Nine Heavens

Chapter 2417 Point Soul Lower Boundary

"Perhaps this is their best ending. The five souls are gone, and the human form is no longer there. However, it still turns into a double love butterfly, and the fairy fate still exists. Let's change the only life Huizhou to Die Xianzhou."

Tens of millions of years later, the Emperor Xianyuan and the Nine Heavens Immortals Yuanzhou Palace Saints controlled the Nine Heavens Immortals Yuanzhou and finally entered the edge of Huizhou.

When the immortals saw the vast and boundless scene of Huiming Huizhou, especially the blue butterflies transformed by Ouyang Langlong and Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhoujun, they were all full of emotion and emotion.

Liu Qianlang's thoughts were racing, she was sad that the little sister would never be seen again, but also very relieved, because Ouyang Langlong was finally detached.

So the emotions in his heart were very complicated, he looked around the universe, followed the two blue divine butterflies, and sighed.

"Qianlang doesn't need to be more sentimental, they are sealed with five souls, and they are transformed into gods. After killing the death witch, they can still turn into butterflies. It is already a blessing.

There is a saying that there is no regret in the obsession, and the expectation is eternal. Although they are now in the body of butterfly monsters, they have gone through countless universes and billions of cultivation, and there is still a day when they will recover their human form and immortal body, but it will only be a long time.

Sister Juan believes that waiting for Qianlang and all the palace saints will no longer affect your belief in immortals, will it? "

Liu Juan was even more reluctant to let go of her younger sister Feng who grew up with her. She was inexplicably sad, but she forced a smile to comfort Emperor Xianyuan and everyone.

"Of course not. Qianlang, I don't know what you plan to do next. Do you stay in Die Xianzhou, accompany Langlong and Fengmei, or go to find Sun Moon God Zhou?"

As Cheng Shifeng's elder brother, Cheng Yuanfang's pain in his heart can be imagined. The red forehead's chaotic eyes and rainbow pupils are always shrouded in Die Xianzhou. Juan's words.

"There is no family relationship, little love is separated, why is big love boundless, Qianlang naturally decided to take root in Die Xianzhou, continue our dream, and at the same time wait for Fengmei and Langlong to enter the human world and return from cultivation!"

Liu Qianlang could hear what Sirius Zhou Lord was worried about, and replied without hesitation.

"Then Wei'er Zhou Emperor's inscription?"

Cheng Yuanfang didn't expect Liu Qianlang to answer like this, let alone answer so simply, he couldn't help asking gratefully.

"Because we wereted no effort to find the Great Realm Universe where Emperor Wei'er Zhou's source of the Great Realm of Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers is located. How can we continue the unfinished business of Emperor Wei'er Zhou? More importantly, we can't let Fengmei and Langlong, who have given everything to Zhou, are left alone!"

Liu Qianlang's eyes were vast, her voice was sour, and she was also looking deeply at the two blue butterflies, and said with a nod.

"That's very good. Why don't we use Zhou as the palace, and how about Nine Heavens Immortal Yuan Zhou being the Butterfly Love Zhou Palace?"

Song Zhen suggested with a smile.

"Well, just listen to my fourth brother, the original Langxian Zhou Palace should be the nourishment of Fengmei and Langlong's fairy body universe, and then we will go through the five reincarnations of the two butterflies in the lower world together, and the butterflies will enter the Tao. Immortal!"

Liu Qianlang deeply agrees.

"Hehe, if Emperor Xianyuan agrees, Yuelan and I would like to visit the lower realms very much, and enlighten them to enter the world."

Seeing that Liu Qianlang agreed, Emperor Xun An said with a smile.

"Hehe, if brothers Xun An and Empress Yuelan are willing to descend to visit Qianyuan Zhou, it will be their blessing. Nine Heavens Immortal Yuan Zhou's great good fortune, this Emperor Xianyuan can't wait for it."

Liu Qianlang was thinking about this in his heart, and what he said about the dark emperor was exactly what he was thinking, so he smiled happily.

