Nine Heavens

Chapter 2371 Photoelectric Second Protection

The nine heavens are bound to the universe, the vast and quiet night.

Suddenly, strange changes appeared in the far eastern border region.

A soundless red rainbow and a golden lightning that stretched to the ground suddenly appeared. After the miraculous light intersected, they turned into two figures, one red and one gold, and shot towards the heart of the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuan Zhou Zhou...

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"The two visitors from outside the universe are so arrogant. Flying in my Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe, it's like entering a desolate world without an owner."

These two figures, one red and one gold, were moving at top speed when suddenly a tall and mighty Anan appeared in front of him, wearing a robe of the stars, with a rough face, five-colored rainbows in his eyes, and a star sword on his feet, with black and white swirling around his head. The person who alternates with the Frisbee.

This person threw himself in front of the two very tall Guangyingdian, and laughed loudly.

"Wow, what are you?"

When the light and shadow electrician saw the person coming, he forcibly held back his momentum in shock, and both looked up and down at the person with five-color eyes.

"Huh? This god is the God Zhan of the Nine-Heaven Immortal Fate Universe. The first name of the front edge universe is Song Zhen. Where are you from the Immortal God of the Different Universe? Are you so good at speaking?"

Song Zhen raised his head and laughed loudly. After intercepting the other party, he heard the other party's words, and it was funny for a while.

Looking at them again, a gold and silver arc flashed all over his body, and a red, blue and yellow tricolor light surged wildly, with golden eyes and colorful eyes, sarcastically.

"Wow! The flower spirit and willow spirit are really powerful. Not only did they immortalize this wild world, but they also created such a god, hehe! Interesting, interesting.

Look at Jindian Fenghu, he has black and white eyebrows, five-colored eyes, and the quality of life is good! "

Yi Zhou God, who was flashing red and blue lights, shook his head and looked Song Zhen up and down.

Then he stepped forward, looked around Song Zhen, poked his neck behind Song Zhen and shouted at the God of Jindian Yizhou.

"Moo! It's really good. Although the fate style is ugly, it's justified. It's just that the eyebrows are grown too much, neither black nor white, black and white, probably caused by poor nutrition in this wild world."

The Golden Lightning God, known as the Golden Electric Seal Guard, curled his lips, with golden and silver arcs coming out of his mouth, and nodded slightly. In front of Song Zhen, he didn't care about Song Zhen's feelings at all, stroking Song Zhen's face, beard and eyebrows.

He also grabbed two of Song Zhen's beards, grilled them with an electric arc, threw them into the electric mouth, then rolled his eyes to savor his attitude, and said:

"Light protection, is a star attribute, five-color fate soul!"

"This is a rare commodity. It is already unbelievable to create some gods and demons with grass and wood attributes in such a barren and wild world. The flower spirit and willow spirit actually created such a god.

good! good! I took him in, went back to process it, and used it as a god model for my grandson, saving him from creating some gods uglier than him! "

Jin Dian was very satisfied with Song Zhen. He raised his palm, which was crackling with gold and silver arcs, and a small battery appeared in his palm, and he was going to put Song Zhen in it.

"Ha ha……"

Song Zhen laughed out loud when he saw this, and his soul was moved. On the sky, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, sun, and moon, seven rulers and kings appeared together. From a height of hundreds of millions of miles, they suddenly shot down seven rainbows, forming a huge seven-color light urn, engulfing the gold. Electricity and three light seals shrouded it.

And Song Zhen laughed and jumped far outside the urn.

"Yeah! There's more on it?"

After Jin Dian and Sanguang Fenghu were trapped, they looked up at the sky, their eyes were bright, and they were amazed.

"Hehe...Jianzhan Zhouzun, hurry up and show mercy, they are the second photoelectric guards of Huizhou who are ordered by us, and we notified them to come!

We went back and forth, and the two Wei Pengs came again, offended! "

Song Zhen saw two ignorant guys trapped by light, so he wanted to give them some color. Unexpectedly, two other universe gods suddenly shot from behind.

