Nine Heavens

Chapter 2439 Immortal Control Curse

Liu Qianlang heard what he opened his mouth to say, but it was not what he thought in his heart. After a moment of astonishment, he remembered the divine spring in his soul.

After savoring it, I realized a lot of truths.

"How unlucky, brother Langyuan, do you think we have been robbed of the fairy house, why are there two soft souls coming out of our own mouths, we can't even shut it!"

Cosmic Eagle was very afraid of what Cang Ya in his soul universe would say, so after saying this, he kept his mouth shut.

"Hehe, brother Ying is thinking too much, they are soft souls with different dimensions, if they are willing to change, they can change into a similar shape to us at any time, there is no need to seize their bodies.

And if they want to talk, they don't have to use our mouths at all. This is because they deliberately teased us.

However, this is their last time, and I will tell you a spell, just say it silently in your heart, and they can no longer control us, but we can control them. "

After Liu Qianlang's mouth was used by Shenquan, he also felt very embarrassed, and suddenly remembered the method Yangshen told him to train Shenquan, and said with a smile.

"Then why don't you tell me, dammit, if this Cosmic Eagle doesn't give it a little power, it will treat me like a bedroom!"

Cosmic Eagle was overjoyed when he heard this, and laughed dryly.

"Then you can remember!"

After Liu Qianlang finished speaking, a series of messy things came out of his mouth.

The cosmic eagle twitched its tail, heard it in its ears, engraved it in its heart, and even remembered Liu Qianlang's tone of voice exactly.

"Hmph! I'll teach it a lesson now!"

As soon as Cosmic Hawk learned Liu Qianlang's spell, he wanted to teach Cang Ya a lesson, but Liu Qianlang laughed and said:

"If you want to make it tame, let it go crazy first. The more he is proud, the more powerful our spells will be. Don't be in a hurry, brother Ying. We will have more time to deal with and use them later.

They were finally quiet for a while, and we were at ease, so let's ignore them for now, let's fly wholeheartedly. "

Cosmic Eagle thought it was the same, so he didn't mention it for the time being, but when he looked up and saw the forever straight and the forever bend ahead, he shouted impatiently:

"We have been flying for hundreds of thousands of years, how long will it take to fly. It's good for you, sit on me, sleep when you are sleepy, and wake up to see the scenery.

As for me, I can only fly exhaustedly, if I am not exhausted, I will die of sleepiness sooner or later! "

"Hehe, didn't I teach you the spell to control Cang Ya? If you want to sleep, go to sleep, and let Cang Ya control your body, isn't that all right?"

As soon as the cosmic eagle's words came out, Liu Qianlang was reminded all of a sudden. Liu Qianlang leaned back, shrunk his body, lifted a feather of the cosmic eagle as a quilt, and fell asleep after laughing.

"That's right! Why didn't I think of this? Let it control your body, use its divine power, and you'll be at ease when you rest, hehe! Don't say it, this method is wonderful."

The cosmic eagle was overjoyed, and when he heard Liu Qianlang's sleeping sound on his back, he felt sleepy immediately, so he began to chant the spell taught by Liu Qianlang silently in his heart, which awakened Cang Ya, and watched Cang Ya manipulate his body with ease After speeding away, he fell into a deep sleep with peace of mind and peace of mind.

"Oh brother, what's going on, why did I suddenly become an ugly eagle!?"

The cliff in the Cosmic Eagle Soul Universe is flying towards the depths of the Cosmic Eagle Soul Sea, and suddenly felt that the soft soul was suddenly frozen, and then felt that the divine energy was consumed, and he and the Cosmic Eagle's body quickly merged, and he couldn't help but screamed angrily.

"Damn it, don't make such a fuss, it's all the work of Yangshen Guangming and Yuemengning, otherwise, with our abilities, how could they control us? .

You have been used as a laborer to control the body of the Cosmic Eagle, and I am not much better, this white-haired fairy asked me to observe and record everything we experienced while flying for him. This time it is estimated that we will never be idle again. "

Shenquan in Liu Qianlang's soul universe sighed.

"No way, it will take at least tens of billions of years to fly out of the ancient light path of this ancient world, and we have only flown out for hundreds of thousands of years. How long will it take?"

When Cang Ya heard Shenquan's words wafting from Liu Qianlang's mouth, the Cosmic Eagle showed pain all over his face, and said reluctantly.

"Hehe, aren't they just two little young immortals of the universe, we are the fairy gods of the Weizhou soft soul state, even if we are temporarily manipulated by the Yang God, we will not be controlled by them for a lifetime.

If our Weizhou soft soul immortals are manipulated at will by these physical fate immortals, then can we still be considered as the Great Yuan Weixian who broke the realm? "

Liu Qianlang was lying down, but because of Shenquan's control, he sat up again and said with a smile.

"We, what do you mean, do you have a way to break the way of the Yang God?"

Cangya's controller Cosmic Eagle's speed increased hundreds of times, savoring the words of Shenquan, and asked happily.

"That is, when was my Shenquan controlled by someone, that is, the old guy Yangshen Guangming set us up while I was not paying attention.

However, this is very good, we will accompany these two little Yuanxians to play around in the ancient world of life, and we will save ourselves from looking at the faces of those two old guys.

They are really idle, they don't have a baby, they insist on treating the three of us as grandchildren, and they say nothing about raising us.

I am depressed! It's fine to say you're stupid, Weixian who is as smart as me, Shenquan, what kind of care are they doing. "

Shenquan controlled Liu Qianlang's body, flying white hair, wearing a divine robe, holding Shenhong in his left hand, and touching his beardless chin with his right hand, boasting wildly, but repeatedly belittling Cang Ya and saying.

"Bah! Shenquan, what are you talking about? I'm so stupid, you're just a puddle of water, you don't even have a shape, what's the big deal.

Look at me, tall and majestic, straight and majestic, no matter how you look at me, it's pleasing to the eye. Of the three of us, I think you are the ugliest in everything except the faint blue color, which is still pleasing to the eye. "

Cang Ya was not a good stubbler, and he was not bad at attacking, so he quickly turned back.


Shenhong remained silent all the time, because she realized that Liu Qianlang was so handsome, so she just looked at Liu Qianlang in embarrassment. Now seeing Liu Qianlang who was lying down was getting up again under the control of Shenquan, he couldn't help laughing happily.

"Cut! Look at your nymphomaniac. You were like this in the era of the inferior immortals. Now you have become the soft soul immortal of Weizhou. It's still like this. When will you grow up?"

When Shenquan heard Cang Ya's words, he originally wanted to vent his anger, but when he saw Shenhong in Liu Qianlang's hand cast a pair of winking eyes on Liu Qianlang's face, he immediately changed the target of his sarcasm.

"So handsome!"

However, as if Shenhong didn't hear Shenquan's words, she conjured up a soft face around her beautiful eyes, resting her cheeks on her hands, smiling at Liu Qianlang, and admiring softly.

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