Nine Heavens

Chapter 2389

"Ha ha……"

boom! boom!

Ganoderma lucidum burst into laughter in his heart, feeling that Emperor Xianyuan was so childish, he was still talking about friendship when he was about to die.

It was funny in my heart, and I laughed wildly in my mouth, attacking Princess Yingyao violently.


Liu Qianlang's real soul phantom suddenly shattered, and then the core of the phantom soul, the soul pill and the heart of the water spirit were quickly and firmly covered by the surge of their magic light.


"Emperor Xianyuan, we thought you were so capable, look at your supernatural power, we destroyed your immortal body so easily and captured the primordial spirit.

It turns out that your usual noble and powerful appearance is all a disguise, husband! This really surprised us, didn't it! "

Princess Yingyao and Ganoderma lucidum never expected that the plan to kill Emperor Xianyuan would go so smoothly, and they succeeded without much effort.

The two laughed at the core of Liu Qianlang's primordial spirit that was covered by their palms.

"Haha...what's the matter, don't you even have the confidence to win? I remind you, don't forget the bet we made. Maybe the Emperor Xianyuan will live again one day."

Ganoderma lucidum seed and Princess Yingyao pressed down their palms together, and from their palms surged out two poisonous fire lights respectively, and Liu Qianlang's laughter came from the core of Liu Qianlang's primordial spirit that was enveloped by the inner and outer layers .

"Hmph! Stop dreaming!"



Princess Yingyao snorted coldly, retracted her pitch-black palm, and Liu Qianlang's soul core, soul bubble, and water spirit heart made a few small noises, then completely shattered and flew away.

"He, did he die like this?"

After Liu Qianlang disappeared with his body and soul, there was no more sound, Ganoderma lucidum asked with an unbelievable expression looking at the ferocious face of Princess Yingyao.

"Of course he died. We killed it together. Is there anything wrong with that?"

Princess Yingyao also felt that it was so simple to kill Emperor Xianyuan, and she was a little uncertain, but she said firmly in her tone.

"Why didn't he resist? Shouldn't he be so low-minded? And he said to bet. Could it be that he is playing some kind of conspiracy?"

Ganoderma lucidum didn't feel any sense of success in killing Xian Yuandi, looking around at the Misty Underworld, asking Princess Yingyao was like asking herself.

"His divine power has suddenly decreased, maybe it has something to do with him going to the palaces to order the magical power of creation. This is his true soul body, yes, we just killed his primordial spirit, soul and water spirit heart, it is Qianzhen Be sure!"

Princess Yingyao explained far-fetchedly.

"No! We need to be more careful, he is too weird, let's not go out for now, and observe the movement outside!"

Ganoderma lucidum was very cautious, and then the two of them felt uneasy in their hearts, and stayed in Liu Qianlang's misty realm for several days with their heads stretched.

In Liu Qianlang's Soul Universe, the real Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe.

Liu Qianlang, Song Zhen, Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang, the Dark Emperor, Ninety-Nine Eighty-One Dragon Emperor, etc., are floating in the void, looking down at the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe, Misty Universe, Misty Netherland, beyond Liu Qianlang's soul The Ganoderma lucidum seed and Princess Yingyao laughed loudly.

"After all, he is a villain. He defeated the third brother's real soul and phantom body, but he still looks so wretched!"

Song Zhen looked at the sneaky Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao, and sighed.

"The reason why they are like this is that they are not the wisdom of their own souls. It is true that they have been betrayed, but they are all soul-controlling souls of three-soul skeletons in their soul gates.

How can we deceive the true souls of the two of them like this! Don't worry, it won't be long before they get mad. hehe……"

Liu Qianlang had already expected what he saw in his heart, but he smiled slightly.

"Emperor Xianyuan is right, this only shows that the three soul skeletons who secretly manipulated them thought they were smart, but they were actually stupid.

Ben Zhoujun feels that the three soul skeletons are not difficult to deal with, but the dead Zhou Wu is really mysterious. I wonder if Emperor Xianyuan knows which area she is in at this moment? "

Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang's black hair fluttered, and the chaotic god's eyes on his forehead searched the entire Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe, but he didn't find the Death Zhou Wu, and asked in surprise.

"The death witch is treacherous and cunning, and should have gone back to the source of birth, Weiming Huizhou.

Her intention is obvious, what she considers is not how to destroy our Nine Heavens Immortal Universe, but how to build her demon world.

Here, there are three-soul skeletons tossing around, she went back to summon countless demons who were desperate for Huizhou, and when she came back, according to her calculations, we should be almost wiped out by the three-soul skeletons.

She only needs to give orders to eliminate our remaining forces and eliminate the three soul skeletons. "

Liu Juan's emerald hair fluttered, Wang Wang's emerald eyes shone, guessing.

"Hmm! Sister Juan's words are exactly what they are trying to do with evil things. It's just that the death witch sneaked back to Weiming Huizhou, and I hope she can't hurt little Lian'er and the others!"

As for Liu Juan's guess, Song Zhen fully agreed with it, and at the same time showed worry.

Liu Qianlang comforted Song Zhen after hearing the words:

"Fourth brother, don't worry, I told you about the way to protect them before, and besides, there are four Fengyuguangguang guardians.

Taking a step back, even if there is no external force, just relying on our few darlings, where have we suffered? "

"Ha ha……"

When Liu Qianlang said this, everyone laughed.

Huanfeng Shenlong, the number one Dragon Emperor of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe East Region, the first seat of Nine Nine Eighty One Shenlong, raised his head and laughed loudly:

"I didn't say that Tianling and her sisters have all gone, and just a little Lian'er is enough for them. I don't know about the other places. Anyway, none of our 9981 Dragon Emperor's dolls admire her.

I'm not afraid of everyone's jokes, I don't know how many times my old dragon wanted to tease her, but she teased her again and again. I don't know how this little guy's head grows. My old dragon is powerful inside and out, and I can't play her!

This really made my old dragon depressed. When you wait for her to come back, I thought of several ways to deal with her. "


"I think Dragon Emperor Huanfeng should forget it. You don't know that little girl. It's okay. You can go to her Lotus Palace to have a look. She created her own Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Zhoushen Micromirror, which is full of blacklists of 'bad guys'." , your old dragon is ranked first, she is studying every day, to beat her, you old dragon, oh..."

Liu Juan seldom laughed heartily. When Huanfeng Shenlong mentioned little Lian'er, she couldn't help but think of all kinds of things she saw in Lian'er's Lotus Palace, so she couldn't help laughing.


When everyone heard the words, there was another burst of laughter, and the atmosphere became much more relaxed.

"From the perspective of the third brother, Ganoderma lucidum and Yingyao finished killing the third brother, what will they do next?"

After laughing, Song Zhenyan returned to the main story and asked Liu Qianlang, who was sitting cross-legged among the crowd,

"Of course it's you sages, if they kill me, they will definitely change into my appearance, as well as Jinglong who was killed by them.

This is the only way for them to not disturb the order of the fantasy universe, and at the same time realize their plan to destroy the fantasy universe step by step. "

Although Liu Qianlang didn't know the opponent's plan, he could deduce the opponent's best course of action.

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