Nine Heavens

Chapter 2390 Great Decline of Cosmic Energy

Just a few days after Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao killed Liu Qianlang's real soul and phantom body.

In the Piaomiaoming territory, the ganoderma lucidum seed and the Yingyao princess turned into a startling dragon as expected by Liu Qianlang.

The two first chatted triumphantly in the Misty Nether Realm, and then suddenly became serious, each imitating the imaginary person, and floated out of the Misty Nether Realm.

The Ganoderma lucidum seed is very handsome, and it shoots at the Xianyuan Palace with the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword obtained by killing Liu Qianlang's true soul and phantom body, while Princess Yingyao naturally guards outside the Misty Nether Realm.

In this way, everything seems to be the same as before, without anyone noticing.

After the Ganoderma lucidum seeds arrived at Xianyuan Palace, they shot straight at the throne of Xianyuan Emperor, who was no stranger but had never sat before.

It happened to be the time of the Xian Dynasty, and the hall was already full of many palace saints.

"In a blink of an eye, Emperor Xianyuan has not been in court for a month and a half. I wonder if there is anything new to play recently?"

Ganoderma lucidum seed looked around at Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang, Sword Occupation Zhousage Song Zhen, Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan, Emperor Seeking Darkness, Celestial Hongxie, Purple Bearded Immortal, and then swept his eyes towards the gate of the fairy palace. down, asked.

"Third Brother, what is this?"

Seeing Liu Qianlang suddenly appear, Song Zhen asked Liu Qianlang, his black and white eyebrows twitched, and his five-color eyes were full of puzzlement.

"What, is there something wrong?"

"That's not true. Didn't the third brother say half a month ago that it came out after ten thousand years of retreat and meditation in the Misty Underworld? Why did it come out so soon? Could it be that the third brother sensed something about the ganoderma lucidum controlled by the three soul skeletons and the British demon princess?" Can't move?"

"Ah! This, that..."

Ganoderma lucidum was shaken when he heard the words, and almost fell off the throne of Emperor Xianyuan. He groaned for a long time before he calmed down and said:

"Hehe, no, the third brother suddenly felt that instead of meditating alone, it would be better to discuss it with all the immortals and gods. It would be better to work together, so he decided to leave the customs during the day and meditate at night."

"That's good, you should also change your habit of meditating for thousands of years. The immortals work together, not only united, but also peaceful. It's better than you being lonely and deserted."

Liu Juan took Liu Qianlang's words and said.

"Thank you for reminding me, Qianlang has been taught. If you have anything to say, you might as well tell me."

Ganoderma lucidum tried to imitate Liu Qianlang's words and deeds as much as possible, because he was very familiar with Liu Qianlang, so he naturally imitated it vividly.

"Third brother, fourth brother has a strange thing to report, for some reason, the cosmic energy of our Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe and the supernatural power of the trillion immortal gods suddenly dropped to the extreme.

Take me as an example, now our soul energy and demon power are less than one ten-thousandth of what it was before, which really puzzles and frightens the fourth brother.

And the fourth brother Jian occupies the whole universe, and finds that such strange things happen everywhere! "

Song Zhen's robe of stars and stars outside his body is not like the star rainbow in the past, and the ring of gods outside his body is also very weak. Looking at the energetic demeanor of the fake third brother, he sighed.


"There will be such a thing, is it caused by the pollution of their death evil spirit!"

Ganoderma lucidum was elated when he heard the words, and laughed secretly, it's really Zhou Zu who helped me! This is a good opportunity for us to kill immortals and demons.

But if he thought so, his face showed a look of surprise, he tilted his head and frowned, guessing.

"Third brother, do you mean the resurgent son of death, Xu Xiao, Qi Ai, and Zhou Wu of death?"

Song Zhen nodded heavily, and suddenly realized.

"Except for them, our Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou is at the moment of immortality, and we really can't find any reason for the sudden decline of energy.

This must be because of their appearance, the evil poison spirits destroyed the purity of the Nine Heavens Immortal Predestined Universe Immortal God Energy, and it would be fruitless to devour a large number of immortal gods.

Although the Emperor Xianyuan is not like you, the soul energy and divine energy are extremely weak, and his strength has retreated countless, but he also feels that Jiutian Xianyuan suddenly has a lot of filth and depression.

Now is the critical moment for us to find and eliminate them. We have such a vision, so we must hide it and be honest, so as not to be seen through by them, then we will suffer! "

Ganoderma lucidum pretended to be surprised, and sat firmly in the center of the high platform of the hall, with worried expression and ecstasy in heart.

"Hey! What should we do? If we don't find them as soon as possible and kill them, if there is another evil spirit in Weiming Huizhou, then we will be miserable!"

Song Zhen's face was solemn, deeply worried about Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou.

For the current plan, Emperor Xianyuan believes that if we want to track and kill them with our weak strength, we are really overwhelmed.

So the most important thing for us to do is not to track them down, but to try our best to restore the original divine power, then strengthen the universe, and kill them before it's too late! "

Ganoderma lucidum naturally didn't want any resistance from Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou, so he said this.

"If we shrink back, the evil spirits will naturally take over. When we become stronger, maybe what the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou will become. What should we do!"

Song Zhen naturally "understood" the intention of Ganoderma lucidum, and showed a look of helplessness.

"That can't be helped, it should be our doom, and we can't hide it, so why not face it calmly.

Everyone try to seal off the palace as much as possible, and wait for the Emperor Zhou to find them and destroy all evil! It's not too late for everyone to come out and cheer. "

Ganoderma lucidum seed looked at the so-called scene where the so-called human beings evolved from immortals and gods sighed, pretending to be impassioned, and shouted.

"Yeah, what Emperor Xianyuan said is right, we are now taking the risk to challenge them, and with our weakening status quo, the only way to resist is to perish.

Why don't we seal our own palaces to protect ourselves and seek a way to restore Zhou Neng's soul energy. In the meantime, let them do whatever they want. After we are strong, it will not be too late to kill them! "

Qixiang Zhoujun Liu Juan heard the suggestion that Ganoderma lucidum was not wise, and she thought it was right.

"We are really as Sister Juan and Emperor Xianyuan said, I am afraid that before we become strong, we will already be crazy about the universe! Then what is the use of us being strong? Or before we have time to be strong, we will be killed by Mr. Death, Xu Xiao, Qi Ai and Death Zhou Wu are killed!"

Cheng Yuanfang, Sirius Zhoujun, obviously did not agree with Ganoderma lucidum and Liu Juan's suggestion.

"Maybe our future is very anxious, but it's not that pessimistic. It's true that our divine power is constantly declining, but after all, it's in our Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe. There are many immortals and gods, no matter how weak they are, the overall strength is strong!

Although they are the frightening demonic evil gods of Weiming Huizhou, after all, their number is limited, so we will move forward steadily, unite and cooperate, and the ultimate victory will definitely belong to us. "

The words of Ganoderma lucidum were generous, and I most hoped that the palace saints of the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou would adopt their own measures to confine their palaces.

In this way, it will be beneficial for myself and Princess Yingyao to defeat each other, and finally overthrow the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe Palace, and then I will naturally become the overlord of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe.

After hearing the words, Xianyuan Palace Zhouxian was silent for a while.

"It's better for us to seal off our own palaces to practice, establish a joint breath formation with each other, and keep an eye on the movement of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe outside at any time. Once the three soul skeletons are too arrogant, we will immediately join hands with the immortal gods of the universe!"

The Dark Emperor also agrees with Ganoderma lucidum's suggestion of closing the palace for cultivation.

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