Nine Heavens

Chapter 2377 Demon Fire Purgatory

Jiutian Xianyuan Universe, an area far away from Xianyuan Palace.

Looking from the outside, it is no different from other places in Jiutianxian Yuanzhou, but there is a closed airspace inside, to be precise, it is a demon-torturing realm.

Cheng Shifeng, a spirit demon Zhou Jun, has created a long-standing demon realm.


"Who are you!?"

"Why did you bring us here?"

"Hmph! Show yourself if you have the ability!"


In the Devil's Territory, the sky above is full of raging flames, rushing and rolling, and the sea of ​​​​flames below, blazing magma gushes out and swirls...

In the ubiquitous red-orange-purple ocean of fire, boundless and turbulent, Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao were bound with countless chains of magic, hanging in the fiery magic fire, being constantly washed and swallowed by the fire wave magma, disappearing and reappearing, Appears and disappears.

They screamed and howled and cursed.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

A burst of sad women's laughter hovered over their heads, like a heart-wrenching knife, making Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao listen to it in the second middle school, and their hearts and souls were disgusted.

"Don't think that you can fool all the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou people by wearing the two layers of new ancient fairy skins of Li Yue Niangniang and Canqing, Wu Xiannan and Linhe Madonna!

Three soul skeletons! Death Zhou Wu, don't continue to pretend, you won't be able to pretend for long in this demon hunting fire prison, and the fairy skin outside your body will be burned and melted naturally! "

Sad laughter, mixed with cynicism.

"Who are you? We seem to have no grievances or enmities. What is your origin with Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou?"

The sea of ​​souls is filled with dead sons, mourning, vain souls, and remnants, the remnant souls of Wu Xiannan, and the so-called Ganoderma lucidum questioned by Ouyang Langlong's regretful soul thoughts.

"I'm not a human, nor a fairy, nor a god or demon. I am love, hate betrayal, hate playing with, hate hypocrisy... hate all evil love—"

The circling laughter was mixed with shrill cries, sometimes angry, sometimes vicious, sometimes violent, sometimes unstoppable...

"It turns out that you are Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhou Jun, one of the four star gods of the Nine Heavens Fate of the Immortals! It's ironic, aren't you all obsessed with the great good and the fairy fate? Why have you also fallen into the devil's way!

Is it for him? Giggle... how stupid you are! The fairy skin mist fairy man outside him, when did he really like any of you human fairies?

The human fairy he played with, you are just one of countless sons, you are still infatuated with him, it is really stupid.

And the outermost layer of spirit skin outside his body is the ruthless skin of your front-end Zhou Yaoxian. He loves Empress Li Yue, not you!

Now most of Liu Jing's soul has been transformed into Wu Xiannan, who has just been taken away by the three-soul skeleton, and the remnant soul will soon be gone. We can also count as your revenge for being played with, so why ruin our good deeds! "

Zhou Wu, who turned into the Virgin of Linhe, finally guessed who the other party was from the other party's words, and sneered.

"Your good deed! Bah! You can dream, with my spirit demon Lord Zhou here, you don't even think about destroying the idea of ​​​​destroying Nine Heavens Immortal Yuan Zhou.

Don't say that Wuxiannan's beast is not dead yet, even you dead monsters, this Zhou Lord will never let him go!

It's really heaven helping me. I pretended to be that Fengfenghu, and I tricked you here so easily. This is the last purgatory I carefully prepared for you.

You die here, and then I pick out the remnants of Wu Xiannan from your dead souls, and I want to flog him forever! Ha ha……"

The stern laughter once again echoed in the boundless Demon Hunting Inferno Prison.

"Oh ha ha... ha ha..."


Boom! Boom...

Ganoderma lucidum suddenly burst into laughter, the sluggish body, suddenly the red purple magic rainbow flourished, and all the chains on the body were broken with a roar, the red devil hung wildly, with a ferocious face, and laughed wildly.

"Huh? So you?"

"Of course, you turned into a demon because of immortality, and no matter how we are the primordial demons of Huizhou, it's a joke that you want to control us with your little ability of fallen demons.

You can't help guessing, why did we come here with you, but don't guess, I am not interested in you! "

"Bah! Don't even think about it, as long as I'm alive, it's absolutely impossible to win the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate and the Eternal Immortal Breath Divine Disk!"

The voice that had been laughing suddenly stopped, paused for a while, and cursed.

"Hmph! Then you're dead. Do you think we'll let you live?

You are so pitifully stupid, if you were outside this devil purgatory, we really wouldn't dare to kill you so easily.

However, to our great surprise, there are still people as stupid as you, even your elder brother Nine Heavens Immortal Yuan Zhou Emperor can kill us, yet you show off your skills by bringing us here and wanting to kill us, you seem stupid Not longevity, this really makes sense!

What are you waiting for, hand over the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe Immortal Breath Plate just created by Qixiang Zhoujun and Linhe Sanxian! After you die, we can control the Immortal Breath Plate, and massacre and kill all the Nine Heavens Immortal Gods batch after batch! giggling..."

Princess Yingyao also broke the chains of demons outside her body with a bang, and she and Ganoderma lucidum seeds soared into the fire sky high above. Not long after, they saw long blue hair fluttering, blue eyes shining, and orchids with white background floating around. Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhou Jun.

"Oh! Your immortal soul is demonized, but your immortal body remains, haha... Such a beauty, it's a pity to destroy it. Princess Yingyao, it's okay to destroy the soul, and keep her immortal body for me. What a shame! Terrific.

Afterwards, infuse her with a few traces of charm, and she will be my concubine in the future! "

Ganoderma lucidum saw Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhoujun floating in the fire, and laughed obscenely.

Then, he suddenly appeared in front of the spirit monster Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng, raising his hand to caress the spirit monster Zhou Lord Cheng Shifeng's face.


However, before he raised his hand, the white-faced Tiger King, who was trampled under the feet of the spirit demon Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng, suddenly roared angrily, shook his head and spewed fire, planed wildly with all four feet, bowed back, and suddenly slammed on the Ganoderma lucidum seed. Pounced.

Next came a war of monsters.

However, no matter how powerful the White-faced Tiger King is, he is doomed to die in front of Ganoderma lucidum. Make up for a pitch-black evil rainbow.

The white-faced tiger king whimpered, and finally stared at the spirit monster Zhou Jun, turned back and backed up, backed up, and then was slowly swallowed by the raging fire.

"No! Xiaobai—"

Seeing this, Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon king, immediately shot to chase after him, and then hugged the white-faced tiger king who had been swallowed by the raging fire in his arms.

The white-faced Tiger King has returned to his original body, a heroic young man dressed in a jet-black jacket.

"Ahem...Xiaobai is really useless, I will never be able to protect the director again!"

The white-faced tiger king coughed violently, opened his eyes with difficulty and looked at the only woman in his life who respected and cared for him, and smiled wryly.

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