Nine Heavens

Chapter 2436

"This is the purpose of this junior coming to the Great Realm of Fate, to help the ancestors of the dragon and phoenix, and also to seek the future for the junior's Ten Directions Fate.

Now it is even more likely to rescue the respectable Emperor Weier Zhou. Such a great virtue and good deed, the junior is worth the risk. Let the two seniors teach me how to reverse the universe and return to the life of the ancient great world! "

"The method is simple, but it is not easy to reach the ancient world!

We were swallowed by the giant and reappeared outside its body. When it disappeared strangely, Ben Yangshen was lucky enough to catch a ray of its divine light.

If Xiaolanghun wants to go back to the life world of the ancient great world, he can just enter this light, catch up with the behemoth retrogradely, enter its tail, and exit its mouth, and then there is the existence of the life world of the ancient great world outside its mouth.

There, you will see all our living beings and spirits in the ancient world, including our young Weir of course.

What you need to do is, when the behemoth appears, stop us from exiling Weier, or save Weier who we have already exiled, and then follow the behemoth's divine light to return here. "

Yang Shenguang saw that Liu Qianlang had made up his mind, so he didn't say anything else, and said with eyes full of gratitude.

"That divine light is within the time and space of the Yang God's soul universe!"

Yuemeng Ning secretly added.

"Okay! Since that's the case, please help the two seniors, so that the younger generation can enter the soul universe of the Yang God and find that divine light."

Liu Qianlang made up her mind and asked simply.

"Brother Langyuan, I think it's better to forget it. The dragon and the phoenix are fine, and now the new great world is destined to evolve throughout the universe, but Emperor Zhou also deserves to die. Why bother!"

Regarding Liu Qianlang's decision, the Cosmic Hawk opposed it from the bottom of its heart, and kept winking from beginning to end, but unfortunately Liu Qianlang never looked at it.

Now that he couldn't speak anymore, he splashed cold water.

"Oh! Xiaolanghun, I think it's better to let this cosmic eagle accompany you if you go alone.

At the same time, you don't have to worry about your lack of spiritual power and soul power. Benyang God will give you a divine spring in the seven-color fate soul, and you will become extremely powerful in an instant.

Then I will give you a rainbow of various colors, which can be transformed into the Divine Sword of Transcendence.

You don’t have to worry about this cosmic eagle. I give you the soul of Cangya in the Great Realm, and Zhou Neng is slightly weaker than the soul of Shenquan. You can be the master of the eagle, the eagle can carry the man, fly against the light of the gods, and travel back to the ancient world. Yuemeng, let's help them now. "

Yang Shen Guangming heard the words of the Cosmic Eagle, put away his sorrow, and sighed slightly.

"Stop! The two seniors of the Great Realm Fate God, we are both the new Great Realm Fate God, why should he be the master and I be the ride?"

The cosmic eagle didn't intend to go with Liu Qianlang at first, but was arranged by the sun god Guangming for a while, but he forgot about this, and instead was dissatisfied with being Liu Qianlang's divine rider.

"Oh! This is your fate. Just look at your former fate, Xiaolanghun, who treats you very well!"

Yangshen Guangming laughed and sighed, and raised his huge palm, which was as empty as a screen, and the experiences of Liu Qianlang and Qiqi were played on the screen one after another.

"Father Langer, Father Langer..."

Among them, the cosmic eagle kept hearing the black eagle squatting on Liu Qianlang's shoulder in the screen, calling Liu Qianlang. My skin pimples were raised in my heart when the eagle called Liu Qianlang's father called him.

However, after examining it carefully, it found that Qiqi was actually one of its previous lives, so it immediately stopped talking.

"Cangya, Shenquan, Shenhong, stop fooling around, let's get on the road, hehe..."

Seeing that the Cosmic Eagle had gone silent, Yangshen Guangming smiled at Yue Mengning secretly, and they disappeared together with the Linglong Tower of the Sun Moon Palace.

And Liu Qianlang and Cosmic Eagle felt a burst of laughter around their bodies, and then felt their bodies suddenly grow countless times taller, and their height was just as high as Yangshen Guangming and Yue Mengning's height was almost the same.

At the same time, they suddenly felt that the divine power in their bodies increased greatly, and a divine light appeared in their sights leading from the front of them to the infinitely distant sky.

"Xiao Langhun, cosmic eagles, you enter the light path, start your journey against the light and travel through the universe, I wish you success, go early and return early!

It was Cangya, Shenquan and Shenhong who made the noise just now, and now they have all melted into your body, and this Yangshen has sealed their speech, so as not to disturb you! "

The body of Yangshen Guangming has recovered its own dimension, Liu Qianlang and Cosmic Eagle can no longer see him, but Yangshen Guangming has not left the original place, reminding Liu Qianlang and Cosmic Eagle.

"Thank you two seniors for pointing to the Cosmic Hawk, let's go!"

Liu Qianlang looked at the light path as thick as a barrel in front of him for a moment, clasped his wrists and bowed to salute. Then stepped on the Rainbow Excalibur and shot into the light path,

"Brother Langyuan, it's because you didn't ride me, so don't blame me for being disrespectful. How does it feel inside, I'm dizzy!"

The cosmic eagle was worried that Liu Qianlang would jump on his back and lay down, making himself tired, but Liu Qianlang didn't land on his back at all, so he was secretly happy and said quickly.

"Hehe, it's full of jewels inside, misty and misty, colorful clouds flying everywhere, the source of the light is inexplicable, auspicious clouds carry fragrance, no where to go, and floating gemstones everywhere. It's really magical, brother Ying, come in quickly. "

Liu Qianlang truthfully described the situation in Shenguang.

"Damn it! This Cosmic Eagle is here to get rich!"

When Cosmic Eagle heard that Shenguang was so beautiful and that Shenbao was everywhere, it would be lonely to stay, so it would be better to go with it, and immediately sighed in surprise, and it was within Shenguang in the next second.

Woohoo! Woohoo!


However, when the cosmic eagle closed its eyes and opened them again, it didn't even see a jewel star. It was only dim and gloomy in the divine light, and it felt like the end of the world was coming, and the hurricane whizzed and circled continuously. .

"Brother Langyuan, come to me! I won't go with you!"

The cosmic eagle yelled, turned over and wanted to shoot the way of divine light.

"Hehe, Cosmic Eagle, there are countless treasures inside, can you feel comfortable flying upside down?"

At this moment, the Cosmic Eagle heard that outside the Dao of Divine Light, the Yang God had a big face facing the exit of the Dao of Divine Light, and asked with a smile.

"Cut! Ours, you want to come in, but unfortunately there is no room inside, so you can only accommodate Brother Lang Yuan and me, you should stop dreaming!

Wow! This treasure is so beautiful! And that one, I want it..."

The cosmic eagle wanted to save face and suffer, obviously being blown dry by the hurricane, turning over and over, and blowing on its belly.

"Well, that's good. Originally, I wanted to give you two body-fixing cosmic beads, which can be used for lighting and body-fixing. It seems unnecessary, so I can only wish you all the best of luck!"

Yangshen Guangming smiled.

"Hehe, senior, although there are many treasures here, there is no Immobilizing Body Bead. Brother Ying doesn't want them, but can I give both of them to this junior?"

Liu Qianlang looked at the cosmic eagle with its belly up, whirling and bragging and laughed.

"Ha ha……"

"Of course, Xiaolanghun is ready, the future is slow, the future is far away, get up early and come back!"

Yangshen Guangming laughed, and threw two golden beads the size of huge human mountains into the Dao of Divine Light.

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