Nine Heavens

Chapter 2399 I wish you success

"Are you ready? This time, it's really, either you die or I die!"

Xiaomei is in the Imaginary Cosmic Linhe Palace, smiling happily, sending voices from her soul, provoking Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe, it's ready, whatever you want, it's up to you!"

Liu Qianlang, with white hair and rainbows, smiled at Qiong, and said as if a Tathagata came to see Wukong.

"Haha... giggle..."

"By the way, you already know everything, why is this demon slave, Zhou Emperor, pretending to be and trying to make fun of these fake fish!"

boom! boom!

Suddenly Xiaomei's face became distorted and ferocious again, her hands overlapped for a while, her ten fingers were bent, and jet-black magic lights shot out from between her fingers.

The pitch-black magic glow changed endlessly, turned into thunder and lightning, and roared endlessly, and the Linhe Palace that Ouyang Langlong had revived turned into ruins again.

Those jinyu didn't know what happened, they panicked and couldn't escape, they all turned into the sky full of scales, and they all died before they even had time to panic.

Xiao Meichi whirled wildly, her body curled up, she swung her claws like an ape, and laughed wildly.

"Fine, just follow me, aren't you afraid? Your Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Cosmic Divine Breath Wheel is in my hands. Although I can't summon you, I can still summon everything in this true soul and illusory universe.

Except for you who have been eliminated and this Linhe Palace, your brothers, your sisters, your children, and all your disciples.

I want to transform Zhou into a true soul Demon Zhou, turn all your relatives and disciples into the demon slaves of this Emperor Zhou, and then manipulate them to deal with you, what do you think? "

Xiaomei jumped out of the ruins of Linhe Palace and shot herself into the sky, with red lightning flashing all over her body, floating in the sky above the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe, which she demonized into a true soul Demon Universe, facing Liu Qianlang's majestic body, and asked sharply.

"Hehe...I thought of it!"

Liu Qianlang still smiled calmly, with a peaceful expression, a majestic body, and a huge hand with the palm facing up, hanging in the air to make a formula.

"Thinking about it, why don't you kill me? Are you waiting for me to manipulate your relatives to deal with you one by one?"

Hundreds of millions of miles away, Xiaomei's figure also gradually swelled, and she was as tall as a cangfeng, she asked in confusion.

"I didn't intend to kill you, why do unnecessary things, I only love to create life and evil to destroy life now!

Your evil, I can't cure evil with evil, then use my fairy body and the pain of my heart and soul to gradually offset your unwilling hatred.

This Emperor Xianyuan put it in front of me, no matter what you do, and no matter how you hurt me, this Emperor Xianyuan will always smile and never fight back!

You don't need to use Xiaomei's fairy body as a cover anymore, you should be upright, show your magic power, use all your abilities, and I will teach you one by one, even if you die, you will have no regrets! "

"Oh? This is not like what you said. If you die, what should you do about those relatives and disciples who care more about your life than your life? Don't you feel relieved to let Emperor Ben Zhou kill them!?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Liu Qianlang laughed loudly, and then said:

"Of course I won't let them all be hurt by you, and Emperor Zhou believes that no matter how much you hurt me, you will never hurt them directly!

What you really hate is not my disciple of Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou, in fact, it is not me, but your ambition is hard to pay! Once your ambition is fulfilled, the light in your heart will be revealed.

No matter how the devil acts, as long as there is light lingering in the depths of the soul universe, his darkness will end sooner or later. I firmly believe in my own vision, you are such a devil. "

"Haha... giggle..."

"You are getting more and more humorous, is it true that righteous gods will become fools at the end of their practice! Obviously, the magic arts have reached the peak, but they are willing to die and refuse to resist.

Where does the light come from for an evil spirit? As you said, what kind of evil spirit is it!

Emperor Zhou doesn't want to talk nonsense with you anymore, do you know who Lin'er, Little Demon Turtle and the Xuanhong Demon Sword in my hand are now? "

"Hehe...Of course I know, the three souls, the skeleton and the three souls seized the Linhe three immortals. The son of death seized Xiaomei, and you entered Xiaomei's soul universe, killed the son of death, and Xiaomei became your soul house.

Lin'er is Qi Ai, and the little devil turtle is Xu Xiao, am I wrong? "

"You really knew it a long time ago. It seems that my materialized True Soul and Fantasy Universe is really your trap. It's a pity that your cleverness was mistaken by your cleverness. You probably didn't expect me to appear again?"

"Indeed, I, Emperor Xianyuan, never thought that you would be able to take over the fairy house after recovering your divine shadow with such a speedy speed and full of thoughts.

I didn't even expect that you would use the Three Immortals of Linhe and the Three Soul Skeletons to be resurrected, so that Emperor Xianyuan originally assisted the four guardians of Huizhou to find the magical lotus, awaken the flute, and the plan of the flower spirit and willow spirit became a reality. joke.

You are really a very powerful character. Thinking about it now, it is really a fluke that I was able to defeat you many times in the past. "

"Haha... giggle..."

"I love to hear this, because Emperor Zhou hates you at all, and I have to admit that you, Liu Qianlang, are not a hypocrite, and you are really different from those righteous hypocrites.

Seems like we were supposed to be best brothers and we ended up being enemies, how funny and ridiculous! "

"Hehe, I like to hear that too. I want to ask a question, may I?"

"Emperor Xianyuan is too polite, he is about to die, so just ask whatever you want."

"You seem to have followed the four guardians of Weiming Huizhou for a long time, and tried to follow them and the daughters of Emperor Xianyuan to Weiming Huizhou, but in the end you came back halfway, why?"

"Oh! You know this, I admire you! You are right, I originally planned to take away the Wind Seal and kill your sons and daughters.

However, this Zhou Emperor is really not sure that he can successfully seize the Wind Seal. And your sons and daughters really make people like to die, our resentment, Emperor Ben Zhou thinks that their lives should not be used as a price.

We are us, they are them, if I kill them, it will appear that I, Ouyang Langlong, are too incompetent. The big ones can't beat the small ones! "


"Emperor Xianyuan knows, you have to hurry up, not long ago, the fourth brother Song Zhen calculated for me, the four Fenghu and my sons and daughters are coming back soon.

If you don't hurry up and kill me, once they come back, your chances will be slim. "

"I believe this, thank you very much! But now I am too lazy to fight you personally, you sit here and rest, I will go back and make arrangements, and then send someone to kill you! Are you sure you will never fight back again?"

"That's natural. I know that the ones you sent are all my real people or disciples. Even though they are real souls and bodies, I can't bear to make a move."

"This is great. To kill a god who doesn't fight back, no matter how powerful he is, he is a rookie. But those real souls and phantoms you created are not good, their strength is only like Yunxian, and I have to demonize them It's easy to use!"

"Hehe... go! I wish you success!"


This declaration of challenge by the fairy and the demon can be described as an ancient and wonderful work. One encourages the other party to kill himself, and the other exposes himself to death.

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