"Mr. Zhou is really curious, what will Langlong and Fengmei look like when they re-enter the human realm?"

Thinking of Cheng Shifeng's mischievousness and Ouyang Langlong's arrogance, Liu Juan looked forward to the reunion in the future, looked around at the palace saints, and said a little funny.

"Haha... If Sister Juan is curious, she can find an opportunity to travel around the Frontier Universe.

In the future, our path to immortality will only be creation, no killing, only goodness, and no evil.

Whether it is the Frontier Universe, or the current Nine Heavens Immortal Universe, Butterfly Love Universe, Hongmeng Pound Universe, and the mysterious Great Realm Sun Moon Mountain River Universe, they are all eternally peaceful.

So Sister Juan no longer has to worry about the safety of the Immortal Universe, the fate of the Immortals and Gods, want to travel in the lower realms, or look back at the ancient universe, as long as Sister Juan is happy, our Xingchen Dao will provide the star-traversing magic circle at any time. "

Thinking about the future, all the immortals soon became in high spirits, especially Song Zhen, who was so happy that his black and white eyebrows could not stop twisting, and when he took Liu Juan's words, his words were full of joy.

"Hehe, don't talk about Sister Juan, I'm afraid it's your own ghost idea. Of course the third brother won't stop you when you travel to the lower realms, but you can only be separated from the lower realms, and you must never be the master of the soul. This is a great cause of creation." There are infinitely many tasks, and you can't hide away."

Liu Qianlang laughed.

"Oh! Third brother, to be honest, I've done a lot of work, so just give me a few days off and let me take Yexiang and Shuang'er to Qianyuanzhou to travel around the world.

In the sky and on earth, the universe is full of light, one day in the sky, and a thousand years in the earth, it is but a moment for us. "

When Song Zhen heard it, Emperor Xianyuan exposed his little abacus and sighed with a smile.

"Haha... who told you to be the fourth younger brother of the Emperor Xianyuan, of course I can give you a fake, but live, you should have more or less.

Created in Immortal Universe, if you travel to the human world, you can also continue the task of immortal virtue in another way. For example, you can plant 100,000 mountain pines, 90,000 cypresses, and 80,000 phoenix trees in the world...

Or open up wasteland for thousands of dynasties, pass on rich achievements for thousands of generations, open rivers and human roads, create seas, lands and lands..."

Liu Qianlang laughed.

"Ha ha……"


Seeking the Dark Emperor, Lord Sirius Zhou, Liu Juan couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"Third brother, the three of us, husband and wife, are in the lower bounds. It seems that the Creation Engineering Team has fallen into the lower bounds. How can we play and relax, Bud."

When Song Zhen heard it, the five-color eyes almost lost color, and he smiled angrily.

"It's not so serious, we are Zhou God, and doing that kind of thing is just a joke.

Fourth brother, have you ever thought about whether Langlong and Fengmei are mortal butterflies? You are not magical, how can you make them pay attention to you, how can you get close to them, and point them out? "

Liu Qianlang bluntly said the key.

"Third Brother is amazing, knowing our purpose in the lower realm, I really want to not listen to Third Brother, and make my own decisions, but when I think about it, Third Brother is always right.

Well, the fourth brother knows what to do. I don't know how the third brother decides, when will we let Fengmei and Langlong brother Diehun go to the lower realm. "

Song Zhenwen listened to Xianyuan Emperor Liu Qianlang's explanation, no longer insisted, nodded in agreement, and then asked.

"I don't know the meaning of the distance?"

Liu Qianlang did not answer Song Zhen directly, but looked sideways at Cheng Yuanfang.

"Although the butterflies are beautiful, it is up to Emperor Xianyuan to decide how to get Fengmei to sit between you and me. The sooner we let them go to the lower realm, the better. Then, the days for them to return to us will be short!"

Although Cheng Yuanfang couldn't bear the heart of Fengmei Zhidie, who had lost her past memories, to be separated into the lower realm, but considering that her sister would practice in the world and return to heaven as soon as possible, he said with pain.

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