Nine Heavens

Chapter 2438 soft soul bickering

After Liu Qianlang finished talking dryly, when he heard Cosmic Hawk's questioning, his hair was in a mess, and he was speechless with a sad face.

well! What to say to the bird, the words go too far.

"Brother Langyuan, why don't you speak anymore, although I can't understand what you said in a mess, but it's always good to have a little voice.

Otherwise, if we fly down like this, we will be suffocated if not exhausted. Brother Langyuan, you can say it, it doesn't matter what you say, I don't mind whether it's right or wrong, as long as you speak. "

The cosmic eagle is silent, with white hair flying wildly, looking at Liu Qianlang in front of him, galloping day and night in the vast and cold path of divine light.

Close up is wide, looking far away is narrow and long; close up is straight, original place is curved. Flying through the space in the Dao of Divine Light one after another, it seems that it has not moved in place.

Because the light path near their line of sight always looks straight, and the distance is always a huge curved shape. But no matter how they fly, they will always stay in the straight part, and the bend in the distance seems to be not far from eternity.

This feeling is like walking on the train tracks of the modern human race. No matter how you walk, the near side is always straight, but when you look up and look far away, the track is curved.

Liu Qianlang was flamboyant, standing upright, with his arms folded, his eyes fixed on the ever-changing and seemingly eternal curve in the divine light in front of him, he was engrossed in thinking, and he didn't pay attention to the Cosmic Eagle's words.

"What the hell is that behemoth?"

Liu Qianlang was thinking, and said to himself.

"I cut!"

After cosmic eagle and Liu Qianlang finished talking, they raised their necks and waited for Liu Qianlang to answer, but after waiting for a long time, Liu Qianlang didn't even look at him, and came out with such a sentence.

Cosmic Eagle thought that Liu Qianlang was really dealing with him, so he didn't need to let out a bird's sigh, and then called out unhappily:

"What is it? Could it be that the Divine Light of the Great Realm that we came in is still small? It's a gigantic monster, its surface is all illusions. You think it's big when you look at big things, but you're childish when you look at small things!

Didn't you see that when we looked at the divine light from the Great Realm, it wasn't much thicker than a hair, but after we entered, why was it so divine inside? "


The cosmic eagle yelled loudly, and was facing Liu Qianlang's dead end in thinking. Hearing this, Liu Qianlang became enlightened, exclaimed, leaned over and stared at the universe, and said excitedly:

"Thank you Brother Ying for your pointers, I didn't expect Brother Ying to be so intelligent, Lang Yuan really admires it!

Brother Ying really wakes up the dreamer with one word, Lang Yuan is narrow-minded! Who said that only the big can swallow the weak. We can be said to be the universe of gods, but we feel very vast within this divine light!

The magic of the universe is telling us that what is meant by hugeness is definitely not something that can be judged by our simple vision. Lang Yuan could not understand the word Wuji deeply before.

Perhaps the so-called colossus that devoured the ancient universe was not some divine body within sight..."

Liu Qianlang suddenly had bright eyes and a bright heart, and said to himself.

"Well, what you said seems to make sense, and you understand what I mean. I, Cosmic Hawk, don't like to talk about Taoism and Zen. I think that the benevolent will have a bright heart."

Enduring the earache, Cosmic Eagle finally finished listening to Liu Qianlang's words. He didn't understand anything else, but he understood that Liu Qianlang was praising himself, so he uttered such a sentence.

"Brother Ying, Lang Yuan would like to ask you a question, what do you think of the ending of our trip?"

In the process of deep thinking, Liu Qianlang asked Cosmic Eagle.

"I said stupid bird, it's almost done, don't pretend to be my wisdom, do you think it's your ability to use my wisdom and your beak?"

The Cosmic Eagle was about to open its mouth to take a look of self-satisfaction, but a mocking voice came from the soul universe.

"Damn, ours, you have become my brain soul, isn't your wisdom mine, if you are capable, you can come out, what are you pretending to do when you run to my soul?"

When Cosmic Eagle heard that it was on fire, it scratched its claws, shook its arms, and yelled angrily.

"Oh, brother Ying, who are you talking to, besides you and me, are there sub-cosmic bodies in your body?"

Liu Qianlang heard the words, no matter how he thought about it, he felt that it was wrong. Hearing that the Cosmic Eagle's words didn't seem to be addressed to him, he asked in surprise.

"Hmph! Brother Langyuan, you forgot, what did the Yangshen's light inject into our cosmic body when we entered this path of divine light.

Now that Cangya psychopath in my soul is talking, your soul spring is okay, brother Lang Yuan better squeeze him to death, it's annoying to death. "

The cosmic eagle yelled angrily, its original intention was to frighten Cangya in his soul universe.

"Yeah, you stinky bird, whoever leaves can't survive, I'll go out now, if the two Gods of God, Yangshen Yuemeng, let us follow you, who cares about you!"

The cosmic eagle's words were in vain, not only did not calm Cang Ya in the soul universe, but also got a few words.

Then Cosmic Eagle felt the divine power in his body suddenly decrease, and saw a divine peak floating beside him while he was sluggishly galloping.

"Oh my god, why is it so cold in this divine light? The evolutionary light is whistling, and only you youngsters with rough skin and thick flesh can bear it.

That's enough, I, Cang Ya, feel wronged, and I'll go into your soul universe. "

The gray cliff that appeared beside the cosmic eagle appeared and disappeared quickly, and said to the cosmic eagle between entering and exiting.


"I said Cang Ya, it's obviously Wei Xian's soft soul body, if he insists on coming out, it's a slap in the face.

What's wrong with the ugly bird consuming some of your wisdom, that's what it should be. You stay comfortably in other people's soul universe, and people work hard in the cold light and cold wind, this is wages.

Besides, I can tell you that since Yangshen Guangming and Yuemeng Ningan arranged us this way, there must be their intentions. Before we figure it out, it's best to be quiet and don't mess with these two fates. Between the universe and the new universe.

In case they die, how will our soft-souled bodies treat us in this ancient great world's life-world universe divine light!

Your soul world is like ours, and mine is quite immortal, with divine fruits and vegetables, strange waterfalls and rainbows... I have everything, and I am happy to die.

Isn't it our divine wisdom and divine energy? They can use as much as they like, and they can't die! The most important thing to be a fairy is to be happy. We just enjoy their tossing in the cold and wind.

I don’t want to talk to you anymore, I think the location of Sanshan’ao is good, I’ll go there and sit for a while! "

After Cangya's words fell, the Cosmic Eagle's divine power was only momentarily sluggish, and it secretly complained.

But then fortunately, his enemy Cang Ya returned to his soul world, and suddenly secretly rejoiced.

So he planned to say a few words of peace, but he didn't want Liu Qianlang to open his mouth and say something about Shenquan.

"That's right. I'll find a place to keep warm too, so I won't yell at them anymore. You say it's really weird. The divine fire of the Great Realm of Life is scorching hot outside, but why is it so cold inside!"

The Cosmic Eagle listened, and didn't care what the Cosmic Eagle said, and entered the depths of the Cosmic Eagle's soul universe with a mutter, and fell silent.

"Cut! A stone is a stone. I can't even figure out such a simple question. The anode is cold and the cathode is hot!"

Shenquan said disdainfully in the depths of Liu Qianlang's soul.

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