Nine Heavens

Chapter 2437 inside the divine light

"Hehe, Brother Ying, putting the body-fixing bead into the body universe really works, are you sure you don't want it?"

Liu Qianlang took one of the body-fixing beads directly into his own body sea, and his staggering figure quickly calmed down.

With white hair fluttering and robes dangling, he stood firmly on the map of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the great world, and asked the cosmic eagle with a smile.

"Brother Langyuan, save me quickly, if you don't give me the body-fixing pearl, my hair will be ripped off by the hurricane! How can I help you fly back to the ancient world!"

The cosmic eagle was flustered in the path of divine light. The more it struggled, the harder it was to maintain its balance.

The cosmic eagle staggered for a while, turned its stomach for a while, and although it could fly, its posture was extremely awkward.

Cosmic Eagle felt that the Yangshen Guangming outside the Dao of Divine Light had left, and shouted angrily.

"Oh! It doesn't seem to work. This body-fixing orb has been banned by the Yang God. Only those who need it can get it by flying to its fixed position with sincerity. Brother Ying! It's not that I won't help you, you see?"

Yangshen Guangming used the language of soul thoughts to tell Liu Qianlang how to control the cosmic eagle, and Liu Qianlang did exactly what Yangshen Guangming explained at the moment.

"What! That guy in the red robe has a grudge against me, he gave me all the fixed body beads, and made these useless things.

good! I'll just go to the place under you and swallow it! "

Hearing Liu Qianlang's words, the cosmic eagle was very annoyed, and tried its best to fly to Liu Qianlang's body, trying to catch the body-fixing bead floating under Liu Qianlang's body with its beak.

However, the fixed body was secretly manipulated by Liu Qianlang, and the Cosmic Eagle tossed and tossed for a while before swallowing it in one gulp, and then the body regained its balance.

But in this way, he just happened to become Liu Qianlang's flying step.

"Hehe, thank you, Brother Ying, with your speedy cavalry around, I will accept the map of the Great World of Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers.

Just now, the God of Yang explained that when we get to the ancient Great Realm, the map of the Great Realm Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers will still be of great use! "

Liu Qianlang was not polite at all, he landed on the cosmic eagle, crossed his legs, looked at the infinite and far-reaching front of the divine light and said with a smile.


"Let me be someone else's magic horse, what a beautiful idea! You step on your Great World Sun Moon Mountain River Map, I will fly first!"

The cosmic eagle doesn't like being used as a mount, thinking in his heart, anyway, he has already swallowed the body-fixing pearl in his stomach, so his body is stable, and he is afraid that he will get a ball, so he is excited in his heart, shouting that he will leave and leave Liu Qianlang .


However, when it had a burst of wings, it felt a churning in its stomach, and the swallowed golden light body bead actually ran into the mouth of the cosmic eagle, and it would fly out as soon as it opened its mouth.

"Hehe, if Brother Ying likes to fly alone first, then please go ahead, but the body-fixing orb in your belly has been set by Senior Yang God, don't leave me!"

Liu Qianlang just smiled slightly, looking at the infinite hero in front of the Dao of Divine Light, but couldn't see the ultimate, the front blocked by the hurricane vortex, while controlling the cosmic eagle to move forward with all his strength, he smiled complacently.

"I'm so pissed off, Hongpao blames you for waiting, it's my fault that Feng, my cosmic eagle, didn't demolish your Sun Moon Palace Linglong Pagoda when I came back..."

Cosmic Eagle cursed for a while, but there was no other way, so he had no choice but to fly forward reluctantly with Liu Qianlang on his back.

"Hehe, Brother Ying! Why be angry, Qian Yuanzhou, you also squatted on my shoulder, is it so wronged to be my divine knight now?

If you really don't want to, I will also turn into a condor and fly parallel to you! "

Liu Qianlang sat cross-legged on the huge back of the Cosmic Eagle, looking at the sea of ​​hurricanes rushing by in the distance, with a steady body and a calm mind, he said very freely against his will.

"Don't, don't! You are you, he is him, we are brothers, we are all successful. I am not angry with you, I hate that sun god, my eagle orders me to be the master, what is he doing, Just arrange me as Brother Lang Yuan's mount!

Just sit and get drunk, and settle accounts with him when I come back. For me, brother Langyuan, I have a question that I don't bother to ask Yangshen Yuemeng, what do you think? "

The cosmic eagle was pretentious for a while, no longer entangled, and turned his mind to the journey of the universe's divine light between each other's ancient great world.

"I know what you want to ask?"

Liu Qianlang laughed.

"Oh! You know, tell me about it!"

Cosmic Hawk was surprised.

"Brother Ying, do you want to ask, if we really arrive at the fate of the ancient great world and rescue Emperor Weier Zhou! Then everything we have done in the past will never happen, and we naturally cannot exist. It's a contradiction, right?"

Liu Qianlang said without thinking.

"I'll go! Brother Langyuan really has some tricks, yes, I just want to ask this. How do you know what I think?"

The cosmic eagle tilted its neck, glanced at Liu Qianlang, who was flying wildly with white hair on his back, and sighed in admiration.

"Ha ha……"

"It's nothing strange. Brother Ying's question is something I've been thinking hard about. I couldn't figure it out before, and it's not easy to ask the two seniors of Yangshen Yuemeng.

But when they injected the divine spring, Cangya, into our bodies, I suddenly figured it out. The world we live in is far more mysterious and complex than we imagined!

We are the existences that evolved after the ancient great universe, but now we have to go back and block its past future. On the surface, we are rewriting the history of the Weixian universe after that time.

In fact, otherwise, this world cannot be truly reversed, what happened is what happened.

If we go back to the past and change any factors of the fairy universe, it will not change everything that evolved according to the situation at that time.

This shows that the existence of the ancient great universe is not just one, it has two, or more virtual and real parallel universes.

The ancient Great Realm Mingjianzhou that evolved into Emperor Weier Zhou is just one of them, and it is impossible to know whether it is true or false.

We are now going back against the universe along the ancient light of the ancient great universe, when we found the ancient great universe and saw the baby of Emperor Weier.

This baby is by no means the Weier who later evolved into Emperor Weier Zhou. But the universe is magical, although Weier is not the original Weier, but Weier in the same parallel fairy universe, affected by our fairy gods, his soul will also be the same as Weier's soul that once evolved into Weier Huizhou psychic.

That is to say, the baby of Emperor Weier Zhou in different parallel universes of the ancient great universe is not only many different existences, but it can also be said to be the same one.

Their bodies can manifest as many, but their spirit is unique. What we will rescue in the future is one of the babies of Emperor Weier Zhou. "

Liu Qianlang spoke very slowly, trying to make his words clear, hoping that Cosmic Hawk could understand.

"What did you say?"

The cosmic eagle tilted its head and stared, listening carefully, but when Liu Qianlang finished speaking, it asked blankly.

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