Nine Heavens

Chapter 2392 Sun and Moon Mountains and Rivers

"Emperor Zhou!?"

The four guardians saw the mighty and mighty Emperor Zhou who was once surrounded by a god robe with trillions of rainbows, but now that the god of the rainbow is no longer arrogant, his body is bent, and he looks old, and they burst into tears when they heard his sad words.

The four guards choked up after shouting in unison.

"You, you are the four guardians who are tracking the magical heroine and awakening the divine flute!?"

Hearing the shout, Wei Er Er suddenly turned around, his face was pale, but the rainbow god's eyes were infinitely deep, and at the same time as each rainbow tear fell, after a good look, he wiped away his tears and exclaimed.

"Emperor Zhou, it's us, we're back! This subordinate rashly went to the temple, violated the temple rules, and begged for punishment!"

Feng Fenghu didn't feel sorry for Emperor Zhou who was in sight, and replied with trembling lips.

"My child, you have seen, I still don't have the demeanor of Emperor Zhou, and what use are the rules of the temple!

quick! Children, since you can come back, run away quickly, don't die with me in this fate.

With you alive, no matter where you are in the future, there is still hope, hurry up! Run away! "

Zhou Emperor Weier heard the words, Rainbow God couldn't help crying, suddenly saw the nine-color lotus in the palm of little Lian'er and the celestial conch in Yaya's hand, his eyes flashed with surprise for a moment, and anxiously urged: .

"Grandpa Emperor Zhou, we finally came all the way from Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou, and we still want to help you, why did you drive us away!"

Little Lian'er, with twinkling eyes, stepped on the colorful silk, tilted her head to look at the old-fashioned Huizhou Emperor Weier, and asked in surprise.

"Feng'er, who are they?"

Emperor Weier of Weiming Huizhou saw that Little Lian'er, Yaya, Tianling and others were not lives conceived by Weiming Huizhou, and asked Feng Fenghu.

"Back to Emperor Zhou, they were all born from the creation of the flower spirit and the willow spirit above the universe!"

Feng Fenghu replied with tears.

"You have seen them, and they have created life in addition to the source of life. It is great! This is our only hope to destroy the universe. How are they? Are they in the Nine Heavens Immortal Universe you are talking about?"

Zhou Diweier asked excitedly.

The four Fenghus all lowered their heads sadly when they heard the words, and after a long time, Fenghu asked:

"We only ordered Huizhou's current misery to be caused by them, and Emperor Zhou still cares about them!?"

"No! It's not all their fault. They were young and energetic, and they got mad for a while in order to compete with the immortal and devil's ability to create a universe, and committed the mistake of stealing the life-saving magic treasure.

Their original intentions were not evil. The Emperor Benzhou taught that there were disadvantages and mistakes first, but he ordered Huizhou to have such a catastrophe. Although it was painful, it would be inevitable sooner or later. If it was wrong, the Emperor Benzhou would be the first!

The mistake has been made, there is no chance to return to the sky, and the fate of the universe is about to be swallowed by the group of demons. The emperor of this universe has already lost all thoughts. Unexpectedly, the flower spirit and Liujing still have the merit to create them, which is also considered a letdown. After the death of the Zhou Emperor, he gave a little consolation! "

Wei Er, Emperor Huizhou, accepted the tears of the rainbow, showing an ugly smile on his wrinkled and ugly face, although it was ugly, it was sincere.

"Emperor Zhou is magnanimous, the younger generation has been taught. The younger generation has not seen the flower spirit, Liu Jing.

But what can be roughly determined is that they have split their souls into incarnations, and at the same time split the magic Yiyinglian and the awakening flute, which created the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou themselves who are now on the edge of the Hongmeng Pound Universe. "

The four Fenghus were all respectful when they heard Wei Er's words, and it was Feng Fenghu who replied.

"This shows that they still regretted their momentary confusion after all. They must have seen the three-soul skeleton and the dead space witch appearing in the universe they created, and knew that they had made a big mistake. In order to save the mistake, the game changed. Killing the game, the game of cooperation against the three soul skeletons and the death witch began.

