Nine Heavens

Chapter 2374 Expulsion of all space souls

"Thank you for the compliments from Emperor Yuan and God of Yizhou. If you have anything to ask, just ask!"

The three Immortals of Linhe listened to Emperor Yuan's comforting words, and were grateful, and said one after another.

"Well, I will be blunt. Recently, we suspect that the Virgin of Linhe and Wu Xiannan are still alive and have been hiding in a corner of the Nine Heavens.

Talking with the four Dharma protectors who only live in Huizhou just now, further confirms that our suspicion is correct. So I, Emperor Xianyuan announced that you are here, and I want to ask if you have a way to sense where they are hiding? "

Since he had to ask, Liu Qianlang didn't waste any more time and asked directly.

The three immortals of Linhe shook their heads helplessly when they heard the words, Xiaomei replied:

"I'm ashamed, just now Sister Yaya asked me about this situation, but for some reason, since she is alive, the three of us can't feel her breath at all.

This kind of situation has never happened before. Although our three immortals have completely transformed into immortals, their spiritual bodies have not changed. If she is still alive, there is no reason why we cannot sense her! "

"It's no wonder that even our four guardians of Weiming Huizhou can't sense their original aura, and it's even more difficult for you to sense their intentional avoidance or similar means of splitting their spirits!

What's more likely is that because of their lack of foundation and the energy consumption of creating the universe, it is unknown whether they are controlled by the three-spirited skeleton and the soul of the dead zodiac witch and demon! "

Hearing Xiaomei's answer, Feng Fenghu was not too surprised and sighed.

"What Feng Fenghu said is true. This is what Emperor Xianyuan is most afraid of. If it is true as you said, their strength must be unimaginably terrifying. Maybe they are brewing something destructive at this very moment. conspiracy.

Now the Three Immortals of Linhe are our only clues, however, the other party must have thought of it, so they intentionally hold their breath of the induction soul energy of the Three Immortals of Linhe.

That's why the Linhe Three Immortals couldn't sense them. Now I am clear and the enemy is dark, it is time for us to find them, otherwise...

I don't know what Feng Fenghu's opinion is, can he find them as soon as possible? "

Liu Qianlang's eyes were filled with worry, and he looked around at the people above and below the hall, and asked.

"Since Emperor Xianyuan heard so much, I would like to offer some suggestions to Fenghu.

First of all, we must seek evil, but protecting the safety of all the immortals in Jiutianxianyuanzhou is the most important thing, so the first thing Xianyuandi has to do is to warn Manzhouxianshen to strengthen self-protection.

Secondly, we will continue to work hard in various ways, and continue to pursue and analyze their state of existence. If possible, Emperor Xianyuan can carry out the soul-searching of the immortals and gods of the whole universe one by one. Although it will take time, he will definitely be able to find where they are hiding!

Third, our actions will inevitably cause their actions. In order to prevent them from escaping from the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe, Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe should be able to seal the universe, and closely guard the inside and outside of the universe to absolutely ensure that they have no chance of escaping. The next thing is that we use gradually deeper methods to force them to show up! "

Feng Fenghu thought for a while, but also said with serious eyes and deep words.

"Thank you, Feng Fenghu, for reminding me that these three points are absolutely necessary. Sealing the universe can contain the enemy, expelling the soul can check the enemy, and ensuring the safety of trillions of gods and gods is the wish of the Emperor Xianyuan.

Fourth brother, immediately transmit the sound to Jiuying, and let them secretly seal the world with Jiuding as soon as possible.

Then Chuanyin Qixiang Palace asked Sister Juan to arrange the matter of expelling the soul, she is the best at worrying about the soul.

Trouble Sirius Zhou Jun Yuanfang and Darkness-seeking Emperor have been working harder recently, Wolf Fort always surveys the sky, and the astrolabe passes through the universe. Once heresy is discovered, we will join forces immediately.

At the same time, it was ordered to all the palaces of the universe that after the ninth day of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate, a soul fighting game will be held in the whole universe, and all immortals and gods, regardless of their status, must participate.

Immediately start to sign up for the soul test in Qixiang Palace, and it will be completed within nine days. On the tenth day, the competition will start in Yunshan of Shaoxianyu! "

Liu Qianlang's thinking was quick, and he acted decisively. When talking, he became mature in thinking and gave orders decisively.

"Yes, third brother!"

Song Zhen's black and white eyebrows twisted violently, and after responding, the five-color eyes shot out five-color rainbows.

These rainbows suddenly shot towards Zhou Qiong in different directions outside the palace.

"Okay! Fourth brother, the most important thing is to trouble you to divination and Xingchen Dao's Qizheng King, who have exhausted their souls for a long time, and it is not ruled out that they are scheming and doing something.

Only here, no matter how cunning they are, as long as Xingchen Dao captures them, they will immediately have nothing to hide. "

After watching Song Zhen send the message, Liu Qianlang said to Song Zhen again.

"Third brother, don't worry, these things, when I came here, I have already explained it. Your two younger brothers and sisters have also joined the Star Dao, and now they will be able to perform divination in a decent way!"

The friendship between Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen cannot be expressed in words, they can cooperate tacitly with each other just by looking at each other.


Liu Qianlang simply agreed, nodded deeply, and then said to the four guardians of Weiming Huizhou:

"From now on, the four guardians will use the name of Huizhou Immortal God to come to the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou to travel, and it is enough to come and go in a fair manner.

On the one hand, it can deter them and prevent them from being easily exposed, and we will speed up our actions to find out their existence as soon as possible!

There will be a soul fighting game after nine days, and it would be fairest to have the four guardians as referees, haha..."

Speaking of this, Liu Qianlang had some confidence in his heart and said with a smile.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say, the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuan Zhou Emperor is so vigorous and orderly, and I really admire it. Xianyuan Emperor, rest assured, as long as they appear on the Soul Fighting Cloud Mountain, we will definitely take the opportunity to take them down."

The four Fenghu naturally understood what Liu Qianlang meant, they laughed together, and Feng Fenghu said.

"I don't know if the three Immortals of Linhe River have any important and busy matters these days, I hope that the three of you will go to Qixiang Palace to assist Qixiang Zhoujun in the nine-day soul injection work."

At the end, Liu Qianlang turned his eyes to the Three Immortals of Linhe, His Highness, and asked with a smile.

"Thank you for the trust of Emperor Xianyuan. No matter how important the matter of Linhe Palace is, it is better for Emperor Xianyuan to be full of confidence and take orders from the three immortals of Linhe!"

Hearing Liu Qianlang's arrangement, Linhe's three immortals were all grateful. Because such a thing let me participate, this is obviously a trust in myself.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, you guys go, Mr. Qixiang Zhou was still here yesterday and said that he missed you, once you arrive, she will be so happy."

Liu Qianlang smiled and nodded, watching the three immortals of Linhe happily leave the palace every now and then.


"Third brother has become more and more affectionate after becoming Emperor Xianyuan, and he is so caring to the juniors. No wonder eldest brother Wu Yazi said that if he is destined to be brothers with third brother, he would be willing to die. Fourth brother can't believe it!"

After following the matter of Sanxie and Hualing Liujing, everyone had a more or less outline, and their hearts were relieved, and the atmosphere of the conversation was naturally a little more funny.

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