Nine Heavens

Chapter 2381 Fantasy Game

"They are nothing more than the failure of the frontier, and they are still not reconciled. Why don't we help them!"

Liu Qianlang's white hair gleamed, and she said in an extremely remote manner in the depths of her deep and unpredictable eyes.

"To fulfill them, what does Emperor Xianyuan mean?"

The four guardians of Weiming Huizhou looked at each other in blank dismay and asked in surprise.

"What the third brother means is that we are going to play a game of universal phantoms with them, but what does this mean?"

Song Zhen also looked dazed at the beginning, but his five-colored eyes flickered for a while, and his black and white eyebrows twisted, and he suddenly showed excitement, and suddenly realized.

"Well! Although this sounds absurd, it is definitely the best way to deal with them. It seems that Qianlang has already made up his mind."

After being reminded by Song Zhen, Liu Juan also understood Liu Qianlang's thoughts, her eyes lit up, and she nodded in agreement.

"If you want to destroy your opponent, you'd better make him crazy first! Since we can only have a trace of the real soul and phantom of the three immortals of Linhe, let's simply imagine the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou and the real soul and phantom of all the gods and gods, including those present. bit.

Then we only need to control ourselves in the universe and deal with them.

Let them be crazy and exposed as much as possible first, and when they are most proud, we will suddenly destroy Huanzhou and them! "

What Liu Qianlang thought in his heart was actually already being realized.

At this moment, Young Master Death, Xu Xiao, Qi Ai, and one more person in the dark, that is, the Linhe Palace where the three Linhe Immortals who Zhou Wu went to live is already an illusion created by Liu Qianlang.

While Liu Qianlang was talking, he had already used his own soul thoughts and the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe God Seal to imagining the real Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe into the Soul Universe.

Then the illusory universe of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe, as well as the self and all the gods in it, exist in the illusory universe as usual.

Because in the fantasy universe, every fairy god is a real soul and illusory body, so everything is the same as the real Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe, on the surface, there is no difference.

"Could it be that the third brother is saying that we are already in the real Nine Heavens Immortal Universe, and they have entered the Fantasy Universe!?"

Song asked in shock.

"Ha ha……"

"That's natural, the moment they flew away, we were like this, otherwise how could your third brother drink so happily!

In such a fantasy game, we have no losses, and they are proud, but the rare enemy and us are all happy... Haha..."

Liu Qianlang seemed to have already concluded the ending of the game in his heart, and smiled happily.

"This can be regarded as the continuation of the game of fighting souls in Shaoxianyu. It is an illusion, but it is a real game. The final ending is not only a victory for us, but also for Weiming Huizhou."

Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang found this game very exciting and sighed.

"Emperor Xianyuan's ingenious calculations and his bold actions are admirable. However, judging from the three-souled and skeleton-separated demon just now, Feng Fenghu discovered that the flower spirit and Liu Jing should have set themselves on fire.

The ganoderma lucidum before was still occupied by three souls and skeletons, and there is one of you immortals who are unwilling to obsess, the ganoderma lucidum originally thought, the willow spirit remnant, and the fog fairy man breathed weakly.

In the body of Princess Yingyao, there is a cosmic witch and a wraith, the flower spirit is remnant, the original idea of ​​Yingyao, and the weak breath of Linhe.

Now they have exchanged their bodies for the three immortals of Linhe, and all their remnants are in the bodies of Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao. Among them, the soul thoughts of Hua Ling and Liu Jing are as weak as gossamer, and they are likely to be submerged.

Especially the resentment in Ganoderma Lucidum Soul Chou, which is getting stronger and stronger, and it is very possible to seize the master!

Lamentable, lamentable! At the beginning, Hualing and Liujing just came to the frontier of you, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, and the universe, and then they played a game of fighting between gods and gods, but they ended up getting themselves into it.

Benfeng Fenghu really doesn't understand why they don't just take their own simple battles of creating the universe, creating gods and demons, but want to participate with their own soul thoughts.

Even if one's own soul is involved, why do they separate their souls into bodies, and the endlessly complicated transpiration, in the end, it seems that they are going to get involved in it! "

Weiming Huizhou's four seal guards had long been preoccupied, and their concerns were exactly what Feng Fenghu said.

"That's right! The Emperor Xianyuan has been through the past and the present, and after comprehensive thinking, I have roughly understood some situations. I boldly speculate that it is possible that the Emperor Xianyuan, the Empress Nuwa and the mentor Du Mojianzu are all part of the flower spirit. The beloved wives of Emperor Xianyuan are also transformed by her heart of condensed fragrance.

As for all the demonic appearances of Frontier Universe and Immortal Demon Universe, they were all done by Willow Essence, the Three Soul Skeleton, and the Dead Universe witch.

Why do they keep upgrading the game, it should be roughly divided into three stages.

In the first stage, as Feng Feng said, they were just competing to create the universe, and Chuangshen simply created happiness. At this stage, Chumeng fairy gods don't fight each other too much.

But as time goes by, the battle between the immortal gods and demons they created is becoming more and more fierce. Hua Ling and Liu Jing also became more and more involved, and gradually began to participate with their souls divided, in order to enjoy the game.

At this time, they played games and fought, probably for a long time, with neither winner nor loser. In order to win, Hualing took the body of Empress Nuwa, the ancestor of Dumojian, this Emperor Xianyuan, and his beloved wives of Emperor Xianyuan, etc.

The purpose of enlightening Nuwa Empress to create humanity in the world and vigorously promote love relationship should be to fight Liu Jing's pure demon heart.

The reason is that cold and warm are incompatible, and love and hate are inseparable! Flower spirits do this, and Liu Jing, as an innocent demon who only lives for Huizhou, gradually becomes evil and vicious in order to win these creations of flower spirits!

Their struggle with each other is constantly escalating. All the processes of our emergence and all the fairylands we experience are the products of their struggle between fairy and demon.

At this moment, the three-spirited skeleton that Weiming Huizhou appeared because of the two of them, the death witch also broke into the frontier universe and joined their game, making their fight with each other become impossible to continue to be simple. Later, it became more and more serious, and it should be out of control.

It's not just their own loss, even the magic Yiyinglian and the awakening flute have also undergone differentiation.

The Immortal Emperor boldly speculates that the nine-color lotus of his beloved daughter Xiaolianer may be part of the magical power of the magical lotus stolen by the flower spirit. Er'aitu Yaya's Mitian snail is also a part of the magical power of awakening the divine flute that Liu Jing stole..."

Liu Qianlang looked at the infinite and majestic time and space outside the universe of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate, and talked eloquently.

Everyone listened and nodded.

"Hearing what Emperor Xianyuan said, it's really enlightening, and the four of us Fenghu finally understand what some Hualing Liujing and the others have experienced.

Since this may be the case, I wonder if Ben Fengfeng can plead with Emperor Xianyuan? "

Feng Fenghu had the utmost admiration for Liu Qianlang at this moment, and asked after speaking sincerely.

"Feng Fenghu wants his disciple, Yaya, to take Mitian Shenluo and his daughter, Xiaolian'er, to bring Nine Colors Shenlian to your only life Huizhou?"

Liu Qianlang asked directly.

"Emperor Xianyuan Shenhui, this Fenghu is exactly what I mean. Although it is difficult for the strong, but..."

Feng Fenghu said with a face of shame.

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