Nine Heavens

Chapter 2406 Immortal God Yang Fight

boom! boom!

When the death witch rushed forward, the dark magic sun in his hand had already shot out a series of dark rainbows of death, overwhelming Yaya and the others.

"Hmph! Dead old woman, bad old woman, you dare to come and kill us! Sister Yaya, let's do it!"

Little Lian'er was flying every now and then, hanging above a colorful star.

Seeing the posture of Death Zhouwu rushing towards him in pale Zhou Wulong, she curled her small mouth and snorted coldly, she was not afraid at all.

"Haha...children, Uncle Langlong knows you are amazing, but he can't afford to dirty your Nine-Color Divine Lotus and Mitian Divine Conch.

It's far away, it's better to take a rest first. Let's take a rest for a while in Uncle Langlong's eyes, and see how Uncle Langlong deals with her. "

Seeing this, Ouyang Langlong, with white hair fluttering, stood firmly on the head of the Yinhong giant dragon. With a smile, his soul moved, and he had summoned Yaya and everyone else into the universe of the right eye sea.

"Wow! Uncle Langlong, how could you call the universe into the god of the universe like your father!?"

Little Lian'er was about to fight with her sisters and the four old women who protected her seniors, but she didn't want to suddenly find herself in the eyes of Ouyang Langlong, looking at the dead Zhou Wu who was still rushing towards her original position The appearance of stepping on the dragon's dive, shouted excitedly.

"Ha ha……"

"My dear niece, you probably don't know yet. If Uncle Langlong and your father are fighting against each other, no one will know each other. However, if we become friendly, what do I think and what does he think? When the soul moves, both of them can sense it.

So I will naturally know all the miraculous skills that your father Xianyuandi knew. Similarly, your father can feel and apply Uncle Langlong's ability. "

The Yin Hong Blood Demon Excalibur in Ouyang Langlong's hand buzzed and roared, and suddenly turned into a golden red sun, dragging it in his palm and laughing loudly.

"Oh my god, Uncle Langlong, you and daddy are twin brothers, right? I heard from my mother that twin brothers look exactly the same, and they have similar abilities!"

The little face suddenly thought of Emperor Niang Shuangtian in his head, and suddenly realized.

"Oh! Haha... Makes sense!"

Ouyang Langlong was very happy when he heard what little Lian'er said.



The Death Witch stepped on the Bone Witch Dragon, and when he opened his teeth and claws, he suddenly found that the target was gone. He suddenly realized that he was tricked by Ouyang Langlong, and couldn't help but tremble.


The death witch, after being thrown into the air, suddenly kicked the dragon back, and then floated back to the sky above her dead half.

"Hee hee! Uncle Langlong, the dead old woman is so ugly, look at her back, it is almost bent into a circle, why is her face so white, it is as ugly as her white bone dragon.

What kind of magic weapon is the black ball she used, why is it emitting black smoke? "

Little Lian'er had never seen the dark magic sun of the Death Zhou Wu, so she was very curious and asked Ouyang Langlong while lying in the eye of Ouyang Langlong.

"Oh, dear nephew, that's called a broken ball, and it's one of the ugly old lady's two magic weapons. He also has a pitch-black walking stick, which is the Zhou Wulong under her feet."

Ouyang Lang looked at the little Lian'er lying on a white cloud in the sea of ​​his eyes with his hands on his chin in his eyes, and said deliberately.

"I'm so pissed off! Oh, blah blah, blah blah..."

On the pale and mouthless face of Death Zhou Wu, there was a sound like cracking teeth, and there was an evil voice, and he didn't know whether it was laughing or crying, and then said extremely viciously:

"What I have in my hand is the Demon Hui Shenyang, not a broken ball! What I have under my feet is not a pitch-black crutch, but the Yin-Yang Profound Dragon—"

"What's messed up, the Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty can't understand, the four senior seal protectors and nephews, do you understand?"

Ouyang Langlong laughed.

"I didn't understand!"

Ouyang Lang shouted in unison in the sea of ​​longan.

boom! boom!

The death witch was so angry that his black pupils swelled, his eyeballs protruded from the eye sockets, and they were about to fall out. After bursts of strange howls, he activated the divine wisdom and demon sun, and the black sun rainbow mixed with the black dragon sprayed huge fire, and the waves rushed like the sea Generally, it comes to overwhelm Ouyang Langlong.

"Hehe...Emperor Ben Zhou didn't intend to play with you today, but since all nieces and nephews are here, and the four senior protectors are back, Emperor Zhou will play with you for a while."

Ouyang Langlong calmed down, the blood demon sword in his palm turned into a bright red sun, bursts of divine rainbows burst into his palm, and countless bursts of divine rainbows flowed and intertwined, and soon formed a huge universe standing in front of him. screen.


The two suns and rainbows collided quickly, and the sky exploded with thunder and lightning, which lasted for a long time...

"Yeah heh heh... rattling..."

"Langxian Zhoudi, you are so shameless, you actually learned my magic sword to transform the immortal sun, and use my magic sun magic skill to deal with me?"

Zhouhui Moyang, the death witch, made a fierce attack, and the attack was absolutely terrifying, but she didn't take advantage of it at all.

And what made her extremely angry was that Ouyang Langlong didn't use his own fairy art at all, and he did whatever he did, so he couldn't help yelling.

"Hehe, this is called the method of imitating the enemy and defeating the enemy. If he doesn't make a move, I will have no move. If he makes a move, I will go smoothly. If you attack, I will go against the law. If you kill me, I will kill you. The result will always be mad at you! This kind of fighting How about the method? This is the way that little Lian'er's nephew used to play rascals, and it's just right for you."

The bright red sun revolving in the palm of Ouyang Langlong's right hand, the sun's rays burst out, shrouding it in infinite jewels, with white hair flying wildly, and silver clothes hunting around, he smiled.

"Heck... Uncle Langlong, you are so naughty! My shameless Dafa is used to deal with my sisters and brothers, how can Uncle Langlong use it?"

Seeing Ouyang Langlong's tricks, little Lian'er became more and more familiar, her eyes narrowed with joy.

"Ha ha……"

"You rascal Dafa is really a rascal. You see, the old woman is so angry that she is going crazy. Uncle Langlong didn't make any effort at all, so he let her mess around. Good way, good way, haha..."

In fact, the death witch is not so easy to deal with. The reason why Ouyang Langlong said this is that he is angry with the death witch. The purpose is to arouse her anger, go back and continue to devour evil monsters madly, and provide for herself to further control Weiming Huizhou Bigger chance.

"I'm bah! Look at me!"

How could the death witch be willing to listen to Ouyang Langlong's slanderous words, stepping on the dragon tossed and turned, the dragon was crazy, cursed and roared, and rushed towards Ouyang Langlong again.

In order to further anger the death witch, Ouyang Langlong hit her at the same time, and also urged the bright red dragon to control the sword god Yang, and fought against the death witch.

The sky of Huizhou is only ordered, and the gods, rainbows and magic lights flash randomly in an instant, the sound of thunderbolts, the black electricity and the red curtain split the universe and tear the sky...

"Oh my God, Uncle Langlong is so powerful, I am dazzled by seeing him as if he is my father. Look, the old lady can hardly resist!"

Everyone else watched the battle quietly, but little Lian'er couldn't stop talking and shouted for joy.

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