Nine Heavens

Chapter 2391 Zhou Emperor Weir

Weiming Huizhou, the only place where the life of immortals, gods, demons, and elves used to be in the Hongmeng Universe.

Infinitely vast and magical, with various forms of life and body, although they are also called immortals, gods, demons, and spirits, they are only different in form and have no evil thoughts.

Therefore, the former Huizhou has always been peaceful. All kinds of fates are complicated, competing to grow, competing to advance, and there are also quarrels, but there is no malicious hostility.

However, all of this has changed since the third cosmic period of Weiming Huizhou, that is, the era of the outbreak of elves' origin, because the flower spirit and willow spirit stole the magic lotus and awakened the flute.

How it changed, as mentioned in the previous article, is that this group of elf life sources that should have been thriving and beautified, but because the two gods of soul awakening were stolen, they did not successfully germinate.

While a large number of people withered and died, some people with extremely strong vitality still survived tenaciously. Because resentment was born at an untimely time, evil thoughts sprouted, and they turned into evil spirits, poisonous demons, vicious spirits and low spirits one after another.

In this way, Weiming Huizhou's once pure and peaceful atmosphere was broken, and a distinction between good and evil appeared.

All the previous forces of fairies, demons, gods, demons and spirits are naturally decent forces, and this batch of corrupt and evil spirits and monsters are naturally evil factions.

Decentness has a good relationship, and because Weiming Huizhou didn't have a tradition of slaughter and conquest before, so the original decency was just a creation of infatuation, and it was not good at fighting and killing.

But demons and evil spirits are different. Once they appear, they will naturally slaughter and devour crazy things.

At the same time, countless decent immortals, gods, demons, demons, spirits, and spirits in Huizhou are still desperately anxious, feeling sorry for the third Zhouji, who cannot be born healthily because of the theft of gods and objects, or die, wither, or become evil at the same time, Many evil demons have already extended their poisonous claws to them.

For a long time, all kinds of ancient gods, gods, gods, demons, goblins, and all kinds of ancient life-oriented bodies existed in a state where they did not actively counterattack the attacks of evil things.

In this state, it is conceivable how many righteous immortals, gods, demons, ghosts, Huiyuan, and Huiyuan will be devoured and killed by evil things.

Because these evil things can have souls without souls and have no minds, they crazily slaughter decent immortals, gods, demons, demons, and elves.

Where there is slaughter, there is resistance. After a long period of non-active resistance, the evil spirits and shadows become more and more rampant in the universe.

At first, it was only a state of haunting and haunting at night, but it turned into broad daylight, and began to blatantly attack some fairies, demons, gods, demons and elves.

What's more, there are more and more evil spirits, and they keep gathering to form the palace of life-defying Huizhou Zhushengli.

Under such circumstances, the righteous forces of Weiming Huizhou gradually realized the seriousness of the problem. If this trend is allowed to continue, Huizhou will no longer be born, but the end will begin!

Therefore, Emperor Wei ordered Hui Zhou to take drastic action immediately, strengthen the creation shrine, and form six evil evil kings to chase and kill mad and evil demons, gods, gods, demons, and demons.

This process of resistance, once unfolded, can be described as unprecedented, and Emperor Weiming Huizhou will naturally not tolerate the loss of Weiming Huizhou, who was once harmonious and nearly perfect, under a group of evil and corrupt desperadoes!

Therefore, after countless years of chasing and killing, the forces that initially punished Shengli Palace almost disappeared under the encirclement and suppression of the six Zhou Lords of Weiming Huizhou.

It was at this time that, as two of the evil representatives, the death witch and the three-soul skeleton escaped from Huizhou.

After the successful suppression this time, Weiming Huizhou stabilized again for a long time.

Emperor Weiming Hui Zhou knows that this stability is temporary, because the root problem has not been resolved, and corrupt evils appear at any time. Ming Huizhou.

After careful consideration, Emperor Weiming Huizhou Zhou decisively ordered that the four guardians of Fengyuguangguang, who are relatively familiar with Weiminghuizhou, be fully responsible for tracking the phantom willow spirits, searching for the two magic treasures of summoning life, and concurrently tracking the evil spirit Death Zhou. A witch, a skeleton with three souls, is responsible for cleaning up the portal.

The four seal guards left under their orders, never to return, the time has passed slowly, I don't know how long it has been.

During this period, Weiming Huizhou Huiming Shrine and Zhushengli Palace fought at least a hundred battles between good and evil.

The scale of the war continued to expand, and it had already spread to the entire universe. In the initial battle, Weiming Huizhou Huiming Shrine always had an absolute advantage.

However, because of the disappearance of the two life gods of Weiming Huizhou, and because of the constant battle between good and evil, the death of the original gods, gods, demons, and demons continued to decrease, and the new seeds of life could not continue to be sown to complete the growth of the righteous forces. The power of the God of Justice is constantly depleted and has no supplies. In the last few battles, it has become more and more powerless, and its decline has become more and more obvious.

This ebbs and flows, when Weiming Huizhou's decent forces are gradually weakening, it is the time when Zhusheng Lizhou's forces are growing stronger, and Zhusheng Lizhou's forces gradually become Weiming Huizhou's dominant force.

Not only did they gradually encircle the Huiming Shrine and control it under all kinds of attacks, but they also broke through the fringe areas of Huiming Huizhou through the cultivation of the strength of all living beings, extending their evil claws to the entire Primordial Universe.

In the past tens of thousands of years, the Huiming Shrine and the Zhushengli Palace have just fought a big battle.

As a result, the Huiming Shrine was defeated, and all the living immortals, demons, gods, demons, and elves retreated into the Huiming Shrine, and the palace was sealed and did not dare to come out again.

And around the Huiming Shrine, the sky, the earth, and everywhere are surrounded by the evil forces of the Shengli Palace.

Huiming Shrine is at stake, and will perish sooner or later.

It was at this time that the four guardians of Weiming Huizhou's Fengyu Guangguang led eight girls, big and small, of Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou, and a young fairy came back.

When they approached the edge of Weiming Huizhou, the four guardians of Fengyuguangguang immediately realized what they had experienced in the countless years since they left the mother universe.

Then, where they dared to expose their figures, they flew back to Weiming Huizhou. Relying on their ancient memories, the four guardians of Fengyuguangguang urged the most powerful invisibility method, carefully all the way, hiding left and right, and finally brought the hope bestowed by Huizhou Huiming—nine young immortals entered Huiming Shrine.

The four Fengyuguangguang guards went straight to the Temple of Emperor Zhou.

The temple is still there, but the scene of trillions of immortals, gods, demons and spirits talking and laughing in the past has long since disappeared.

In the infinitely empty temple, there is only Zhou Emperor. With his back to the main hall, he knelt down and looked up at the 100,000 huge moving picture of mountains, rivers, sun and moon behind the Emperor Zhou's throne.

He is like a sculpture, motionless, but the sound of his tears falling into the river can be clearly heard:

Ding dong! Ding dong! huh huh...

"Wei'er is incompetent, let mother down, when mother turned into the sun and moon mountains and rivers, she gave me the magic lotus, awakened the divine flute, and let the child open up the vast universe.

I don't want to work hard, but now I am about to die at the hands of alienated evil spirits, the boy is extremely ashamed, if the mother's ghost persists, can you point out the way for the boy? "

Suddenly, Wei Er asked in a sad voice, looking up at the picture of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers.

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