Nine Heavens

Chapter 2373 Soul Godseki

"Death Devourer! I don't know how to call those three Death Devourers?"

Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen both frowned and concentrated. After thinking for a while, Song Zhen asked.

"Three soul dead skulls, death cosmic witch and dark moon. They are all evil spirits and evil spirits who have repented from evil in the third cosmic era.

The three dead souls, the defeated body swallowed the soul energy of the three giant demons of the third epoch of Weiming Huizhou. He has three avatars, one named Qi Ai, one named Xu Xiao, and one named Death Son.

The death witch devours the soul of an extremely intelligent cultivator, so he is very cunning, sinister and unpredictable, and is good at changing shapes.

Wu Yue's nature is not too bad, but because she has devoured the souls of a pair of lovers named Li Yue Mingmei and the cruel lover who hates ghosts, she is often used by the former two.

Although these three evil beings did not have the body of the source of life, after all, they were evil creatures born by Ming Huizhou, so they were born with some creative spells.

For example, they can easily create filthy underworld, greedy ghosts, etc. in the empty space of the void universe.

They used to do evil in Weiminghui for a long time, and later Emperor Zhou issued a decree to track and kill them, but unfortunately, they ran away after hearing the news, and they disappeared after that!

Frankly speaking, the decree that only ordered Huizhou Emperor to bestow on the four of us has both light and dark aspects. The clear purpose is to hunt down the flower spirit and willow spirit, but the secret purpose is to hunt down the three evils!

The reason is very simple. Although Hua Ling and Liu Jing are good, their intention of stealing the magic lotus and awakening was not evil.

It's because they are young and energetic, and they want to secretly go to the universe to compete with each other's creation gods. The intention is to be angry, but the essence is not malicious.

But the three evils are different. They are the source of evil, and they will give evil wherever they go! So for the three evils, there is only one way to kill them! As for the flower spirit and willow essence, after hunting them back, we can only see how Emperor Zhou decides!

What we are most worried about now is not that the flower spirit and willow spirit are hidden in your Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe, but we are even more worried..."

Feng Fenghu mentioned the three evil spirits fleeing Huizhou, his blue eyes were full of worry.

"In the dark, we have cooperated tacitly for a long time. We only ordered Emperor Huizhou to shake the universe with kindness and virtue. Fortunately, two of the three evil spirits who were hunted down by the four seal guards have been killed by us in the frontier universe. !

Now there is only the dark moon you mentioned, in the form of Empress Li Yue and Canqing Liu in our life-saving Huizhou.

But now they are no longer called Empress Li Yue and Canqing. Now one of them is called Princess Yingyao and the other is called Ganoderma Lucidum, and they are both brothers and god sisters who are close friends of Emperor Xianyuan. "

When Liu Qianlang first heard that the three evils might be in the Nine Heavens Immortal Fated Universe, his heart tightened suddenly, but after hearing which three evils they were, he couldn't help laughing again.

"They were killed by you!?"

The four Fenghu who only ordered Huizhou obviously didn't believe it, they looked at each other in astonishment for a long time, Fengfenghu sighed:

"No! None of them died. Two Nine-Heaven Immortals Yuan Yuan Zhou, please look at this, this is the god-seed wheel that Emperor Zhou gave you to track them.

If they die, their fateful souls will return to their positions, and their corresponding soul stones will display the colors of the rainbow.

Now their soul stones have always been the azure blue color of the sign of fresh soul life, which proves that they have not been wiped out at all.

Not only that, but there is an extra soul position on the disk, which should be yours.

Because in your Nine Heavens Immortal Universe, currently only you have cultivated yourself to become the Body of Life Source.

And you also belong to a part of the great universe beyond the universe that our Weiming Huizhou now controls, so your existence already has a god stone on the God Seed Wheel of Emperor Weiming Huizhou. "

When Liu Qianlang was secretly happy in his heart, what he didn't want to see was that the four Fenghu shook their heads repeatedly, and then heard Feng Fenghu say these words.


Liu Qianlang exclaimed.

"Then where are they now? We really wiped them out in the Frontier Universe!"

Song Zhen couldn't help but suddenly realized that, together with Liu Qianlang, he and Liu Qianlang stared intently at a small blue halo floating in Fengfenghu's palm, and fell into deep thought.

The sacred disk is a structure with a convex bottom and a concave top, and the whole body is white. There are circles of lotus-shaped depressions in it, and a small blue sacred stone is inlaid in each depression, and no one is empty. .

Every small sacred stone shone with a miraculous blue halo, covering the entire divine disk, looking around it, it looked like a faint blue ball of light.

"They must have committed evil in your frontier universe, and then reincarnated, and maybe returned to the primordial universe with your evolution!"

While Liu Qianlang and Song Zhenzheng were thinking about it, Fengfeng Hushi uttered a shocking word, and the two of them were shocked when they heard the words, and then their faces were solemn.

The six were silent for a long time.

"Yaya, immediately secretly order the three Linhe Immortals to go to the palace!"

Liu Qianlang quickly recalled in Qian Yuanzhou's mind about the son of death, Xu Xiao, Qi Ai, the witch of death, and even Emperor Aoyuluo, his own shadow Ouyang Langlong, and suddenly felt that the nine-day immortal Yuanzhou was in crisis, Soul Nian said in a distant voice.


Yaya is far away in her Yunshui Linggong, and replied.

In just one stick of incense, Xiaomei, Lin'er and Xiaomogui, the three Linhe High Immortals, have already floated down to the Palace of Immortal Fate.

"The three Immortals of the Linhe River, please be kind. The emperor of this universe did not trust you, so he announced you to come. It is really out of helplessness, and I have to ask you about something.

The four gods of different universes in the hall are the four guardians of our Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe, the universe of the great wonder outside the universe. They came to track down the evil god who rebelled against the universe.

Among these demon gods who rebelled against the universe, there is your founding ancestor, the Holy Mother of Linhe. I hope the three immortals of Linhe understand. "

Although Liu Qianlang is aloof now, he still has a simple heart and respects all his subordinates. Before asking, I comforted him first.

"Thank you Emperor Yuan for your reassurance, even if Emperor Xian Yuan doesn't announce us, we plan to speak in the hall recently.

It is a matter of the safety of the entire Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe, which is more important, right and wrong, we all know what Emperor Yuan wants to know, we know everything, and we can say everything! "

Xiaomei greeted the six people in the hall with a salute, and replied crisply.

"Hmm! These three light immortals, with their beautiful appearance and sassy demeanor, are definitely pure in soul and bright in heart, great kindness and true immortals.

It seems that when Hua Ling and Liu Jing created this wild universe, they were not all pretentious. "

Feng Fenghu's azure eyes flashed rainbow, looked at the three immortals of Linhe who stopped in the hall for a while, nodded and commented.

"That's right! These three children are among the countless young immortals in our Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe, the elite among the elites, and are highly praised by the elders.

The Emperor Xianyuan is full of expectations for them. They are now far ahead in the forefront of practicing the magic of creation. Countless creation waterfalls have created many gorgeous scales! "

Hearing Feng Fenghu's words of praise, Liu Qianlang was very happy, so he also praised the three immortals of Linhe for the purpose of calming their minds.

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