Nine Heavens

Chapter 2395

"There is a difference between Emperor Zhou's doing this and killing me. Wouldn't it be a walking dead without a soul or a heart?"

The son of death who turned into Xiaomei looked depressed.

"Then what do you think, based on the wicked things you have done, don't you think I will be more polite than Emperor Xianyuan?"

You can't see Ouyang Langlong's expression under the blood moon mask, but you can tell how proud he is from his tone of voice.

"Since it's death anyway, let's fight to the death, go to death!"

The dead son jumped up suddenly, stepped on the pitch-black devil egg, and flew thousands of miles backwards.

At the same time, chanting in his mouth, holding the strange formula with both hands, a blazing black rainbow flashed in the palm of his left hand, and a pitch-black magic sword appeared.

Then, Xiaomei raised her left hand to the sky of Soul Universe, and the pitch-black magic sword suddenly roared in the sky, the blade continued to expand, and at the same time, the magic sword began to flash and thunder.

The dark and frightening thunder vortex and the terrifying dark sea of ​​sword curtain roared towards the Ouyang Langlong below.


The dead son who turned into Xiaomei had red hair whirling wildly, his face was pale and ferocious, his eyes were like blood, and he snorted viciously.

"Haha... Xuanhong Demon Sword! You have finally summoned it, the Emperor of this universe is waiting for it! Haha..."

Facing the terrifying attacking elephant in the sky, Ouyang Langlong stepped on the head of the blood demon dragon and just laughed wildly, without moving at all.

However, just when the terrifying attack image of Mr. Death was about to devour him, he and the blood demon dragon under his feet suddenly disappeared.

Then, Mr. Death heard Ouyang Langlong's terrifying laughter, laughing in all directions for thousands of miles above his head.

"You, you, how can you also know the magic skill of the universe of Emperor Xianyuan!?"

Xiaomei, the son of death, with disheveled hair, controls the Xuanhong Demon Sword to surround the sky, chopping around, panicking and questioning.

"You are so smart, you never thought that I look exactly like Emperor Xianyuan, why is that?"

At this time, Ouyang Langlong's voice became yin and yang, and he asked jokingly.

"You look exactly alike! Why?"

"Because we are the form and shadow of the same Tianling River flower. He is the form and I am the shadow.

He occupies all the light and warmth, and enjoys the love of the group, but I will always be under his feet, and I can only watch helplessly as he takes a warm bath, enjoys the comfort, and accepts the love of the whole Tianling Riverside. Admiration and love.

Why! Why... We are the same existence of a wave, he is so tall and stalwart, but I can only be his shadow.

No one paid attention to my existence, I could only lie at his feet coldly, day after day, year after year, and universe after universe.

Until he was submerged in the wave shape, slowly materialized, cultivated into a real wave, turned into a human, transformed into a fairy and a god, he was still above me.

And no matter how hard I try, I can only watch his majestic existence from afar, even if I am a little proud, he will try his best to ride on my head! Make me depressed, make it difficult for me to stand out!

I hate him! Hate him to death! Hate in the past, hate now! Hate forever and ever! I want to kill him, I must kill him! Frontier Zhou failed, Immortal Demon Zhou failed, but as long as he is alive and I exist, I have a chance.

This opportunity, all immortals, gods and demons, must crawl under my feet, so that I can successfully kill him! Murder him...haha...

Look, look, do I look the same as him, look the same! Ha ha……"

Ouyang Langlong laughed strangely, and at the same time tore off the blood moon mask on his face and the nine dragon crown on his head.

Ouyang Langlong's laughter was miserable and sad, angry and hateful!

Ouyang Wang Langlong's laughter made the dead son tremble, and the terrifying magic power of the black rainbow sword controlled by the soul thought was also dejected.

Xiaomei, the son of death, stopped attacking, her hair was disheveled, her red eyes followed Ouyang Langlong's sorrowful laughter, and soon after he saw the face that had taken off the blood moon mask.

It really looked like Xianyuan Emperor Liu Qianlang, with flying white hair, a handsome face, and deep and deep eyes.

However, the difference is that Ouyang Langlong's eyes are thick red eyes of hatred and blood, and what floats outside him is not the holy sky brocade silk robe, but the bloody gore demon robe, which is full of hatred and unwillingness the demon soul.

The Shen Xiao Demon Sword in his hand and the roaring Blood Demon Dragon under his feet were also vicious and vicious.

"No! You are not him, you just look like him, he has a fairy spirit, and you, like us, will always be a demon, a dark, dead existence!"

Young Master Death was shocked at first, and then shouted.


"What are you talking about! Why are we different? We all come from the waves of the Tianling River. We are all part of the body of your life-giving Huizhou Hualingxian. Why are we different!?"

The words of Mr. Death reached Ouyang Langlong's pain, and he roared at the top of his lungs.

"Just because he is a fairy, you are a demon, he is bright, you are evil, he loves all living beings, you slaughter all living beings, he creates the universe, and you destroy the universe!

He will always be a bright existence, and you are destined to be like us, a demon, haha... a demon..."

Mr. Death knew that no matter how much he resisted this time, it would be impossible for him to die well, so he grabbed Ouyang Langlong's sore spot and brutally destroyed his will.

"Ha ha……"

Ouyang Langlong also broke out into bursts of stern smiles, and then said in a strange way:

"Who doesn't want to be a highly respected immortal! I, Ouyang Langlong, am not a born demon. All of this was forced by the hateful Emperor Xianyuan, and it was caused by the wager of the flower spirit, willow spirit, and fairy demon of Huizhou!

When I, Ouyang Langlong, was still the number one human being in the chaotic world of the frontier universe, I was a young man who was upright, bid farewell to my kind and benevolent mother, and worshiped under the sect of Xuanling.

Then he devoted himself to practice, forgetting himself all day long, and only wanted to be a good god who subdue demons and demons and defend the common people.

However, since you gave birth to me, how could you give birth to him! Because of his existence, I am eclipsed everywhere. No matter how hard I try, his aura will always be my brilliant nemesis.

In addition, I was born in the soul evil sect, and the evil sect was crooked, and gradually deviated from the right path... All the way through the evil journey, I, Ouyang Langlong, followed him and opposed him all the time.

Actually, what I want is very simple, that is, to be able to live as brightly and freshly as him. He also gave me a chance in the Immortal Demon Universe. And humiliation has long been deeply rooted in the depths of my soul.

There are billions of soul thoughts, but my billions of soul thoughts are only hatred and unwillingness! So I once tried to abandon the devil and return to immortality, but I couldn't proceed at all.

Because I found that if I, who was the only one I respected in the dark demon world, returned to the immortal, it would be a superfluous one in the righteous immortal world.

All the success and aura still belong to him, all the gods admire him, the entire Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe belongs to him, and I am his poor sympathizer.

No matter how he pushes me to a high place, what I see is still the condescending eyes of all the gods and gods examining the demons, sometimes giving me a luxurious smile that makes my heart feel like a knife!

I don't want to be like that, I'm not incompetent, I want to create my own magic, and gain infinite admiration with my ability, it's not difficult.

However, the Righteous Way is already his world, and I can't catch up with him no matter what, so what can I do, besides the Fallen Demon continuing to be mad and evil, do I have any other chances! ?

Let me be an unknown little fairy god, look at their faces, no! That's not what I, Ouyang Langlong, should want!

What I, Ouyang Langlong, want is to be powerful and majestic, so I can only be a demon, an evil demon!

This is because I am unwilling! I am not reconciled! Ha ha……"

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