Nine Heavens

Chapter 2400 Return from the universe.

It is said that the four members of Weiming Huizhou sealed the wind and light, led Yaya, Liu Yun, and the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou to fight all the way, and finally escaped from Weiming Huizhou.

They wept and knelt to bid farewell to Wei Ruizhou, who was already rampant with phantoms. They traveled day and night, and flew towards the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou on the edge of the Hongmeng Pound Universe...

"Huh! Weiming Huizhou, finally I belong to the dead Zhou Wu, ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

The body is hunched, the face is pale, and the black pupil is the death witch. Stepping on the bones of the Zhou Wulong, he has been hidden in the layers of evil clouds in the outer sky of Weiming Huizhou, watching the four little immortals who lead the Nine Heavens and Yuanzhou After leaving, he immediately smiled triumphantly and showed his figure.

She circled around Weiming Huizhou several times, and after more than ten thousand years, she shot in.


The universe of Hongmeng is infinitely vast, and Yaya pushed the time boat, and used the magical skill of Shundun taught by her teacher Xianyuandi, it still took more than ten thousand years, and finally approached the long-awaited "Nine Heavens Xianyuan Universe."



From a distance, Yaya saw Emperor Xianyuan cross-legged, majestically floating above the Nine Heavens Xianyuan Universe, and immediately shouted excitedly, stepping on the colorful silk, holding the nine-color lotus in her hand, she ran towards her father, who was still in hundreds of millions of light.


"Brother Yun, Senior Sister Yaya! We are finally home!

The four senior seal protectors, we can finally ask Master and the others to avenge the seniors of Huizhou Zhoudi Weier! "

"We're home!"

"Stay home!"


When all the sisters in Tianling saw Daddy's majestic figure and Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou below, their eyes sparkled with excitement and they shouted happily.

But Yaya didn't, she stared intently, resonated with her spiritual sense, and found that her mentor was deliberately avoiding her, she was secretly surprised, and couldn't help but look dignified.

The four seal guards stood on the left and right sides of the time boat. Yaya and Liu Yun, who were standing proudly at the head of the boat, looked uneasy, but Yao Hong looked deeply and felt that something was wrong.

It stands to reason that they have already seen Emperor Xianyuan, and with Emperor Xianyuan's strength and character, they would have seen them long ago and greeted them with a smile.

However, Emperor Xianyuan stood cross-legged majestically, with a big smile on his face, and his eyes closed calmly, like an eternal sleeping Buddha.

Furthermore, the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou under him is really weird. In the tens of thousands of years that he has been waiting to leave, not only has the immortal god's ability not grown, but he has also become full of evil spirits just like the mutated Huiming Huizhou. state.

"Yaya, something strange seems to have happened in Nine Heavens Fate of Immortals! Why is Emperor Xianyuan so silent, and Nine Heavens Fate of Immortals..."

The four seals and protectors were originally supernatural, and they had to order Hui Zhou Emperor Weier to give up their lives to give them gifts. They all looked like vast gods, surprised in their hearts, and looked at Yaya with confused eyes.

"The four seniors wait a moment, let Yaya soul read the voice transmission to ask."

After Yaya responded to the four guardians, she secretly urged Mitian Shenluo to use the method of silent big waves to accumulate breath, and then Yaoyao asked her teacher in her soul:

"Master, Yaya and the sisters are back, and the four senior seal guards are back, why are you turning a blind eye, did something happen at home?"

Liu Qianlang is confining his soul and dissipating energy, and has been waiting for Ouyang Langlong's attack, but for tens of thousands of years, Ouyang Dinosaur only cared about demonizing Jiutian Xianyuan Zhou Huanzhou, and never shot Liu Qianlang.

Liu Qianlang's soul seal was shaken, and suddenly heard the familiar and intimate sound of the snail, and suddenly his soul seal was released, and he opened his eyes to look into the distance, just in time to see his beloved daughter Xiao Lianer and his distant lover Yaya, his son Liu Yun, the four Fenghu, and the other daughters and nieces, all surrounded by the divine ring of Huineng, stood floating in the time boat and flew closer.

