Nine Heavens

Chapter 2380

Long after Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao left, Song Zhen asked:

"Third brother, you just now?"

"Why, the fourth brother is also bewitched by their dreams! Come on, let's continue to drink, and now our Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Zhou Zhou and Xiangrui are happy everywhere, and we have nothing else to do except toast. Haha..."

Song Zhen endured it for a long time, thinking that the third brother of Emperor Xianyuan was playing some tricks, so he asked.

He didn't want to, but when he heard Emperor Xianyuan's answer, he was instantly covered in clouds and mist, and looked blankly at the surrounding Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang, Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan, and the four guardians of Weiming Huizhou.

Song Zhen is like this, and so is everyone else.

"Everyone continue to pretend to be happy and drink, and be careful outside the palace. Today's Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao are nothing but puppets of evil spirits."

Throwing their heads up and drinking wildly, the gods and venerables of His Royal Highness said.

"Ha ha……"

"It's true, I am confused today by Zhan Zhou Zun, thank you for reminding me, everyone, let's raise the altar, have fun, have fun! Haha..."

Song Zhenwen listened to the sound transmission of Emperor Xianyuan's soul, and he just realized it, and suddenly poured wine and laughed.

Others also laughed and poured wine instantly, and drank happily.


"Hey, it seems that Mr. Death is more aware of the weakness of these humanized gods, all of them are mortals with naked eyes, and they can be deceived for tens of thousands of years by any trick!"

In the sky above the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Zhou Palace, there are three phantoms floating invisible, one is pitch black, one is pale, and the other is blue.

They all curled up in a strange cloud of evil, poking their heads.

I saw six evil and blazing pupil rainbows hanging down from the three clouds, covering the entire Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Zhou Zhou Palace.

Among the pale clouds, a ferocious bird's head stretched out, and said with a dry smile.

"That's natural, the three-spirited skeleton had three clones back then, one was you Xu Xiao, the other was your dead cloud bird, and the other turned into my son of death.

In order to win against the flower spirits, you only care about competing with me for power. How can I, son of death, do so much evolution to deal with human immortals and gods!

Therefore, it is reasonable for this son of death to know their weaknesses. They have two major weaknesses, one is goodness, and the other is ignorance.

For the sake of righteousness or affection, they will lose their own lives at every turn, and they will be confused if we use any trick at will.

As you can see, we just threw away the ganoderma lucidum seeds and the fairy skin of the British demon princess, and then lied to them! "

A pitch-black demon faucet stretched out from within the pitch-black evil cloud, and said arrogantly.

"Hmph! What happened in the past, why bother bragging about it? Are we going to take advantage of those three children?"

The monster in the blue evil cloud shook its lion-like head and proposed in a cold voice.

"Cut! Xu Xiao, if you are not convinced, just say it, don't be weird!

What's the matter, didn't I do all the hells inside and outside the human world, the seventy-seven and forty-nine levels of hell, and the calamity of infinite evil in the frontier universe? How many things have you done?

Wasn't it also my idea that we, Tushe Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao, secretly control them with separate souls, and then seize the three immortals of Linhe respectively? "

The dragon head in the pitch-black evil cloud said provocatively.

"Fuck, that's useless, in the end it was all destroyed by the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Emperor Zhou Xianyuan.

Then you are not like us, you fled to the Immortal Demon Universe in a desperate manner, and then you didn't dare to make a sound, and when the flower spirit and willow essence collapsed, you devoured their divine power, and only then did you have the soul you have today force.

Now we are about the same ability, don't pretend to me, I will take the little devil tortoise from me, don't rob me, I hate it the most, what I like, others like it too! "

Xu Xiao in the blue evil cloud roared angrily.

"Shut up, all of you. In the past, we still mentioned that he is a bird. We have a lot to do. Don't think that we have killed the Lingyao princess right now, and we have an extra fairy wheel from the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou. Proud!

It's not that you don't know how powerful Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Zhou Xianyuan Emperor was before, we can do whatever we want, and when we really eliminate Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe, it's not too late to brag! "

Inside the pale evil cloud, Qi Ai interrupted the quarrel between Xu Xiao and Mr. Shi Shi.


Hearing the words, Mr. Shi Shi and Xu Xiao vomited their sorrow together, and then cursed together:

"Idiot, you one-eyed bird, we're eavesdropping on them. What did they say?"

"They didn't say anything, just kept giggling and drinking!"

Qi mourned.

"My God, you said that we are both one soul of the three-soul skeleton, why is the gap so big! You don't have a brain, they are drinking, doesn't that mean that we succeeded when we let go!

Young Master Death, let's go, and stay with him for a while longer, I'm afraid it's an idiot to become white! "

Xu Xiao yelled, calling out to Mr. Death.

Then, the pitch black cloud and the blue cloud quickly shot towards the sky above the Linhe Palace.

"Am I an idiot?"

Pale white clouds were left, and there were bursts of silly bird calls in them.

"Hurry up and notify the three immortals of Linhe, leave a trace of the real soul and illusory body, and immediately go to the teleportation circle and enter my soul universe!"

In fact, Liu Qianlang had already discovered the three hidden clouds floating in the sky of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Cosmic Palace, and heard what they said through the 100,000 powerful immortal soul consciousness.

When he looked up and saw them Xianglinhe Palace, Song Zhen immediately said through voice transmission from his soul.

"Okay! The third brother expected well, our goal will definitely go to find the three immortals of Linhe, so the third brother intentionally left the three immortals of Linhe without income in the soul universe!"

Hearing Liu Qianlang's order and understanding his explanation, Song Zhen secretly admired the power of the third elder brother Xianyuandi, and immediately notified the three immortals of Linhe.

"Qianlang, leaving the real soul and phantom body behind, I'm afraid they will take advantage of it. Have you thought about it?"

Liu Juan's emerald eyes flowed, her emerald hair lifted slightly, she looked sideways at Liu Qianlang.

"No way, they have been ghosts and ghosts, and it is even more difficult for us to control their existence.

Instead of letting them work in the dark, why don't we sell a loophole and let them come out in the open, so we can deal with them! "

Liu Qianlang still threw his head up and poured wine, and his soul thought the sound transmission.

"That's not bad! They are immortal demons of Huizhou Mingyuan, and they are unpredictable. If they are not in the clear, it is really difficult for us to capture their existence.

Qianlang will do whatever he can, using their arrogance to make a big fuss. It's more than just letting them occupy a trace of the true soul and phantom body of the Three Immortals of Shelinhe. If necessary, it's okay if we sacrifice some immortal realms. "

Cheng Yuanfang, Sirius Zhoujun, was wearing a huge pitch-black robe, with chaotic eyes on his forehead, thought deeply, and said.

"It does make sense, then. Well, let's do it.

However, all the immortals and gods of the universe are in the Qianlanghun universe, wouldn't they soon find out that we are deliberately designing them? "

Liu Juan nodded slightly upon hearing this, and then said again.

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