Nine Heavens

Chapter 2416

"Yeah... cluck... blah blah..."

"You two desperate mandarin ducks, you are really in the mood, you are about to die, and you are still in love with each other, you fairy gods are so funny!

It's not too troublesome to be unfeeling in the first life, but toss in the fifth life, I'm bothered if you don't bother me. How about I hold a soulless and desperate wedding for you today? "


Death Universe successively defeated Ouyang Langlong and Cheng Sishifeng in the fourth reincarnation love battle. In this last life, the joint attack of Princess Yingyao and Ganoderma Lucidum will also be defeated at his feet. Langlong and Cheng Shifeng made a ruthless attacking image of the dark demon sun.

Under the unpredictable attack of its pitch-black demon sun, the seals of the five souls around Weiming Huizhou had collapsed and began to wither and shatter.

The Death Witch stepped on the white Witch Dragon, leaped out of the seal encirclement of Huizhou, and became even more insane and shapeless.

"Brother Langlong, sister Feng is attacking his black heart, let's go first!"

For the sarcasm of the death witch, Cheng Shifeng already knew it in his heart, he didn't care and didn't want to hear it, his face was pale, the corner of his mouth was bitter, and he took a last deep look at Ouyang Langlong, the magical core of the blue soul turned into a blue sword, Appeared abruptly and disappeared abruptly.


A moment later, the laughing voice of the Death Zhou Wuxie stopped abruptly, and he uttered a broken howl, then he lowered his head and stared blankly at the azure blue sword piercing into the dark devil's heart in his chest.

"You, didn't you use the Devil-Slaying Golden Whip, why are you still the sword attendant of the Devil-Sacrificing Sword!?"

The death witch really never thought that a person who no longer holds a sword master will pick up a sword again one day and use it to kill demons.

What made her even more incomprehensible was that the Lancui Sword was originally a demonic sword, but instead of listening to the demon's call, she surrendered to a human being, and killed Zhou Xin for him.

So on her pale face, there were incredible evil rainbows shooting out of her jet-black pupils, she looked down at Cheng Shifeng's Lai Lancui sword that was devouring the wisdom of the jet-black heart, dumbfounded.

"Why is Fengmei in a hurry, Brother Langlong is here!"

Ouyang Langlong saw that although the five-layer soul seal of Weiming Huizhou was destroyed by the reincarnated spirit demon of the death Zhou Wu, the attack of the Yuanshen spirit core was successful.

Ouyang Langlong couldn't help laughing excitedly, shrinking his body, and turned into a blue spray, flying through the air, heading straight for the pale head of the death witch.

Don't look at it as just a blue wave, it contains hundreds of millions of terrifying gods and righteous spirits, and it goes straight into the universe of the death witch's soul sea, so that the death witch has no time to move his soul.

The universe of her soul sea was quickly destroyed by Ouyang Langlong's Langhuaer Xianshen Shenmoneng.

Ou, who had died before the Zhou Wu, was stunned, but now he was stunned, and he didn't know why it happened.

"You don't play cards according to the rules. Didn't you use five souls and ten layers of seals to imprison and kill me? Why did you suddenly attack my soul world demon heart!"

The death witch didn't understand until now that the fifth and ten-layer seals that Langxian Zhoudi and Cheng Shifeng worked so hard to arrange were just an illusion of killing themselves, and their real fatal blow was their own demon soul and evil heart!

The death witch roared and cursed.

"Cunning devil, whoever stipulates what we must arrange, we will follow the routine. We arrange five lives and ten layers of seals, and fight with you for five lives and five lives. That is really our illusion to confuse you.

We are still worried, if you see through our minds, we will only fail. However, our fifth life has been defeated repeatedly, and finally convinced you that we are doomed to fail, and when you destroyed our last life, you must be extremely arrogant and forgetful.

You will think that you are already invincible in the universe, and you are the only one in everything!

A person with high self-confidence, especially when she sees that the victory is about to belong to her, she will get carried away and relax because she is happy.

Although her seven orifices and five perceptions are still vigilant, she only pays attention to the external form of attack, and she will absolutely ignore the weakness of her own soul and heart.

If we suddenly attack your Soul Zhou Xinhai at this time, you will definitely be negligent in guarding against it in an instant.

Although the time and opportunities are short in a blink of an eye, our careful planning and calculation are enough for me!

It's not that we didn't follow the routine, but we didn't see our routine clearly! "

Piercing into the blue emerald sword that pierced the dark heart of the death witch, Cheng Shifeng said in a confident and evil voice.

"Who said that the gods are fools? How could you be like this? Your IQ is completely beyond my expectations. Could it be that the death witch just died like this!?"

On top of the newly reincarnated body of the Death Witch, the body of the blazing magma flowing across is about to collapse.

The death witch suddenly remembered all the experiences in the past, as well as his current state, and couldn't help cursing.

"Who else is there, except you, the death witch, look around, how can there be demons in this primordial universe! These words are what you once said.

This time you are dead, Zhou Wu is really going to die, we will explode the power of Mingling, and completely devour all worlds and universes! "

Cheng Shifeng sneered.

"Hmph! Hahahaha... Don't think you are smart, you are playing with me, do you really think that this death witch doesn't know anything?"

Facing the danger of being killed by Cheng Shifeng and Nine Heavens Immortal Yuan Zhou Emperor, the towering and huge Death Witch suddenly raised his head and laughed loudly, and said:

"Forget it, you don't want to perish together, that book of the death universe witch will help you."

The death witch, while refuting Ouyang Lang, held up the dark magic sun and clamored. The huge body also began to change. After the black smoke and thick smoke, it turned into a black death cloud bird. One claw grabbed Cheng Shifeng and turned into an azure blue sword, and the other claw gathered the blue waves. Rush to the sky.

In this process, the Zhanlan Cuijian and Youlan Spray suddenly exploded, and the infinitely terrifying gods of heaven, fire, and water were released, instantly devouring the death cloud bird transformed by the death witch.

"Quack! Quack!"

The death cloud that the death witch turned into, the birds couldn't help screaming and screaming!

However, no matter how miserable it was, the vast blue flames and azure sky ice always surrounded her in the form of an infinitely huge vortex.

The faint blue flames burned more and more intensely, and the azure sky and ice kept revolving in time and space. They are constantly suppressing the death cloud bird in the center.

Millennium, ten thousand years...

Until the death cloud bird uttered its last mournful cry, its body and spirit were all destroyed, and it never left.

Then the blue divine energy that once devoured the birds of the death cloud, a divine wave, and a fairy sword, both turned into blue butterflies, flying over Weiming Huizhou, which was gradually recovering the fairy spirit, entangled with each other.

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