The Nine Colors Divine Lotus and Mitian Divine Conch in the hands of this lovely child are the proof. The three parts of the magical heroic lotus can be transformed into the nine-colored lotus, and the five parts of the magic flute can be awakened and injected into the heavenly conch.

This child, thank you for your kindness to come to rescue us, but they are too powerful, we only order Huizhou's countless immortals, gods, demons, demons and spirits to be so powerful, they are no match for them now, how can you deal with them !

The four guardians listened to the decree and immediately took them away from Huizhou, the sooner the better, the Zhou Emperor who took me to them will definitely carry forward the Great Mountains, Rivers, Sun and Moon Map one day! "

Weining Huizhou Emperor suddenly became very calm, turned around and bowed nine times to the map of the mountains, rivers, sun and moon behind him, then raised his hand to turn it into a blue star, drew it into his palm and stared at it for a long time, and then suddenly pushed towards His Highness's wind seal guard.

"It's not good, Zhu Sheng Li Palace trillions of evil spirits and demons have invaded the temple—"

At this moment, the guardian god outside the temple yelled.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"It's finally here! Haha..."

Hearing the words, Wei Er, Emperor Wei Er of Wei Ming Hui Zhou, suddenly became violent with the primordial spirit and divine splendor all over his body. His originally stooped body became tall and straight, his face was handsome, his blond hair flew wildly, his white robes dangled, and he raised his head and laughed loudly.

"Emperor Zhou! Don't!"

Seeing this, the four guards shouted in unison.

The four of them could see clearly that Emperor Zhou was self-defeating and regretting the Divine Body of Wisdom, he was destroying himself.

"Hehe, the gods outside the palace are doomed, and death is inevitable. Why don't we die with some dignity because of their ugliness and disability.

Let's be silent, how about giving our God of Wisdom to the four guardians and these hopeful children in the future? "

Facing the shouts of the four guardians, Emperor Weiming Huizhou just watched with a smile, Huiming's divine body began to fade, his face became more and more handsome, and he smiled and said to the outside of the hall.

"Ha ha……"


"Emperor Zhou is right. We mere myriad gods, why do we need to resist as trapped beasts, and the corpses are floating in the sky. It's so ugly. Come, come!"

There was thunder and lightning outside the temple just now, but it stopped suddenly, and then a series of gods and shadows flew into the temple one after another.

There are both men and women, all of them are in high spirits and beautiful, as if there is no enemy outside, just after attending a feast, or returning from watching flowers and scenery.

They looked at each other deeply with Emperor Zhou Weier, they all laughed loudly, and flew cross-legged with Emperor Zhou, surrounding the four Fenghu and Tianling sisters in a circle.

"Wei Er is ashamed. Today, I am not leading the gods to enjoy the creation wedding banquet, but leading everyone to collapse and die. If the gods complain, please scold Wei Er. There will be no chance in a while, haha..."

Zhou Emperor Weier sat in the center of the circles, Yaya Tianling, and the four guards were directly above the sky, their eyes swept over the gods and friends who shared the same situation with him in Weiming Huizhou, and they were ashamed.

"Emperor Zhou has already said that, for countless years, we have tasted all the sweetness you bestowed on us, and now you finally gave us a different gift, so we are too happy!

Besides, when we go, Huishen can pass it on to these children, so we will be gratified! With such an ending, we are considered a great fortune, Emperor Zhou, wait a moment, we will live and die together! "

"Ha ha……"

In the main hall of Huiming Shrine, bursts of hearty laughter rippling, and then Emperor Weier Zhou and more than ten thousand immortals collapsed silently, turning into blossoming lotus flowers.

Tens of thousands of divine lotus flowers, divine rainbows venting their energy, and billions of rainbows all shot into the bodies of Lian'er, Yaya and the others.

"Ha ha……"

"Farewell to the children, you go, our Wanshen Huineng is enough to help you kill Huizhou who is only your life, Fengfenghu, don't forget to hand over the map of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers to the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuan Zhou Zhou Emperor—"

Tens of thousands of lotus blossoms bloomed for less than a moment, and when they dissipated, the gods laughed loudly, and Emperor Weier Zhou smiled calmly.

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