Nine Heavens

Chapter 2424 The Heart of Creation

"Sister Yan'er, Jinling! You..."

Yun Qianmeng saw that the two sisters clearly knew that the person who painted the bow of the boat was not the real body of her husband, and they were deliberately teasing herself, her face was slightly red, but she couldn't refute it when she was angry, so she squeaked.

"Yo! Sister Meng'er is embarrassed, but the family heirloom jade pendants are replaced by immortal breath watches everywhere. At that time, I must have fallen in love with my husband at a glance. Why are you so embarrassed?"

Princess Jinling also ran up to Yun Qianmeng, on the other side of Yun Qianmeng, tilted her head to look at Yun Qianmeng's blushing cheeks, and continued to tease her.

"Meng'er, my husband did fall in love with you at first sight back then, and I have always been grateful for the fact that you exchanged the family jade pendant for my husband to obtain the Immortal Breath Assessment Form. Today, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you for my husband's gift! "

Liu Qianlang's phantom body is controlled by Song Zhenyuan in his own Star Palace. After Song Zhen sensed everything about Menglian Palace clearly, he saw the sisters-in-law making fun of each other, so he also manipulated Liu Qianlang's avatar to chat and laugh with them.

However, Song Zhen didn't know that Liu Qianlang's ten beloved wives already knew about Liu Qianlang's real body coming out of the universe, so after joking for a while, he revealed his intention to retreat and practice, and quickly flew away.

"Huh! Just now, I said on the temple that I will accompany us more in the future. You see, I went to retreat to practice again just after I came here.

Now he still has us fairy wives in his heart. He only has his brother and the great cause of creation in his heart. Especially since he has endless conversations with brother Zhen all day long, really, even if he leaves us one-thousandth of the time.

When I'm in a bad mood one day, let's see how I can deal with brother Zhen, so that he always has endless conversations with my husband, so that my husband has no time to go back to the harem! "

Princess Jinling was like a mirror in her heart, Song Zhen must have heard her words clearly, but she still pretended not to know, her voice was always high.

"Wow! I'm wronged, sisters-in-law, is it that my third brother and I can't finish talking? It's him who always invites me to divination about creation.

Don't say you guys are unhappy, Ye Xiang and Lan Shuang always complain that I don't like them anymore! "

In his own home, Song Zhenyuan manipulated Liu Qianlang's incarnation to go to Menglian Palace to make a circle, and let them know about the so-called closed-door cultivation according to the third brother Shifang Yuan Zhoudi's wishes.

I don't want to hear the sisters-in-law complaining to me, I immediately feel unfair in my heart, and muttered to myself.

"Oh! Sister Lan Shuang, come and see, who is this, the big dog who got lost on which mountain, I Xiong, why did he run to our house and come back?"

Song Zhen was muttering, when he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance behind him, he was overjoyed, knowing that his beloved wife Yexiang had come behind him, he couldn't help but immediately turned to look at his straightforward, charming and charming wife.

But Ye Xiang's reaction and words left Song Zhen at a loss.


"Xiang'er, what are you talking about, isn't it just a lost bear, give it some delicious food, and get rid of it, it's fine, there's no need to make a fuss.

You can deal with it casually, I don’t bother to read it, I helped Ninety-Nine Eighty-one Shenlong sisters deliver supplies all day today, I’m a little tired, I’m going to bed first! "

In the apse bedroom of the Star Palace, Lan Shuang was in her own bedroom, shouting to Ye Xiang in the rest hall.

"No, Sister Lan Shuang, he is staring at me with ill intentions, come and help me! He doesn't want to leave!"

Ye Xiang changed from the excitement she used to see her husband every day, and immediately jumped into Jun's arms, her eyes were full of pickiness, she turned her head and answered coldly,

"Hey! Xiang'er, it's not my sister who said you. Now my husband almost never goes home. We can only rely on ourselves for everything at home.

Isn't it just a big bear, and there is no evil intention to kill, just coax it to leave. "

Lan Shuang said crisply in the bedroom.

"He, he looks like my husband, he looks at me lewdly, what if I can't drive him away?"

Ye Xiang said with a sullen voice.

"Looks like a husband!?"

When Lan Shuang heard the words, she was silent for a moment, and suddenly realized, before she had time to put on the fairy shoes, she shot out of the dormitory excitedly, and rushed towards Song Zhen, with tears in her eyes:

"Husband, you finally have time to go home and take a look. You don't know how much Xiang'er and I miss you!"

Lan Shuang is still dignified and beautiful, Pingting's figure is like a butterfly, she forgets her reserve, throws herself into her husband's arms, looks up, her eyes are full of tears, and she bursts into tears.

"Shuang'er, Xiang'er, I'm sorry for my husband. The Ten Directions Fate Universe has just been established, and there are many mysterious and unpredictable things. We palace saints have almost never returned to our home palaces in several epochs, and we are always busy in the Ten Directions Fate Universe. The palace hall or the creation of the realms.

Now is the period when Shifang Yuanzhou is gradually stabilizing, and there are still many uncertain factors. My husband may have a rare chance to come back to the Star Palace in the future. Please also invite the two ladies, Haihan! "

Song Zhen felt distressed when he saw Yexiang's beloved wife, who was always passionate and hot, and was angry with him because of love, but he had to say this.

"Isn't it just that a dragon and a phoenix are half-dead? The ten-direction universe is so big, the emperor of the universe, the emperor of the universe, and countless holy immortals. Could it be that they can't help each other to call the soul array and rescue them, so do you have to do it?"

Seeing her elder sister Lan Shuang throwing herself into her husband's arms, Ye Xiang's anger turned into resentment, her eyes burst into tears and she choked up.

"Xiang'er, come here. What you said is not true, but the ten directions are boundless, but only your husband leads the Xingchen Dao.

The future of Shifang Yuanzhou is unpredictable, and the third brother adheres to the wish of great kindness and virtue, and is always correcting the direction of the future. This process is really inseparable from your husband, Song Zhen, so I left you in the cold and made you suffer.

However, I would like to ask the two beloved wives to understand that in fact, it is not only Xiang'er and Shuang'er who are suffering, the third brother has not been accompanied by ten fairy sister-in-laws even for a day.

This is the case with many other temples and palace saints. We are planning the Shenzhou, and the family members in the rear have been left out. Although I feel ashamed, I feel helpless.

This is the saying that if everyone is prosperous, the small family must be abandoned; but if everyone is safe, the small family will be prosperous. We are not confused, and the third brother is even more so. We endured alienating our family for a while, but we are firmly stable. After Shifang Yuanzhou, our good days are behind us...

Shuang'er, Xiang'er, you have said so much for your husband, can you understand? "

Liu Qianlang supported his beloved wife Lan Shuang, walked slowly to Ye Xiang, stretched out his other arm around Ye Xiang's waist, gently embraced her in his arms, and asked softly.

Lan Shuang didn't refuse, and let her husband's powerful arms wrap herself around his chest.

"It's not that Xiang'er doesn't understand, it's that Xiang'er loves her husband, so no matter how many years pass by, how hard it is for husband and third brother!

Xiang'er and Sister Shuang'er, every time I look at you from a distance, my heart hurts, it hurts! "

Ye Xiang smashed Song Zhen's chest hard with her fist, then burst into tears, raised her hand to caress her husband's rough face, and said distressedly.

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