Nine Heavens

Chapter 2427 Brother Zhou Eagle

The majesty of the universe, the dome of the wall of the universe, is almost infinite. Liu Qianlang stepped on the map of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the great world and flew eastward for hundreds of millions of years before breaking out of the universe.

Then, Liu Qianlang's towering body with a height of tens of thousands of feet entered an infinitely empty cosmic space.

In this space, Liu Qianlang looked into the distance, and found that there were countless time and space universes floating in it like the majestic universe.

This kind of time-space universe is not the whole of the universe in which you live, whether it is quantity or volume, it is just a medium-sized existence among the countless universes in the universe you live in.

However, compared with other cosmic bodies, they obviously have one characteristic, that is, their cosmic centers have two huge stars, one red and one blue.

Shiny, magnificent and prominent.

Other cosmic bodies are huge and endless, mostly in the shape of a vortex or a disc, surrounded by gorgeous rainbows, and inside are vast and mysterious.

In this cosmic time and space, all the cosmic bodies are revolving at an unimaginable speed, and the rainbows on it are pulled into various spiral-shaped cosmic crowns because of the rapid rotation of the cosmic bodies.

Between the countless cosmic bodies is the empty cosmic gap.

The space between the space bodies adjacent to each other is extremely empty, and Liu Qianlang is floating in such a space space at this moment.

Liu Qianlang didn't know anything about this kind of cosmic time and space. In such a cosmic time and space, his originally towering and huge body was like a drop in the ocean, extremely small.

Liu Qianlang didn't dare to fly fast, slowed down, and flew slowly, looking back at the Hongmeng Pound Universe he was in was slowly passing away, and decided to move around the Hongmeng Pound Universe where he could see him.

In this way, they slowly adapt to the new universe face to face, looking for the existence of life in the great world. On the other hand, in case of an accident, I can also choose to return to Hongmeng Pound Universe.

Liu Qianlang looked at Hongmeng Bangzhou who kept going away behind him, and was surprised to find that the overall shape of Hongmeng Bangzhou happened to be that of a human baby.

The sun and the moon in the center of the universe are exactly the two eyes of the baby. And everything in Hongmeng Pound Universe is just a part of Zhou Ying's body.


This kind of discovery surprised Liu Qianlang quite a bit, and then his eyes swept towards the other primordial cosmic bodies with the sun, moon and stars in the time and space of the new universe.

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang couldn't help being even more surprised, because the overall shape of each of the cosmic bodies he saw turned out to be a kind of life body.

Some are like flying birds, some are like beasts of the earth, some are like majestic pines, some are like flowers of various spirits, some are like flying bees and dancing butterflies...

Looking around, Liu Qianlang felt as if he was in the midst of countless behemoths.

"Ha ha……"

"Xiao Langhun, if you are not cultivating in the mind of Primordial Zhou Ying, what are you doing in the Great Realm?"

When Liu Qianlang was lamenting and astonished at his discovery, he suddenly heard a loud and ear-splitting voice.


When Liu Qianlang heard the sound, he was even more surprised. He searched for the sound, and raised his psychic eyesight to the level of trillions of breaths. The far and near cosmic bodies were clearly visible, but he still couldn't find the source of the sound.

"Hehe, Xiaolanghun, where are you looking, I'm right in front of you."

Because Liu Qianlang couldn't find the target, he kept looking around and heard the other party's voice again.

Liu Qianlang understood the meaning of the other party, looked up too much at the universe body opposite the thousands of billions of light inside and outside, and found that the voice was actually made by this eagle-like universe body.

"Aren't you a cosmic body? How can you be a living spiritual life?"

Liu Qianlang asked in surprise.

"Hehe, once I heard your words, I knew it was the wisdom of the soul of an ignorant baby.

Although you have gone through the Frontier Universe, the Immortal God Universe, the Nine Heavens Immortal Universe, the Ten Direction Universe, and the Hongmeng Bang Universe, you have successfully cultivated into a wave of soul in the Great Realm.

However, your primordial creation ability only stops at the stage of an unborn baby, so there are many reasons you don't understand.

The time and space of the fairy universe are different, and the way of the fairy gods is different. From the perspective of Duan Zhou, the life of the great world, everything is the universe, and the universe is the destiny.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the ancestor of Ying Ming is both Ying and Zhou.

Not only is the body of this eagle universe containing segments of universes, but you are also the same.

You first passed through the Frontier Universe, then the Immortal God Universe, and then you became the God Universe, and you became the Ten-Fang Yuan Universe, and now you have come to the Great Realm of Life, the Sun-Moon Universe.

Every time you ascend to the immortal level, you are actually achieving a new immortal body. It's just because your wisdom is limited and you can't recognize it.

Therefore, it is not surprising that I am both Zhou and Immortal Body. "

Cosmic Hawk still laughed loudly.

"Thank you Senior Zhou Ying for your enlightenment, this junior has been educated!"

Liu Qianlang's white hair was like a long river in the world, floating in the universe and space, bowing and thanking him.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Xiaolanghun, Xiaolanghun, you are so funny. I am only one year old in the big world, but I came to the big world one year earlier than you. What kind of senior am I? You call me Brother Eagle Great!"

Hearing Liu Qianlang's compliment, the cosmic eagle immediately laughed, and then the vast universe suddenly shrunk, turning into a majestic giant eagle, and flew to Liu Qianlang in an instant, and said with a smile.

"This, this, brother Ying?"

Liu Qianlang looked at the Cosmic Eagle, which was thousands of times bigger than himself, staring at him with eyes like the sky, and squeaked.


Cosmic Eagle was very happy to hear Brother Ying's words coming out of Liu Qianlang's mouth, and agreed in a hurry, not caring whether Liu Qianlang was sincere or not.

Hey, your size, you eagles were my fairy pet in the past, and my Kiki is the goshawk, he called me master.

Fortunately, now that I met you, my master has become a younger brother, and I will call you brother!

Liu Qianlang was very unhappy in his heart, but whether he was happy or not, Liu Qianlang was not confused, he knew that he was not at home now, he was hanging out outside the universe, so for the time being, he had no choice but to lose face.

"Brother Ying, are your spirit bodies so big? Seeing you are so tall, Xiaolanghun really can't adapt to it!"

Liu Qianlang scolded herself in her heart for speaking so cheaply and humblely, but she had to frown and shout.

"Hehe, that's not true. Although we are vast and vast, when the universe body transforms into a spirit body, we can change its size arbitrarily.

My current size can be regarded as the usual size of trillions of lifeforms in the Great Realm.

You don't need to worry, it won't take long, your spirit body will naturally be about the same size as mine, and then you can change the size at will as you sit and absorb the life source space of the Great Realm. "

The Cosmic Hawk blew a few times and explained.

"So it's like this, brother Ying, this is the legendary life of the great world? I don't know if brother Ying has ever heard of Wei Er, Emperor Zhou?"

Liu Qianlang was still somewhat happy in his heart, because at this moment, he was in the fate of the big world he was looking for.

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