Nine Heavens

Chapter 2407

Ouyang Langlong controls the blood demon sword yang, and the death witch controls the Zhouhui magic sun. After several months of the battle, the death witch has been clearly at a disadvantage.

"Haha... the four senior seal protectors, all you nephews, do you think such an old woman who has never been beaten will be finished soon?"

If Ouyang Langlong attacked again, he would definitely be able to kill Zhou Wu of Death, but he suddenly withdrew his attack and watched the opponent fall down on the dragon of Zhou Wu, panting wildly.

"Huh? Uncle Langlong, you are so powerful, but why did you stop attacking, why didn't you kill her.

Daddy said, the three soul skeletons are gone, and if Hui Zhou dies and Zhou Wu is eliminated, Hui Zhou will be able to restore the beauty of the past! "

Little Lian'er expressed incomprehension to Ouyang Langlong's sudden withdrawal.

"Hehe, you have come here in a hurry and have been wandering outside the universe for many years. I haven't had time to entertain you. Ignore her. Let's go back to the Langxian Zhou Palace, haha..."

Ouyang Langlong didn't answer Little Lian'er, but raised his head and laughed, suddenly the vastness flashed his light, and he fell into the Weiminghui Zhoulang Immortal Cosmic Domain under his feet.

At this moment, the death witch gasped, cursed a few words bitterly, and angrily turned into a whirlpool of pitch-black evil smoke, and disappeared into his half universe.

After Ouyang Langlong shot into his own Zhoufeng, he released the four Fenghus, Yaya, Liuyun, and Tianling sisters, and they all flew hand in hand in the misty and magical Huizhou Banzhou Langxian Huizhou among.

Langxian Huizhou is naturally different from the vortex and howling hurricane in the Hongmeng universe outside the universe. Here, the sky is bright, the stars are gorgeous, the clouds are blooming, the light is bright and the day is white, and there is no night. And the flowing fairy river, the impressive colorful waterfalls, flying dragons and phoenixes, and dancing beasts can be seen everywhere.

"Langxian is back! Langxian is back..."

"Hello, Langxian!"

"Ha ha……"


Ouyang Lang's dragon stepping on the dragon and Tuoyang Liu flew in front of him. Wherever he passed, the birds and beasts of heaven and earth were all beaming, stopping and nodding, cheering and greeting.

"Hehe, little Long'er, you Longyuan children are all good, don't just be naughty, but remind the hundreds of millions of Long'er children to absorb the spiritual breath of Huizhou, and keep learning and improving!"

Ouyang Langlong patted the head of a little green dragon that flew to him and smiled.

"Oh, oh! Got it, Emperor Langxian Zhou, we were all cultivating in Longyuan not long ago, it's because you went out to tease that old woman, so we sneaked out to play for a while.

Hehe, Emperor Langxian Zhou, this time is good, our Langxian Huizhou finally has a lot of people, and you will be alone, we will watch it in the future! "

Little Cuilong circled around Ouyang Langlong for a few times, then floated up to Yaya and the others, looked up and tilted their heads one by one, and then said with a happy smile.

"Ha ha……"

"It won't be long before we have a lot of people coming here, and you will be happy. However, you have to work hard. They are all talented, and they don't like children who don't study hard."

Looking at the curious look of the little Cuilong, Ouyang Langlong felt infinitely moved in his heart. After tens of thousands of years of frenzied creation efforts, he finally revived at least half of the lifeless Huizhou, and gave birth to all the Confucian, young and Rui animal spirits around him. Birds, mountains, rivers, waterfalls and seas...

"How old are you? You're so cute. What's your name?"

Little Cuilong likes Little Lian'er very much, imitating the shape of Little Lian'er's colorful silk fluttering and twisting her body, very funny.

Little Lian'er pointed at his forehead and asked.

"My name is Qian Twelve."

Xiaocui opened her mouth and said with flashing eyes.


"Uncle Langlong, what's the name? This little Cuilong is so cute, why not call him Xiaocui!"

Xiaocui said her name, which caused everyone to laugh, and Tianling proposed with a smile.

"Hmm! It sounds good, Qian Twelve. From now on, your baby name will be Xiaocui. As for when you grow up, you can choose a domineering fairy name for yourself."

Ouyang Langlong smiled and nodded.

"Wow cool! Thank you pretty sister for giving me the name, Xiaocui, Xiaocui, listen to it!"

Little Cuilong was born just a few years ago, so innocent and naive, but he didn't know that it was a common name for girls, so he happily accepted it.

And shouted: "My name is Xiao Cui! My name is Xiao Cui..."

"Sister Piaolang, give me a nice name too!"

"I also want!"

"I also want!"


The name Tianling Sisters created a lot of excitement, and the surrounding spirits and beasts immediately gathered around to ask for their names.

The sky above them is like auspicious clouds covering the sky, not to mention the deer and camels around them... just the auspicious birds in the sky are enough for them to wake up for several months.

"Ha ha……"

"You naughty kids, don't you all have names, why do you have to change them?"

Ouyang Langlong looked at Tianling sisters, and Yaya, Liuyun was robbed halfway, and was asked to be named by the common gods and gods he created. He thought it was very interesting, and said amusedly.

"Hmph! The name given by Emperor Langxian Zhou is not as nice as Xiaocui. My name is Twenty-five. What is that name?"

"My name is Two Hundred and Fifth, and it sounds even worse!"

"You guys don't sound good, my name is 321, I don't even know what my name means!"


What Ouyang Langlong said immediately caused dissatisfaction and rebuttals from the children.

But Yaya and the others, including the four seals, laughed from ear to ear, naming the gods and gods who came forward one by one.

One by one eagerly flew closer, one by one happily flew away, and the impromptu naming convention continued.

Because they are happy, Yaya and the others are not disgusted, and they are also very happy.

Ouyang Langlong only cared about creation, and didn't think about the problem of naming after "superbirth". At that time, he was named according to the order of birth, and the number of births was called the number.

For example, Xiaocui of Longyuan was born in the thousand and twelveth year, so naturally it is even thousand and twelve. In order to distinguish the types, the word "dragon" can be added in front of it.

Regarding the name issue, Ouyang Langlong felt that it was more of a headache than dealing with the Death Zhou Wu, and now he suddenly found a solution, not to mention how happy he was.

Ren Yaya and the others were busy, while she happily sat cross-legged, looking at the happy scene in front of her that she had dreamed of but never dreamed of, she was intoxicated watching, watching, feeling inexplicably moved in her heart.

"Hehe, Langlong, do you have any experience now, is it better to be a demon, or to be a fairy? Living for yourself is hard to be alone for a long time, just like a red flower without green leaves.

But to be a fairy, you are happy for all beings in your heart, and you are in the joy, how can you not be infected! "

Liu Qianlang's words sounded in Ouyang Lang's dragon soul thoughts.

"Yeah, thank you Emperor Xianyuan for ordering, being a fairy is good, you are full of strength when you are tired, and you are willing to suffer, so no matter what, being a fairy is free and easy!

Yaya and the others have arrived, looking at them laughing with countless cute children, it is true that as you said, it is hard for Langlong not to be happy! "

Ouyang Lang Longhun recited the distant voice and replied sincerely.

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