Nine Heavens

Chapter 2379 Yuan Emperor's strange act

"Hmph! Let's go!"

boom! boom!

At the time when Jiutian Xianyuan Emperor Liu Qianlang and several gods watched their loved ones perish and fell into infinite sorrow, the four seals who were ordered to destroy the universe frowned and concentrated, and saw the northwest direction outside Xianyuan Palace through perspective. In the distance, a group of sky exploded with magic billows.

The four seal guards all decided in their hearts that it must be the three-spirited skeleton, the dead Zhou witch, or the flower spirit and willow spirit who forced to kill the spirit demon Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng, so the wind seal shouted, and the four seal guards came to leave.

However, at this moment, two figures roared into the hall from outside the palace, and they also fell heavily on the hall. Just a few steps away from the fall of the spirit monster Zhou Jun, he yelled wildly:

"Emperor Xianyuan, save us, save us..."

Then the two figures also fell to the ground with a bang, a man and a woman, both with disheveled hair, passed out.

"This this?"

But order the four guardians of Huizhou to see clearly that the people on the ground are Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao, who have been paying attention to by the immortals recently! Can't help being stunned for a moment.

"How could they be hunted down!?"

In such a situation, no matter how sad Emperor Xianyuan was, he had no choice but to turn his head, with a dazed expression on his face, and focused his attention on shooting the light, using his eyesight to examine the ganoderma lucidum seed and Princess Yingyao who fell to the ground and passed out.

Song Zhen, Liu Juan, Sirius Zhou Jun are doing the same thing.

After Song Zhen sighed, he discovered that the two were absolutely Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao. Their spiritual bodies were pure, their souls were peaceful, and they were not taken away at all.

Song Zhen twitched his black and white eyebrows, looked around the crowd blankly, and asked in surprise.

"Did we make a mistake in our judgment?"

Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan was also at a loss, reluctantly accepting Fengmei into the soul gate, with a cold face, thinking about the matter in front of her.

Emperor Xianyuan, stabilized for a moment, suddenly bright red waves surged under his feet, and the Nine Heavens Xianyuan sword came out, whistling and shot out of the palace.

Behind him, Liu Juan, Lord of the Odd Fragrance, and Lord Cheng Yuan, the Sirius of Heaven, did not move, but ordered the four guardians of Huizhou and Song Zhen to accompany him like a shadow.

Not long after, Liu Qianlang and the people behind appeared outside the exploded Fire Demon Purgatory.

Standing on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, Liu Qianlang stared for a long time at the red, purple and red intertwined waves formed by the explosion of the fire demon purgatory, without saying a word.

About an hour later, Liu Qianlang mobilized the supernatural Shun Dun divine method, and personally arranged another layer of the world-sealing method that no one knew about the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou, and then flew back to the palace without caring about the people behind him.


Liu Qianlang sat on Gao Gaoxian Yuandi's seat, leaned over and stared coldly at His Highness Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao who had been in a coma for several hours, Liu Qianlang's face was cold, and he sneered wildly.

"Sister Juan, Yuanfang, the fourth brother, the four guardians, please help me to wake them up for me!"

Liu Qianlang said.


Liu Juan and Lord Sirius Zhou have been watching Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao closely, waiting for Liu Qianlang to come back to deal with them.

According to the speculation of the two of them, regardless of whether Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao are still pure immortals, Emperor Xianyuan will strictly control them, at least seal the other party's immortal body, and then unseal it after clarifying everything.

However, contrary to their expectations, Emperor Xianyuan did not do this, but ordered to save people.

Everyone was puzzled, and seeing the unquestionable expression on Emperor Xianyuan's face, they had to agree in unison.

After that, the figures of the few people didn't change much. After shooting a few shots of divine light, Ganoderma lucidum seed and Princess Yingyao recovered and stood up.

"Thank you Xianyuan Emperor and all the venerables for saving their lives!"

"Thank you, British demon!"

Ganoderma lucidum and Yingyao got up, looked around the scene, and then showed a very horrified expression, both knelt down excitedly, and thanked each other.

"Hehe, Ganoderma lucidum, Ying Yao, please hurry up, it's in broad daylight, what's wrong with you, we are so confused?"

Liu Qianlang's expression suddenly became relaxed and casual, and he asked His Highness to sit down at will, and asked with a smile.

"Huh? Just now, the spirit demon Lord Zhou? Didn't she come here?"

Liu Qianlang's performance surprised Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao, and Lingzhizi asked in astonishment.

"Ha ha……"

"Why do you suddenly mention the spirit demon Lord Zhou? Don't you know? He has been sealed off for countless years, so how could she come here.

What happened to you, it can't be related to the spirit demon Lord Zhou, can it? "

Liu Qianlang laughed and asked, and at the same time waved his sleeves to clothe the wine, signaling to the gods present to drink from the altar, and said that he had already poured it. He looked so casual, as if nothing had happened before.

"Emperor Xianyuan is in trouble. Our Spiritual Demon Palace suddenly broke into three terrifying demons last night, destroyed our demon palace, looted us, and then imprisoned us in the demon soul purgatory they created, torturing us in every possible way." .

Just when we were about to be devoured by their demonic souls, we saw the spirit monster Zhou Jun suddenly appearing in front of us, attacking a pair of three demons, fighting wildly in the sea of ​​fire.

Later, we also joined the fight.

In the end, we finally beat the three demons away, but the three demons were terrifying and powerful, the spirit demon Lord Zhou was also seriously injured, and we were all damaged.

After the spirit demon Zhou Jun destroyed the fire demon purgatory with the last divine power, she shouted for us to fly to the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Zhou Zhou Palace, and she shot to the sky first, and then..."

Ganoderma lucidum replied excitedly.

"Ha ha……"

"Two gods of love, I'm afraid that you are happy and bored, and have dreamed of fairy gods. I just analyzed that the spirit demon Zhou Jun has been cultivating on the cliff of love in her palace of love, and has never left at all.

Also, your spirit demon palace is perfect, how can you say it was destroyed by some three monsters.

Haha... Hurry up and have a drink, go back and continue to be happy. However, there is one thing that is very regrettable. Last night, the Nine Heavens Immortal Predestined Universe Immortal Disk disappeared from Qixiang Palace, which resulted in the failure of today's Soul Fighting Game Contest.

However, it doesn't matter, it's just looking for something for fun, the soul fighting game competition is not successful, there are many ways for us to be happy, such as drinking here..."

Emperor Xianyuan, while pouring wine and drinking, talked non-stop, making His Highness confused.


"Ying'er, we probably really had a fantasy dream, our spirit demon palace has not disappeared, we are dreaming, haha...haha..."

"Yeah, giggling..."

Hearing Liu Qianlang's words, Ganoderma lucidum seed and Princess Yingyao looked at each other tacitly, and they were all happy.

They sighed, hugged each other, and laughed.

"Well! Go back, be happy in the future, guard the soul gate, and don't make today's joke happen again!"

Liu Qianlang looked at His Highness's Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao with a smile, and said something in his words.

"Yeah, don't worry, Emperor Xianyuan, Yingyao knows, and everyone respects the temple! We won't bother you anymore, and we're leaving."

Wanfu, the British demon princess, nodded, and Ganoderma lucidum smiled goodbye. When the two turned around, they flew out of Xianyuan Zhou Palace together with bewildered expressions on their faces.

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