Nine Heavens

Chapter 2394 True Soul Fantasy Universe

Within Xiaomei's soul sea, there is a vast expanse, between the blue sea and sky, there are two demons floating, one is Death Son and the other is Ouyang Langlong.

The former was wearing a pitch-black magic robe, swollen with the wind, with a ferocious face.

The latter wore a gore demon robe, shimmering, and under the blood moon mask, a pair of blood eyes burst out with blood and fire, like a poisonous rainbow shooting a sword.

"Ha ha……"

"I remember that Mr. Death doesn't seem to be stupid. In the past, this Blood Demon Heavenly Lord didn't kill you. First, this Blood Demon Heavenly Lord was incapable of killing you. Second, you were still useful to me at that time!

Now after the experience of Immortal Demon Universe, although this Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch cannot kill your combined three-soul skeletons, he can easily kill each of your souls individually, as long as there is a chance.

Such an opportunity is really rare. Frankly speaking, I have been lying on your back for a long time, and I have been looking forward to the separation of your damn three souls.

Today is finally here, the blood demon Tianjun is really happy, the blood demon Tianjun can finally compete with him again.

What the blood demon Tianjun needs now are two idiots, not you, a smart boy, so I have to kill you and control Xu Xiao and Qi Ai in your place. Do you have any objections? "

Ouyang Langlong held the blood demon sword in his hand, stepped on the head of the blood demon dragon, looked up at Huntian, and said in an infinitely provocative tone.

"This son of death is the Yuanming demon from Weiming Huizhou, don't think you are strong, you and the Xianyuan Emperor we just killed are just products of our Weiming Huizhou Yuanhualing Liujing , although you once mutated into a human figure, and later evolved supremely.

However, even if this son of death fights against you with a single soul, he may not have a chance of winning. I still advise you to think clearly, Mr. Death, we both will lose, and the result is still cheaper than those human gods of Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou! "

Young Master Death saw that he was too weak, so he simply threw himself out, and said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Ha ha……"

"I thought you were different from those two stupid souls. You are the same idiot. You killed Emperor Xianyuan, haha..."

Ouyang Langlong laughed wildly, staring at the son of death who was stepping on the dark devil's egg tens of thousands of miles away, the laughter stopped abruptly, and he couldn't help laughing after some sarcasm.

"Hmph! What are you laughing at? This son of death planned to kill him in the Misty Nether Realm, but he personally manipulated Xianshe Ganoderma lucidum and Princess Yingyao. It's true. Is there anything wrong?"

Hearing what Ouyang Langlong said, Mr. Death's heart was shocked suddenly, and he was quite surprised.

"If he is so easy to be killed, what ability does he have to create the Nine Heavens Immortal Universe! What you killed was just his real soul and phantom body, and he deliberately gave up a trace of his real soul in order to confuse you.

Widen your evil dog eyes and see clearly, where is the Nine Heavens Immortal Universe we are in now or the real Nine Heavens Immortal Universe?

When you killed his real soul and illusory body, he was still pouring wine on the altar in the real Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe! It's ridiculous that you three stupid souls are still self-satisfied, split your souls, and secretly controlled the golden ganoderma lucidum and the British demon princess.

As everyone knows, your every move is always under their control. Do you think that after you kill all the Nine Heavens Immortals in the Illusory Universe, the True Soul and Illusory Immortals, you will be victorious if you dominate the Illusory Universe! You are wrong, when you are victorious, it is also when you perish.

The reason why Emperor Xianyuan took this move was that he was retreating in the open and telling the truth in secret, but in order to protect the lives of all the gods in Jiutian Xianyuanzhou.

At the same time, it is to fully expose you, so that your mysterious existence in the dark is all in their sight. But they turned from the light to the dark, but they became the behind-the-scenes manipulators of you.

They had to make such a choice entirely because he and you possessed the same deadly thing as them—the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou Quanshenshen breath wheel! "

Ouyang Langlong explained with a sneer.

"Oh! He is too scary! Too scary! He can do such unimaginable and majestic things as the real soul and phantom universe, the real soul and phantom body of Manzhou immortal god!"

Hearing this, Young Master Death's eyes were dumbfounded and his expression was stiff on his pitch-black hideous face. He couldn't believe his ears for a long time.

However, Ouyang Langlong awakened the dreamer with a single word, and he had to believe that the dead son thought that something that happened recently was smoother than the other.


Suddenly, the dark and huge body of Young Master Death suddenly knelt on top of his own death devil egg vortex death devil cloud, and shouted:

"Mr. Death begged the Blood Demon Heavenly Lord to spare his life, and from then on, he wholeheartedly surrendered to the Blood Demon Heavenly Lord's call, just for me to kill Xianyuan Emperor one day and avenge my being tricked!"


"This Blood Demon Lord seems to have said just now that he wants to kill you, but of course it is because he hates your cleverness! If you become less intelligent, this Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch would also like to have another Demon Slave to help you.

This Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch is thinking about establishing a universe of demon slaves in this phantom Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe. In this universe of demon slaves, I am the only one, and everyone else is slaves!

If you are willing to be the number one demon slave of my demon slave Zhou Blood Demon Emperor Zhou Emperor, I can consider not killing you, but...haha..."

Blood Demon Lord Ouyang Langlong squinted at the other party with contemptuous eyes and said.

"The Demon Slave Emperor is above you, Lord Death is willing to accept any conditions from the Demon Slave Emperor, as long as you don't kill this Demon Slave!"

Hearing that there is hope for immortality, Mr. Death immediately kowtowed and shouted loudly.

"Don't worry! Don't worry! Listen to my conditions before agreeing to Emperor Ben Zhou. Emperor Ben Zhou is not the kind of person who makes things difficult for others. You need your sincerity!"

Ouyang Langlong now proclaimed himself the emperor of the so-called universe of demon slaves that had not yet been established, and then said shamelessly.

"Emperor Zhou, please tell me, the Death Demon Slave promises it!"

Either die or agree, Mr. Death has no other choice, he said with determination, thinking to himself, let's survive first, as for other things, living is a chance!

"Well, the number one demon slave that Emperor Zhou needs needs to be by my side at all times. He needs the body of a demon god, he doesn't need a soul, a soul, a soul, a heart, or any soul thoughts. , I just need to breathe, and then I will be a living dead at my beck and call.

So, I need to destroy your primordial soul, the heart of Xinzhou, are you willing? "

Ouyang Langlong said this casually, he still looked up at the height of the soul sky, as if Mr. Death did not exist.


Mr. Death had already thought of the worst outcome, but he still didn't expect Ouyang Langlong to be so ruthless, so he couldn't help but groan.

"Why, don't you want to. Well, Emperor Ben Zhou said that Emperor Ben Zhou is not the kind of person who makes things difficult for others. If you don't want to, you can choose to let me kill you right now."

Ouyang Langlong spoke very gently at this time, as if he was caring for a weak baby.

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