Nine Heavens

Chapter 2425

"You can at least see me from a distance, but you know that the third sisters-in-law can't even imagine being like you!"

Song Zhen raised his head, his eyes flashed through the night sky of the Star Palace, looked at Shifangyuan Zhou Palace, sighed and shook his head.

"Husband, what do you mean, just now Xiangmei and I saw the third brother flying towards Menglian Palace, that's why Xiangmei is angry with you!"

Lan Shuang was reluctant to part with her husband's embrace, raised her head, never leaving Song Zhen's arms, and asked in surprise.

"That is the phantom of the third brother. The real body of the third brother has left the Ten Directions Yuanzhou. He wants to find the life of the Great Realm outside the Hongmeng Pound Universe.

In order not to hurt the hearts of the ten sisters-in-law, I deliberately left half of my true soul in the illusory body, and let me control him, so as to give you some comfort from the sight of the sisters-in-law.

However, all the fairy sisters-in-law have the strength of Emperor Zhou, and they have a tacit understanding with the third brother. Sooner or later, they will find that the third brother is a phantom.

well! At that time, Wei Fu really didn't know how to face them. Shuang'er, Xiang'er, talk about it, you are compared with the fairy sisters-in-law, although it is difficult to get together with your husband, but you are still better than them

OK. At least what you see is my real body! "

Song Zhen felt ashamed because he was deceiving the sisters-in-law, but he had to do so, with a bitter expression on his face.

"Shuang'er originally thought that when we came to Weiming Huizhou and established the ten-direction Yuanzhou, our eternal peace would be our eternal peace. I didn't want to think that the dragon and phoenix Mingzu suddenly fell from the sky, screaming for help, and the mysterious life of the great world made us immortal again. My heart is restless!"

Upon hearing Song Zhen's words, Lan Shuang sighed deeply for the ten emperors and empresses.

"Cultivate immortals, cultivate gods and gods, kill monsters and kill demons, create life and create life... Husband! Tell me, when will we really stop and be at ease!

People say that gods are good, but we are already gods. Not only are we not stable and beautiful, but we are busy collecting honey and bees. Is this the free and immortal way we pursue? "

Ye Xiang said angrily.

"The way of immortality is inherently free, but our generation of immortal gods was born in different universes and different generations, and has undergone endless changes, so we have such bizarre and tortuous experiences.

However, we also need to see that we have experienced countless pains, but what we have gained is absolutely unprecedented.

May I ask the way of immortality, has there ever been a matter of cultivating immortality that the whole family has ascended to, and only the third brother has done it.

No matter how difficult it is, at least we can still see each other now, but looking back at the countless monks and Taoists before us, there is one who can be like us, a humane couple, rising together on the road to immortality, and is still reunited today!

I also hope that the two beloved wives will understand our situation in Shifang Yuanzhou. We have never had any creation, but now we are on the road of creation, and it is inevitable that there will be many tiring things.

In addition, the great cause of creation is mysterious and miraculous, and the mysterious and unpredictable universe of freedom, the third brother led us to explore all the way, naturally spend more thought.

People in the human world have long ways. If you don’t experience wind and rain, you will never see a rainbow. We are the same. At the beginning of creating a great cause, if we don’t put in all kinds of efforts, and even sacrifice a lot of happiness, how can we get the bright and beautiful future! "

Song Zhen seemed to enlighten the two beloved wives, but also seemed to be talking to himself.

"Husband, don't say too much, in fact, we all understand these things, but as the husband's wife, we feel sorry for the husband's fatigue, and miss the husband's company, our emotions are really hard to control.

However, we really don't know that it turns out that the third brother and the fairy wives are actually more difficult than us. If, my husband is busy, go for it, we know how to do it. "

Ye Xiang has a straightforward personality. After hearing about the various sacrifices made by Emperor Yuan Liu Qianlang, now, for the sake of the future of Shenzhou, she once again went to explore the inexplicable universe alone. The danger involved can be imagined.

But he was afraid that his departure would affect Shifang Yuanzhou, and he would not hesitate to sacrifice the joy of company between himself and his beloved wives, holy lord, with such a sacrifice, he could not care about anything, so he pushed away her husband Song Zhen, ten Said reluctantly.

Seeing this, Lan Shuang also slowly left her husband's warm embrace, and said softly:

"Go get busy, we still have a long time to come!"

"Thank you Shuang'er and Xiang'er for your understanding. My husband came back just to tell his two beloved wives ashamedly, because my husband has to explore the ninety-nine and eighty-one gods, dragons, and phoenixes for a long time. Even Zhou Ji can't come back.

The two beloved wives must take good care of themselves. If you feel lonely, you can call the children back to get together from time to time, or chat with the ten third sisters-in-law, four distant sister-in-laws, sister Yuelan, etc. It is good to chat and laugh! "

Song Zhen's black and white brows wrinkled frequently, holding a beloved wife in each hand, unwilling to send it for a long time, but he had to say goodbye like this.


"Husband, just concentrate on your own affairs. Sister Lan Shuang and I are not children, so we will arrange what to do.

If we want to have fun, it's not easy, it's just that it's hard for the husband, he can't enter the palace from a distance, and he treats his wife like a stranger! "

Ye Xiang laughed with tears in her eyes.

"Husband, don't be stubborn, if you need help, don't forget that we are your fairy wife, we share weal and woe, we are very willing!"

Lan Shuang also said.

"Well, my husband understands. If there is a need, I will do it. Take care, I will go for my husband!"

Song Zhen looked around his home back and forth, feeling both kind and strange, and then looked deeply at his two beloved wives for a long time. Then he suddenly hugged them into his arms, kissed each of them deeply on the forehead, turned around abruptly, stepped on the star sword, and left his star palace.

"Father, you are here. Ninety-nine and eighty-one gods, dragons and phoenixes, the dragon ball and phoenix pill soul summoning array has been activated, but the healing power needed by the dragon and phoenix ancestors is really huge.

All the gods, dragons, immortals and uncles and aunts said that with their strength, the only thing they can do now is to protect the divine body of the ancestor of the dragon and phoenix from defeat.

It is absolutely impossible to heal their wounds for their souls and hearts.

They were sending me a sound transmission just now, asking me to tell my father and master to find a way. However, Master Master actually went into seclusion, so Yaya had no choice but to ask Daddy. "

Yaya voluntarily came to the Nine Nine Eighty-One God Dragon God Phoenix, Dragon Ball Phoenix Pill outside the soul-calling formation to protect her.

But not long after Yaya arrived here, she heard the roar of the hurricane in the soul-calling formation, and the sound of horns calling for support.

Yaya originally went to see Master Liu Qianlang's Qianlang Qiongjing, but the master was not in the palace, and the matter was urgent, Yaya couldn't leave the soul-calling array for too long, so she had to go back to the edge of the soul-calling array , I hope to see the master or other temple saints join the Dharma protector.

Then, strengthen the input of healing power into the formation.

Just when Yaya was extremely anxious, she happened to see her adoptive father Southern One Hundred Thousand Eternal Emperor coming, so she shouted excitedly.

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