Nine Heavens

Chapter 2408

"Hehe, all the unsatisfactory things in our Nine Heavens Immortal Yuanzhou have passed, and we are flying to your side at the moment, wanting to enjoy the happiness of your Langxian Huizhou, I don't know what to do?"

Liu Qianlang asked with a smile.

"Well, naturally I can't ask for it, I have never felt the majesty of being the emperor of immortal gods before, and I am extremely jealous of Emperor Xianyuan.

Now that I am fighting alone and relying on my life, I thought that I could get carried away with complacency, but it is not the case.

Langlong not only didn't feel the slightest sense of complacency, but felt that he was getting smaller and smaller, always worried that his strength was not enough to protect the immortal gods he created and kept working hard! "

Ouyang Langlong enjoys the feeling of swarming and noisy all over his body. He has changed from his sinister and lonely arrogance. Everything he sees is beautiful, and he feels timid when he hears any sound.

"Hehe, who would say no, as Emperor Zhou, he sounds domineering, but he is actually not as happy as Xiaoxian Zizai, just like you feel, why isn't Qianlang always worried that his strength is not enough to protect the universe!

I don't know this worry if I am not here. Others only admire the power of the gods and the grace of the gods. You and I are not, as Emperor Zhou, what you feel is not the power of the gods but the responsibility of the gods! "

"Emperor Xianyuan spoke thoroughly! Back then, if I knew this, I, Ouyang Langlong, wouldn't be jealous of you. It would be great to be a little fairy with you.

You bear the danger, pass the danger, and live freely in your fairyland. Langlong was really confused back then, arguing and arguing with you, but in the end he found that it was the most comfortable not to fight. "

"Hehe, the truth was not something you and I could understand thoroughly back then. If it weren't for your respective experiences and our complicated struggle with each other, maybe the truth in it would never be understood by us."

"Maybe, where are you going, do you need us to pick you up?"

"Thank you, let's go and play for the time being. When your Langxian Huizhou Zhengling completes the entire Wisdom Huizhou, we will come to you to take advantage of it, haha..."


"Thank you Emperor Xianyuan, I have taken your heart, just look at it, Langlong is not completely upright and lives for Huizhou, so I am sorry for the kindness of Emperor Xianyuan.

Besides, Emperor Xianyuan asked his nephews to bring both the Nine Colors Divine Lotus and Mitian Divine Conch. There is no reason why Langlong could not succeed. "


"Brother Langlong, sister Feng has come to help you, I wonder if Brother Langlong welcomes you?"

While Ouyang Langlong and Liu Qianlang's soul were chatting and laughing through sound transmission, Ouyang Langlong heard Cheng Shifeng's voice coming from outside Zhoufeng.

"Oh! Emperor Xianyuan, Fengmei came first, Langlong is really flattered, I have to hurry to pick her up."

"Hehe, she asked for it by herself. You can pick her up as soon as you go. I won't disturb you for the time being. But I remind you, you must protect my children and Fengmei, otherwise I will be angry, haha..."

"Ha ha……"

"Emperor Xianyuan was joking, their abilities seem to be about the same as mine, it's fine if they don't protect them, and they also said that I protect them.

But in my Immortal God Realm, Emperor Xianyuan can rest assured that I will protect them even if I do my best! "

"Hehe, what old life? Old life, although you and I are many years old, we will live forever and have a childlike face forever. Old words are meaningless to us.

In terms of appearance, you are still the young master Pianpian outside Panshui City, and Piaolang is also a handsome young man who is not ugly. Shifeng has been praising you and me for being cool and handsome! "

"Hehe, she was praising her elder brother Qianlang. Langlong dare not take good words by mistake."

"Oh, this is also strange. Since she cares so much about her elder brother Qianlang, why would she go to your place? Endless, she is always very interested in your affairs and visits your mother from time to time."

"Emperor Xianyuan, what do you mean by your words? Why did they go around my mother again?"

"Oh! Everyone says I'm stupid. Listening to what you said, I feel much smarter. Hurry up and pick up Shifeng, she doesn't like other people's neglect!"

"Hey, hey! Don't turn off the sound transmission of soul thoughts, what did you mean just now?"

"Ha ha……"

Ouyang Langlong asked, but Liu Qianlang's long laughter gradually became farther away and gradually disappeared. He did not answer Ouyang Langlong.

"Hey! Ouyang Langlong, whether you can open the Zhou seal or not, or if you don't open it, the spirit demon Zhou Jun will force his way in."

Just as Liu Qianlang's laughter disappeared into Ouyang Langlong's soul, he heard Cheng Shifeng shouting again from outside the universe.

"Hehe, don't get angry, Lord Zhou, the spirit demon, Emperor Langxian Zhou came to pick him up!"

Ouyang Langlong didn't dare to be negligent, and left his phantom body in place, and his real body appeared outside the universe in an instant.

Ouyang Langlong stands high in the universe, looking thousands of miles away, with long blue hair fluttering, blue eyes sparkling, blue crescent moon shining on his forehead, holding a pastoral whip in his hand, trampling a huge white-faced tiger king thousands of miles away, wearing a The orchid dress on a white background fluttered Cheng Shifeng, and smiled.

"Tell me, in your soul thoughts, do you have Wu Xiannan's divine thoughts, which have often dreamed like my soul world for more than ten thousand years?"

Seeing Ouyang Langlong's white hair fluttering, holding the red sun in his hand, stepping on a gorgeous star and coming out, his whole body is white and immortal, he asked bluntly.

"This, to be honest, Langlong's soul thoughts are definitely not the pure thoughts of the past, not only the soul thoughts of Wu Xiannan, but also the soul thoughts of Canqing, Liu Jing, and me, Ouyang Langlong.

It's not that Langlong offended the spirit monster Zhou Jun, but sometimes he couldn't help but look for dreams, please forgive the spirit monster Zhou Jun! "

Hearing this, Ouyang Langlong couldn't help but look embarrassed, and remained silent for a long time, swearing.

"Hmph! You know that Wu Xiannan used to be my husband. It's fine for him to enter my dreams, but yours enters my dreams and sees everything about me. How embarrassing is it for me!"

The reason why Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon king, came here was not to help Ouyang Langlong as she said, but because for more than ten thousand years, he dreamed of the embarrassment of Ouyang Langlong facing himself alone in his dreams from time to time. The scene is to Xingshi to question the crime.

"Ling Yao Lord Zhou can do whatever he wants, but Rong Langlong will deal with him after Rong Langlong is completely upright, and he will deal with Langlong. What do you think then, Langlong will have no objection!"

Ouyang Langlong understood the meaning of the other party, and seeing the cold and unhappy face of the spirit demon Zhou Jun, he had no choice but to promise.

"Okay! It's a deal. Anyway, what you said is also the wish of Brother Qianlang. I will give you this opportunity. After you succeed, I will kill you personally to punish you for your wrongdoing. My disrespect."

"Thank you, Spirit Demon Master Zhou, good! It's a deal!

Now that the spirit demon Zhou Jun is here, I wonder if Langlong can invite the spirit monster Zhou Jun to travel in the universe, Yaya, Liu Yun, Xiao Xiaolian'er, the four original guardians of this universe are all there. "

Ouyang Langlong was misunderstood by Cheng Shifeng as being disrespectful to immortals, and his original idea of ​​warmly inviting him into the universe immediately became unsteady. He was afraid that the other party would misunderstand him further, so he weighed the invitation again and again before saying it.

"Hmph! Of course I have to go in and have a look. Is this Lord Zhou still afraid that you will fail!"

Cheng Shifeng said coldly.

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