Nine Heavens

Chapter 2376

The Three Immortals of Linhe came to Qixiang Palace early, it was still early, and those who came to sign up had not yet come, but Liu Juan had already sat in Lixian Palace and waited.

Seeing the three immortals of Linhe approaching with joy on their faces, they all nodded knowingly with each other.

In the last few days of signing up, Liu Juan found out that the Spiritual Demon Palace and the Love Palace that were closest to her had not been moving, and her heart became vigilant.

Liu Juan still understands that Fengmei from the Palace of Hate and Love will not come, and she will never have the slightest doubt.

On the one hand, he is clear about Fengmei's bottom, on the other hand, no matter the flower spirit and willow essence, or the three-spirited skeleton, the death witch has no ability to surpass Fengmei's immortal ability, and it is impossible to take her fairy house.

Besides, Fengmei Fengzhou has been out for countless years, and she doesn't know the news of the soul fighting game outside, so it's normal not to come.

However, Yingyao Palace, which is adjacent to the palace, should have received the decree of Emperor Xianyuan on the first day, but they kept coming, obviously they had some scruples.

Therefore, Liu Juan speculated that they might be the ones they were looking for, so she told the Three Immortals of Linhe to be extra careful these few days, and if they went to the Three Immortals of Linhe, no matter what the conditions were, they would agree.

Now, as expected by Liu Juan, the three immortals of Linhe came rushing over happily, they stared at each other and nodded, they smiled tacitly at each other, then continued to work without saying a word.

For the next two days, Liu Juan and Linhe Sanxian felt a lot more relaxed in their nervous hearts. On the last day, they finally successfully completed the registration work.

The next day was the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou's seemingly entertaining and relaxing Shaoxianyu Fighting Yunshan Soul Fighting Game Competition. The immortal gods who don't know the real purpose of this soul fighting game competition naturally sleep soundly, but the saints of the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou can't sleep at night, each thinking about what may happen after tonight in their own shrines all night.

"Third brother, are you asleep?"

Song Zhen sat cross-legged in the star meditation formation of the Star Palace, without any sleepiness, but was very surprised to see the countless divine divination stars around him.

It stands to reason that his own divination theology, throughout the ages, has an insight into the major events that have happened in the universe for hundreds of millions of years, absolutely no problem.

However, what surprised him was that it was supposed to happen tomorrow, Song Zhen used the easily used star divination method, but he couldn't get any information about Hua Ling and Liu Jing in the next day's soul fighting game.


Song Zhen deduced repeatedly, the five-colored eyes stared closely at the star formation, the changes of the chaotic Luoxiang Promise Disk and the Star Sword.

After countless deductions, Song Zhen remained puzzled. Star Sword and Chaos Luo Xiang Wuji Pan also played around Song Zhen to their heart's content. Not at all into the state.

The more Song Zhen pushed, the more confused he became, and the more confused he became, the more anxious he became. He was so anxious that he couldn't bear it, so he asked the third elder brother Jiutian Xianyuandi of Xianyuan Palace.

"Hehe, it's no wonder that the Taoist friends near the palace can sleep if you're tossing around like that. You might as well come to Xianyuan Palace and see your Star Palace.

In the middle of the night, the stars burst into the rainbow, and they all turned into rainbow mountains in the sky, so amazing! "

Liu Qianlang also echoed the distant voice of the soul, and replied.

"Oh! Really, I was confused for a while, and forgot to seal the palace mask."

Song Zhen couldn't find anything through divination, and he didn't bother anymore. Hearing the words of the third brother Jiutian Xianyuandi, he leaned over, looked up, and looked around.

In the world of immortals and gods, because every shrine is a place where powerful gods exist, and their magical powers are terrifying.

Any action they make will turn the world upside down, and the universe will hang upside down. If there is no package outside the palace to block it, then it will be fine.

Therefore, in the realm of immortals and gods, each shrine is a layer of palace cover outside their respective palaces. It is usually closed, so although there are many palaces in the Immortal God Realm, no matter how much movement there is in a certain palace, if the palace is closed, the outside will not feel much.

However, powerful deities like Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen could sense it.

"That's fine, let's just pretend that your Star Palace is shining for tomorrow's Soul Fighting Game Contest?"

Liu Qianlang opened his mouth wide and laughed loudly.

"Ha ha……"

"Third brother's sense of humor is really increasing day by day, I'm going crazy, you're still making fun of fourth brother.

The third brother analyzed it for me, why can't I divination any information about tomorrow's Soul Fighting Game Competition? "

"That's why it's so strange. The Soul Fighting Game Competition in Shaoxianyu won't be able to be held tomorrow. It's strange that the fourth brother can divination its future information."

"Huh? Third brother, what do you mean by what you said? What do you mean it can't be held? I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. Everything is ready, so why can't it be held?"

"Hehe, you only care about calculating the future, you can figure it out by pinching your fingers."

"Yeah, I just think about what will happen in the future, how can I ignore the past."

Song Zhen stepped on the star sword and shot out of his own star palace, and suddenly appeared beside Liu Qianlang.

Liu Qianlang habitually sits cross-legged and floats above Jiutian Xianyuan Palace overlooking the sky above the cliff, and when he opens his eyes, he can see everything in Jiutian Xianyuan Universe.

"How about it, is it over?"

"Oh! This is unlikely, who is so capable, actually entered the Qixiang Palace and stole the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Cosmic Wheel, could it be Fengmei!"

"En! You're right, except for you and me, Sister Juan, Yuanfang's family, Emperor Xun'an's family, Yaya and other countless young immortals, and only Fengmei can go to Qixiang Palace without prior notice."

"No, why did Fengmei prevent us from forcing out the Flower Spirit and Willow Essence?"

"He doesn't want us to kill Wu Xiannan!"

"Does Fengmei still have feelings for him?"

"No, not at all!"

"Then why..."

"For the heartless people who can be killed with their own hands!"

"This is really something that the fourth brother never thought of. But having said that, there is nothing wrong with Fengmei doing this. It's just that Fengmei has been in the palace and hated for countless years.

It is estimated that the magical skills are quite wasteful, fighting with them, wouldn't it be a disadvantage! "

"You don't have to worry about her strength. What worries me is that Fengmei hates too much and has already planted a demon seed. Once she loses control of herself, she will turn into a cosmic demon!"

"This is impossible. We can't just watch Fengmei fall into the devil. We must do our best to help her."

"Third brother, why don't you want to, but Fengmei is also mysterious now. I used the Xianyuan Xianxin chain to track her whereabouts, but all ended in failure.

She deliberately sealed off Nine Heavens Immortal Yuan Yuan Qi, not wanting me to find out where she is, so how can we help if we want to. If the prediction is correct, she has already been to the Spirit Demon Palace, and the ganoderma lucidum and the Spirit Demon Princess have already been abducted by him. "

"She moves so fast, how does she know the real identity of Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao better than us?"

"Perhaps this is the power of hatred. On the surface, life is worse than death if the palace is sealed off to hate love. But in fact, we underestimated or underestimated Fengmei.

It is true that she is suffering from a loss of love, but she is still the same as us, always caring about Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou. So she didn't get up after a setback, on the contrary, she closed the palace and hated her love, and she practiced crazily.

She wanted to completely kill Wuxiannan who betrayed her, and at the same time, she wanted to make Jiutianxianyuanzhou never have such hypocritical fairy gods as Wuxiannan, so she did something that was both expected and unexpected! "


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