The leader is a young man wearing a blue divine robe and whirling around him, and beside him is a heroic man with white water flowing all over his body.

The person in the blue robe at the head shouted.

"Oh, you should be Weiming Huizhou's wind and rain protection!"

Song Zhen felt that the two were coming from the two supernatural and magical powers that he had been tracking and analyzing recently, and he said with a shock in his heart.

"That's right, I'm ashamed to say that we were treated civilly by your Immortal Fate Emperor, yet we did indecent things.

On that day, when we were saying goodbye to Emperor Xianyuan and were about to leave the Nine Heavens Xianyuan Universe, we suddenly discovered the clues of the god Hualing Liujing we were following.

So we stayed incognito. At that time, we were not sure about our judgment, and we didn't want to leave, so we have been observing them secretly during this time.

In the past few days, we have repeatedly verified and finally confirmed our judgment, so we passed on Yuanzhou and summoned the two guardians of Guangguang to come to help, and wanted to go deep into the pursuit of Huizhou's traitorous flower spirit Liu Jing!

And then... this? Please also Jian Zhan Zhou Zun Haihan, we will go to the Nine Heavens Xianyuan Palace with you, and sincerely apologize to you and Xianyuan Emperor. "

The blue robe is sealed in the wind, and the words are sincere, explaining the whole story.

"Well! Feng Fenghu is being polite. To tell you the truth, we soon found out that you didn't leave. This Zhou Zun has been sending the seven political kings above to follow you.

Because I saw that you hadn't done anything to harm Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou, and I knew the reason why you stayed, so I just watched secretly and didn't disturb.

The flower spirits and willow spirits you are following, according to our deduction, we already know something about them. Venerable Ben Zhou also hoped that the four entrusted Hui Zhou Fenghu would accompany Ben Zhou Venerable to enter the Xianyuan Shrine, and discuss this matter with Emperor Xianyuan in detail.

This is a major issue that must be resolved as soon as possible for you and us! "

Song Zhen was not a stingy person at all. Hearing that the other party was respectful and civilized, he didn't feel angry about the photoelectric seal, so he nodded and said.

"There is even a shrine here!?"

Song Zhen lifted the light urn shot down by King Qizhengzhan, sealed it with light, opened the eyes of the god of the universe, and looked around. Only then did he discover the scene of nine heavenly celestial beings and fairy palaces floating in the universe, and he exclaimed in astonishment .

"Hehe, the four guardians of Photoelectric Wind and Rain, please!"

Song Zhen didn't say much when he heard the words, and smiled.

"Please trouble Xianyuan Zhouzun to lead the way!"

Feng Fenghu signaled Song Zhen to lead the way, and he and the three Wei friends followed respectfully.

"Hehe, Feng Fenghu is being polite."

Song Zhen led the way, no one drifted in the night sky, and flew towards the Xianyuan Zhou Palace with a gorgeous rainbow around him.

In the Xianyuan Zhou Palace, Liu Qianlang sat firmly on the Xianyuan Zhou Emperor's seat, watching Song Zhen and the four life-saving Huizhou seals coming steadily towards him.

"Ha ha……"

"The two former guardians flew across the universe, and now the four guardian gods have entered the palace. It's very lucky for the Nine Heavens and the Universe! It's very lucky for the Immortals to be billions of trillions!"

Seeing Song Zhen leading the four life-defining guardians to the palace, Liu Qianlang floated down the steps of the palace, smiling loudly to greet him.

"Emperor Xianyuan is magnanimous, I am ashamed!"

Feng Fenghu entered De Xianyuan Zhou Palace, his face was full of fever, and his heart was full of embarrassment. When he didn't know how to open his mouth to apologize, Liu Qianlang was already close to him, holding hands to support him, leading several Fenghu and his brother Song Zhen to step up the hall steps. Sincerely said.

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