaomei and Yaya sat down, and Xiaomei talked about the Our Lady of Linhe for a long time.

Generally speaking, there are three points:

First, Our Lady of the Linhe is the main body of a water body called the Flower Spirit Alien Demon God, and another part of the water body has melted into the Frontier Universe.

Second, the three immortals of Linhe were created by Our Lady of Linhe.

Thirdly, the Emperor of the Nine Heavens Fate of the Immortals is in the shape of a wave of water in part of the water body of the Linhe Virgin, but later the form of the Emperor of the Nine Heavens of the Fate of the Immortals absorbs the water of God's life and gradually materializes.

Fourth, at present, they can't feel any breath of Our Lady of Linhe.

"It seems that we still have to count on Daddy's Star Sword to occupy it. Thank you, my sister, for telling me so many things I didn't know before, and I will definitely tell Zhou Emperor Palace in detail when I go back..."

Yaya listened carefully to Xiaomei's narration, thanked Xiaomei, and then the two sisters chatted intimately, drank each other, and enjoyed the scenery for a long time before Yaya bid farewell to Xiaomei who was in a good mood.

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