Nine Heavens

Chapter 2401 The True Essence of Immortal Pursuit

Especially when Ouyang Langlong heard the words "father and mother" mentioned by little Lian'er, his heart was shocked.

"Emperor Zhou! Let's finally wait until they come back, let's do it! When we escaped Huizhou, I hated the four guardians of Fengyuguangguang to death. Killing them now can just relieve my hatred! "

On the left and right of Ouyang Dinosaur are Qi Ai who turned into Lin'er and Xu Xiao who turned into a fairy turtle.

One of the two stepped on the pitch-black tower of death, and the other stood in the blue imaginary bowl. Seeing Ouyang Langlong's delay in issuing an offensive decree, they urged.



Hearing the words, Ouyang Langlong slowly raised the Xuanhong Demon Sword and said with a sob in his throat:

"Yeah, I finally got what I expected!"

Then, he quickly drew a round of Yin Hong sword curtain around his body, and immediately heard Xu Xiao and Qi Ai utter a broken howl at the same time.

Ouyang Langlong killed them.

"This, this, this, why is this, you don't kill them, you kill us, you are short-sighted, you!"

Xu Xiao and Qi Ai didn't think about it anyway, Ouyang Langlong chopped up his fairy house at the critical moment, and shouted in shock.

Ouyang Langlong ignored their questioning at all. Under the blood moon mask, the extremely poisonous blood rainbow of the flower spirit shot out a warm glow like the sun, covering the four Fenghu, Yaya, Liu Yun and Tianling sisters.

At the same time, Ouyang Lang flew out of the sea of ​​dragon sleeves, the divine breath wheels of all the gods and gods of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe.

The divine breath wheel is holy and flawless, and the hundreds of millions of immortal stones on it are like a sea of ​​stars in the universe, shining with incomparably brilliant stars, very beautiful.


The divine breath wheel flew steadily towards Liu Qianlang, and Ouyang Langlong once again swung his sword to shatter the core of Xu Xiao and Qi Ai's demon primordial spirit. After the soul bubble and demon heart, he saluted Liu Qianlang deeply, Heart said:

"Qianlang, when Langlong saw little Lian'er flying towards her father just now, she finally understood what is precious and what is the true meaning of chasing immortals.

Immortals' longevity focuses on creation, and sons and daughters shine on geniuses!

The dignity of Batian does not need to be self-proclaimed. If you are magnanimous and comfortable, and point out all living beings, the dignity of immortal gods will be born freely.

The way to be a human being is to fight for what is wrong with oneself, to prosper around you, and to be proud of yourself. To be the road of immortality, adhering to the good fate of heaven, naturally good fate and good luck!

Langlong is really envious of you, bless you, Langlong now fully understands that he is wrong. However, it's too late. All Langlong can do is to eliminate the corrupt demons and death witches of Wuming Huizhou for you.

Sorry, lead the wave! The Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Emperor I admire, I have seriously damaged it here, and you still need a lot of hard work to purify it as before.

Put away the divine breath wheel, the three soul skeletons have been killed by me, and all the nine heavenly gods behind me have a trace of their true souls, and I will return them to you, take care of yourself! "

Ouyang Langlong didn't show up in the hundreds of millions of miles of sky at all, bowed deeply, Xingzhong said goodbye silently, turned around suddenly, waved the giant sleeve of the blood demon robe, and the hundreds of millions of nine-day immortals who had been demonized by him The phantom instantly shot all the magic energy back into Ouyang Langlong's body.

Just a quarter of an hour later, Ouyang Langlong stepped on the dragon and left with his head held high, while the inexplicable Nine Heavens Immortal Fate, Zhou Xianshen and phantoms behind him floated like rain, falling towards Liu Qianlang below one after another.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Good brother, good brother! You finally defeated Mo An in the battle of immortal heart! Haha..."

Liu Qianlang's majestic body remained unmoved. After the sons and daughters summoned by the soul thought and the four guardians entered the soul universe, they were planning to seal the soul and vent their energy, and let Ouyang Langlong destroy and retaliate, so as to offset his unwillingness and peace. Resentment and evil thoughts.

I don't want to suddenly see the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Cosmos God's Breath Wheel, which I am most worried about, flying high and high among the clouds, and then I saw a trace of a real soul and phantom in the sky, and instantly understood Ouyang Langlong's ultimate goal. Choose, laugh loudly immediately.

"Ah? Senior Sister Yaya, Sister Tianling, is Daddy crazy? I talked to him, but he didn't answer me, why are you laughing?"

Little Lian'er nestled between Yaya and Tianling in Liu Qianlang's soul universe, looking at the soul space that was flying away from the time boat in front of her, she raised her head and asked in surprise.


"This is a happy event that Daddy never dreamed of. It's okay. Daddy is not crazy. He is happy... Daddy doesn't have to die because of Uncle Langlong!"

Tianling squatted down, hugging little Lian'er tightly, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Oh! Really, it's really great, I can see Daddy's stern face again in the future, hehe..."

Lian'er is innocent and innocent, she doesn't care about anything else, as long as her father is fine, she bursts into laughter instantly, jumps up and down and claps her hands.

"In order to save a demon, Emperor Xianyuan would rather give up his life to cultivate, in exchange for such merits, it is unprecedented and unprecedented, it is infinitely admirable!"

"I admire you!"

While sighing, the four seal guards spontaneously raised their hands high and bowed to Liu Qianlang.


Yaya didn't speak a word, but she had already shed tears, and her heart was full of emotion. She was happy that her master could not die, and she was very grateful for Ouyang Langlong's reining in.

Whenever she has no words to express her complex and deep emotions, she will slowly raise the conch of the sky and play the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Song.

"Uncle Langlong, thank you for not killing Master! Uncle Langlong, you are not alone, you are the person that Master always cares about most in his heart!

You are the same as the master, the soul of the master, and the immortal instrument, and you are also someone we all care about. Yaya knows what you are going to do, Uncle Langlong Shengan, be careful, we will help you soon.

Uncle Langlong must remember that Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou cannot do without you. There are seven largest divine breath stones in the center of the master's divine breath wheel, and you also have one. "

Yaya borrowed Mi Tianluo's divine voice to transmit it to Ouyang Langlong who was flying in the sky.

"Thank you Yaya, what a good boy you are. Uncle Langlong is not a human being, and has never been a human being. I'm sorry for your master, and I'm sorry for all of you. Langlong is not worthy to be your uncle!"

Ouyang Langlong heard the melodious snail sound, and behind Yunyue's mask, tears of blood dripped from his bloody eyes. This was the first time he shed tears in front of anyone other than his mother.

"Uncle Langlong, don't say that, just listen to how happy Master is smiling, and you will know how important you are to him.

He is not afraid of you killing him, but he is afraid that you will never let go!

Master has already brought Grandma Langlong from Qianyuanzhou to Jiutianxianyuanzhou. At this moment, she is living with the four grandparents Hedong, Fengyue, Cheng and Ding in Master's soul Zhou Enqing Palace. She has been waiting The son who went to the outer space to fight hard has returned successfully.

So, Uncle Langlong, you are very important to each of us, you must take care of yourself, we will be reunited soon..."



When mentioning his mother, Ouyang Langlong cried loudly and cried out in grief.

Past mistakes cannot be followed up, and the people who are sorry are not only people from Jiutian Xianyuanzhou, the most unforgivable thing in his heart is that he has never been kind to his beloved mother.

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