Nine Heavens

Chapter 2428 Yangshu Yuewen

"What Wei Er Zhou Emperor, I haven't heard of it. In the life of the Great Realm, this Zhou Ying has only heard of the Three Swallowing Zhou Yu!"

The body of the Cosmic Eagle was pure black, with sparkling eyes, and shook his head.

"Oh! Brother Ying has seen the Great Realm of the Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers under my feet? He is Wei'er Emperor Zhou's inscription!"

Liu Qianlang looked up at the Cosmic Eagle with eyes full of expectation, not wanting its answer to make him feel annoyed, so he still asked without giving up.

Hearing this, the Cosmic Eagle lowered its head, pecked twice with its big dog's mouth on the map of the great world of sun, moon, mountains and rivers at Liu Qianlang's feet, and then said with a smile:

"You flying step, this Zhouying can help you find out the name. In the central universe of our great world, there are two Huishen, the ancestor of Yangyuan and the fairy of Yuemeng. They know the fate of our great world. of everything.

At first glance, you look like the ancient map of the fate of our great world. I think the Weier Zhou Emperor you mentioned must have a deep connection with it. Although I don't know the Weier Zhou Emperor you are talking about, Yangzu and Yuemeng will definitely know.

If you don't mind, you can get into my stomach, and I will take you to fly to Yangzu and Yuemeng immediately.

Or you are here to practice the sun and moon magic power contained in your great world of sun, moon, mountains and rivers, and we will go after you succeed in cultivation.

Both of these methods are fine, it's up to you to choose, this Zhouying is not in a hurry. "

The cosmic eagle tilted its head left and right, and exchanged sharp star eyes to examine the sun and moon under Liu Qianlang's feet, and the magnificent scene of mountains and rivers, with a strange look in his eyes, and said.

"Thank you, brother Ying, for your kindness, it's really not Xiaolanghun's hobby to casually go into other people's stomachs.

Xiaolanghun should be more patient, let's practice the Sun and Moon Divine Art you mentioned first. Although it took some time, it was better than tormenting Brother Ying.

However, I would like to ask Brother Ying for help. Xiaolanghun first came to the Great Realm, and it is difficult to fully display his divine power at the moment, and he cannot see the sun and moon magic power contained in the picture of the Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers of the Great Realm under his feet. Please read it again . "

Liu Qianlang has been exhausted for a long time, and he still hasn't comprehended the mystery of the painting of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the Great Realm. Hearing the words of the Cosmic Eagle now, he was secretly happy.

However, his face was calm, and he seemed to speak casually, and then his little heart was pounding, afraid that the other party would not help.

"Hehe, this is a trivial point. Reading Yangshu Yuewen is my Cosmic Eagle's strong point. It's not my Cosmic Eagle's bragging rights, but with my Cosmic Eagle's eyes, I can see your Great Realm Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers Map after ten eons. You can also read the above Yangshuyuewen.

However, there are too many words written in Yangshuyuewen on your great world of sun, moon, mountains and rivers. I will only read to you the part of the sun, moon, and universe. I don't care! "

Cosmic Hawk readily agreed, but said so.

"In this way, Xiaolanghun is already very grateful. If Xiaolanghun makes achievements in the life of the Great Realm in the future, Xiaolanghun will definitely repay Brother Ying for his kindness!"

Liu Qianlang recalled the words of the Cosmic Eagle, and already knew the general content of the Yangshu Yuewen on the map of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the great world, and thanked him happily.

"Well, your little mouth is quite sweet. But it's not the Eternal Eagle that hit you. The world of life in the big world is full of inhuman wisdom. Even the Yang God Yuemeng is an inhuman god, like you It is simply impossible for Hui Ming in his human form to achieve anything in the Great Realm.

If you have nothing to do, don't be too whimsical, practice hard, and if you have nothing to say, one day you will be attracted by a certain cosmic body, and you will be accepted as a cosmic guardian or something, and you will be considered a good fortune.

I heard that there used to be human immortals like you in Dajie Mingjian, but it's a pity that they all disappeared in the end.

Don’t be ignorant of good and evil. In the fate of the great world, if you are such a lonely, weak and sickly existence, if you want to exist for a long time, you must be careful in everything, always pay attention, and be a man with your tail between your legs!

Otherwise, people like the human beings in the ancient universe who didn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, always wanted to win the Great Realm and the Ten Thousand Spirits, and ended up..."

Cosmic Eagle heard Liu Qianlang's words clearly, raised its neck and kicked its legs, laughed like a bird for a while, then talked a lot, and suddenly stopped at the key point of speaking.

"Yangshen Yuemeng is not human, so what are they?"

Liu Qianlang deliberately avoided the embarrassment of the other party, and asked indifferently.

The cosmic eagle looked alert for a while, and found that Liu Qianlang was not up to the mark at all, so he asked the children in the kindergarten class all the questions, and couldn't help but relax, and said with a smile:

"Hehe, it's better not to talk about this cosmic eagle, so as not to weaken your expectation of meeting them. Do you want to practice the Sun and Moon Divine Art of Great Realm Fate? If you want to, I will read it.

Only this time, I only helped you because you met me as soon as you entered the Great Realm, which shows that we are destined for each other.

Needless to say, Ben Cosmic Eagle is a master who would rather be scolded to death than help others. Today, you have broken Ben Cosmic Eagle’s vow to be scolded to death and not help others! "


"Xiao Langhun seems to feel that our human race is very unpopular in the fate of the big world. Why is that?"

Liu Qianlang sighed and asked.

"Hmph! Of course, in the ancient Wanling Lifetime in the Great Realm, it was because of your human race that you broke the law of symbiosis and mutual non-harm in the Wanling Lifetime.

Your human race is definitely a foodie. We started to hunt and kill us to feed on the weak Mingzhou of the beast race, then the medium-strength Mingzhou body, and then the high-level Mingzhou body.

Your human race is clamoring to kill demons and eliminate demons everywhere. In fact, your human race is the out-and-out demon.

Because of the viciousness of your human race, the Great World Fate was once your human race's world, and the existence of our Myriad Spirit Beast Race is your human race's feast at any time.

It wasn't until the Yangshen Yuemeng appeared later that they began to control the fate of the great world, and finally restored the previous world of the beast clan of all spirits. And your human race has been swallowed up by the three-swallowing Zhou Yu! "

When Liu Qianlang asked this question, he originally lamented that the human race seemed to be unhappy in the life of the great world, but he didn't want to cause the Cosmic Eagle to feel disgusted. It took a deep breath, and then said angrily.

"Xiao Langhun is guilty, he shouldn't have asked Brother Ying such a question,"

Liu Qianlang noticed the other party's dissatisfaction, and while apologizing quickly, he secretly murmured in his heart, since the other party is very disgusted with the human race, why would he be kind enough to help him?

"Forget it, those are the grievances and grievances of the previous generation of the Cosmic Eagle. This Cosmic Eagle doesn't want to get entangled anymore. I will sing the formula for you. I hope you are not those evil human races in ancient times!"

The cosmic eagle's expression was gloomy, feeling sad for a long time, when Liu Qianlang asked it to praise the sun and moon gods for his Yang Shuyuewen without words, it took the initiative to speak, and then made all kinds of strange sounds in its mouth.

Mantras of various shapes and thousands of colors, like bees and butterflies, fly out of its sharp hooked mouth frequently. Liu Qianlang knows what it is singing without a teacher.

Ying was muttering, and Liu Qianlang began to practice.


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