Nine Heavens

Chapter 2402 Enlightenment and Strong Respect

"If it's for immortals and demons to leave the heart of Dao, how can it be like enjoying the warm spring in the world! The strength of character is the glory of existence, and that's why Langlong City exists!"

After laughing for a long time, Liu Qianlang sighed.

"I can't bear to look back, I'm afraid of recalling the memories, and I sigh that I have met a true friend in this life! I will go to Fengyun to redeem my past sins. If I am lying in the universe, I will not be able to understand! I will not thank you for my deep kindness, and there will be no compensation for long sins. If I am wandering in the universe, please be kind to me Mother, it’s almost like saying, let’s go to the dragon!”

Under the Dragon Blood Moon mask, Ouyang Lang choked with blood and tears, and then suddenly increased his speed, like an electric shot, and soon disappeared.


Tens of thousands of years later, the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Universe turned into a huge azure blue magic lotus in the Hongmeng Universe, like a vast blue vortex, roaring steadily and calmly in the direction of the Hongmeng Universe's heart to destroy the universe marching.

Xianyuan Emperor Liu Qianlang, Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang, Jianzhan Zhouzun Song Zhen, Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan, the resurrected spirit monster Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng, Emperor Seeking Darkness, the five Xianyuan Palace Saints, Sitting cross-legged in the sky above the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Cosmic Demon God Lotus, they all looked relieved and talked to each other.

"Hehe... Thank you Brother Qianlang for bringing Feng'er back to life!"

Not long after being awakened by Liu Qianlang's great mastery of creating souls and creating memories, Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon king of the universe, has returned to his former beauty and mischievousness. One is the god of the universe, but he smiles like a young fairy.

"Hehe, Fengmei has never really left. You love and hate the fairy man, and your soul is scattered, but it leaves a mark in the universe. Brother Qianlang didn't take much effort to wake you up.

On the contrary, brother Qianlang was very puzzled. After returning after countless years of silence, how did Fengmei comprehend the relationship between you and the fairy man, so as to let go? "

The six palace saints sat in a circle, Liu Qianlang smiled and asked Cheng Shifeng who was opposite.

"I am me, he is him, we have gathered from different origins, he has his predestined relationship, I have my first love, and it is enough to get together after the predestined relationship.

Once the fate is gone, he will return to the front, and I will continue to the back, so why obsess over the past.

Besides, brother Zhen has already thoroughly investigated, and the fairy man is only an illusion of Huizhou Liujing, he is not a villain at all, and it is by no means all intentional that he betrayed me.

Thinking about it carefully, he had no choice but to say that he had no love for me! Now that he's gone, why bother to be so lingering and unable to feel at ease! "

Cheng Shifeng smiled and expressed his thoughts.

"Haha... Sister Feng has really realized it. It's really rare. No wonder your sister Yuelan said that you have changed, and you have become a really comfortable and happy goddess."

The emperor looking for darkness can be said to spoil his wife and control him. He talks all the time and never forgets his beloved wife Yuelan.

"Yo! Brother Xun An, are you praising me, or empress Yue Landi's sister-in-law?"

When Cheng Shifeng heard the words, he smiled coquettishly and became angry.

"Ha ha……"

Her words made Liu Gongsheng burst into laughter.

"Well! Third Brother, Yaya and the others have returned to their divine breath, and they have reached the edge of Weiming Huizhou."

While everyone was laughing, the sword Zhan Zhouzun's star sword suddenly shone, and Song Zhenzhong flicked his index finger in the stream and said.

"That's good. They and the four guardians left thousands of years in advance, which can somewhat help Langlong."

Hearing Song Zhen's words, the laughter of the palace saints stopped immediately, and then they all became serious.

"Thinking about the past ten thousand years, he has been alone against Mo Zhou, and he has definitely suffered a lot. No matter how wrong he was, he will make up for it.

For more than 10,000 years, our Nine Heavens Immortal Universe has evolved safely in the Primordial Universe, created great supernatural powers, and everything that is beneficial to the universe is due to his efforts to maintain it so smoothly! "

Liu Juan sighed.