"Hehe, Daddy's little Lian'er, Hui Neng has advanced so much, I guess Daddy will worship you as his teacher this time!"

Liu Qianlang stretched out Tanya's giant arm, supported little Lian'er and Shiguangzhou with both hands, bent his arms in front of his eyes, and said with a smile.

Then he looked at Yaya and the four Feng Hufeng and others and said:

"Now, the real Nine Heavens Immortal Universe is in my Soul Universe, and the one below is the Nine Heavens Immortal Universe that has been transformed into the Demon Slave Universe. Your former Uncle Langlong has been resurrected. He wants to destroy the Nine Heavens Immortal Universe." Zhou and everything I have...

He controls the breath wheel of our immortal gods in the universe, and will call any immortal god in our universe to become his demon slave at any time! That's why I am alone with him, protecting the immortal universe and entering the soul universe.

The situation is complicated, so you don't need to ask too much, just enter my soul universe, and if you have something to say, tell me in the soul universe. "

When Liu Qianlang said hastily, his soul had already moved, and Xiao Lian'er, Yaya and others, together with Shi Guangzhou, were illusioned into the real Nine Heavens of the Soul Universe.

"Ah! Unexpectedly, the flower spirit and Liu Jing were ridiculous for a while, and they harmed others and themselves and harmed Zhou Lun! Now that the evil spirit of Huizhou is on the throne, the evil spirit of Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou has also appeared to dominate again!

Emperor Xianyuan is great! We are heartbroken to admire, to save relatives in the whole universe, for the evil ambitions of the whole false brother, he sacrificed his life calmly, the heart of the gods is really broad, and it is hard for evil spirits to catch up! "

In a hurry, the four protectors had no time to say more. When they safely entered the Soul Universe of Liu Qianlang, the four protectors stood on both sides of the time boat, bowed their heads in salute, and sighed with emotion.

Yaya, Liuyun, Tianling, etc., calling for Daddy, Master, and Uncle Xianyuan, all burst into tears, shook their heads, and felt pain piercing their hearts.

Yaya also admires and loves her teacher's actions like this, and she is even more reluctant!

The Tianling sisters and Liu Yun, apart from being helpless or helpless, they all knew that they couldn't find a reason to stop what Dad did.

"Daddy, little Lian'er can't bear to part with you, why does he have to let Uncle Langlong kill you, why is he so cruel, doesn't he have a father and a mother!"

Little Lian'er cried and complained. Although she was powerful, she was still immature. She didn't have the sound transmission of her soul, and her childish voice floated in the time and space at the edge of the universe.

Xianyuan Emperor Liu Qianlang is hundreds of millions of miles high in the sky, surrounded by clouds of demons. In fact, Ouyang Langlong has assembled an army of countless demon slaves for more than ten thousand years. He wears a nine-dragon light on his head, a blood moon mask, and a gore demon robe. Trampling on the blood demon dragon, holding the Xuanhong demon sword.

As long as he raises his hand and swings his sword, trillions of demon slaves of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe, True Soul and Phantom Body, who have been demonized by him, will immediately swoop down, and then chop Liu Qianlang's majestic body into dust.

However, he saw Liu Qianlang sitting alone like that, dispersing his resistance to divine power, sealing his soul without feeling, and letting himself slaughter, which made Ouyang Langlong inexplicably unbearable and unwilling.

So he explained himself:

"Hmph! Virtue, just wait, wait until those precious children of yours come back, I will kill you and them together, and none of you can escape!"

However, when he saw the time boat appearing in the distance, he didn't raise the Xuanhong magic sword, but looked at the cute look of Xiao Xiaolian and smiled.

Smiling very sincerely, this little girl has a sweet mouth, and is the first person in the world to sweetly call him Uncle Langlong.

At that moment Ouyang Langlong decided, no matter what, this child cannot be killed, she is too distressing and likable.

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