"That's right. I've repeatedly divined the demonic aura in the direction of Weiming Huizhou. Those demonic auras can't spread around the Hongmeng Pounded Universe. It's obviously because Brother Langlong is trying his best to condense the seal."

Song Zhen nodded in agreement, and at the same time, his black and white eyebrows twitched frequently, as if he had something to say.

Xianyuan Emperor Liu Qianlang saw it in his eyes and said with a smile:

"Fourth brother, do you want to ask, we didn't send immortal gods to help Langlong as soon as possible, and we didn't send Yaya, Tianling sisters and the four seals until the last two thousand years?"

"Oh! Third Brother Shenhui, that's right. How did Third Brother know that I wanted to ask this?"

Song Zhen laughed.

"Hehe, I'm afraid it's not just you, everyone wants to know the reason, right?"

The five palace sages nodded slightly when they heard the words.

"The reason for this is very simple. If the Emperor Xian Yuan understood this simple reason when he was still the first among the five mortals in Chaos of the Frontier Universe, there would not be as much unhappiness with Langlong as we once did!"

Liu Qianlang shook his head with emotion.

"Could it be that Qianlang deliberately didn't help him in advance!?"

Liu Juan's emerald green hair fluttering, emerald green eyes, shimmering, shimmering green clouds, said in surprise.

"Well, that's true. The biggest shortcoming of the Emperor Xianyuan to him is that he didn't pay enough attention to his strong self-esteem and desire to dominate the might of the sky.

Since we met, I have inadvertently slanted away, and I have repeatedly achieved success in walking in front of him, allowing me to take what he should have been unintentionally, thus making him lose his dignity and future.

To a certain extent, the hostility between him and me was also forced out step by step by me. In addition, our destiny is the same as the shadow of the flower spirit, the water body, and the waves. There is a natural imbalance, which also created everything that happened later.

Therefore, if the Emperor Xianyuan wants to heal Langlong's biggest soul injury, he must give him ample opportunity to fight the demon alone. And letting him face the corrupt demon of Huizhou alone is nothing more than the best chance to make his self-esteem strong.

If we don't understand him and go early, it is not he who defeated the evil spirit of Weizhou Huiming, but us. We are not helping him, but hurting him!

For a person with strong self-esteem, if he dies for his ideals, he will die with a smile on his face. If he never gets the chance to pursue his ideals, he will suffer and be depressed. If things go on like this, people with a strong heart will also fall into the devil. "

Liu Qianlang spoke lightly, as if in self-reflection.

His voice was not loud, but he was beating the Sacred Hearts of the five palaces heavily.

"Whether it's a fairy or a monster! Everyone has a heart that cannot be trampled on. In fact, everyone is making the same mistakes as Qianlang said intentionally or unintentionally.

However, we are in it, often self-centered and ignoring others, especially our opponents.

The words of Qianlang made this Sirius Zhou Jun suddenly realize how to save the demons and become immortals in the future, and the demons are gone! "

Cheng Yuanfang's four beloved wives are all fox fairies, who have a deep understanding but never a deep understanding. Hearing Liu Qianlang's words just now, he suddenly understood the reason why Siwai Huxian's beloved wife loved him so much. That is my meticulous kindness and understanding to them!

"It's true what the third brother said, but Weiming Huizhou is so domineering, I'm worried that Langlong won't be able to support him for a long time!"

Song Zhen also nodded heavily, and then reminded Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe, don't worry, fourth brother, I have been ashamed of him before, so how could I let him pass away with regret? He has a human relationship that draws his immortal heart and will never die, and that is the mother he will never let go of.

Over the years, I have been paying attention to him all the time with the divine breath wheel. Not only is he not dangerous now, but he is really powerful and overwhelming. The happiest thing is that he has already passed through cultivation, and his demonic nature has been eradicated. Compared with my fairy face, there is only one difference. He has a bright red crescent moon on his forehead, and I am a bright red sun mark! "

Liu Qianlang smiled confidently.

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