Nine Heavens

Chapter 2442 Water Spirit Breath

Liu Qianlang's posture was seen by Shenquan, and Shenquan was so angry that he couldn't do it anymore.

Especially when Liu Qianlang called Cang Ya a senior, Shenquan couldn't accept it, so he couldn't help shouting at Liu Qianlang:

"Xiao Langhun, are you crazy or stupid, no matter what, our relationship is closer than that soil turtle, and you actually call him a senior!?"

"Oh! Brother Shenquan, is there anything wrong with this?"

Liu Qianlang saw that the divine spring in his soul universe had been turned into frost, snow and rain by himself, the rivers, lakes, seas, waterfalls and gullies were in chaos, which was in line with the design of himself and Yangshen Guangming, and he secretly smiled inwardly, knowing that he was a consultant.

"Ha ha……"

Using the beak of the Cosmic Eagle, Cang Ya couldn't help but gloated and laughed endlessly.

Shenquan heard Cang Ya's piercing laughter, and his body was in a frenzy, roaring and shouting:

"Xiao Langhun, do you really want to find Xiao Wei'er in the ancient world as soon as possible?"

"Hehe, of course I thought about it. Emperor Ben Langyuan took great pains to return to the ancient world through the divine light of the ancient great world, in order to find Emperor Weier Zhou.

What does brother Shenquan mean by these words? Emperor Langyuan is stupid, so I ask the wise and wise brother Shenquan to give me some pointers! "

Liu Qianlang heard that although he didn't call Shenquan a senior, he deliberately belittled himself, which was regarded as a certain respect for Shenquan, which made Shenquan feel calmer.

"The ancient life universe of the Great Realm is vaster and vaster than the evolved Great Realm Life Universe today, and all living beings and spirits, as well as the infinite sub-universe, are full of vitality.

The Sun Moon God Zhou didn't only live in the ancient great world, and it would be impossible for you to find Wei'er indiscriminately. However, my Shenquan and Weiertian have the same spiritual attributes.

I am his posthumous god guide, and we share a thought, as long as I pass on this thought to you, you will find Xiao Weier without too much trouble in the ancient world! "

Shenquan was in a slightly calm mood, and mentioned the relationship between himself and Weier in the ancient great world.


When Liu Qianlang heard the words, his face was full of joy, he cheered, and then asked:

"Could it be that Brother Shenquan wants to give this thought to Emperor Ben Langyuan?"

"Of course, but this divine spring is conditional!"

Looking at Liu Qianlang's expression from the outside, Shenquan knew that Liu Qianlang was very interested in this divine idea of ​​his, so he said immediately.

"Okay! Brother Shenquan is quite frank. Emperor Langyuan is not a person who hides things. Frankly speaking, brother Shenquan's thought is exactly what Emperor Langyuan dreamed of.

Brother Shenquan, please try to open the conditions, as long as it does not violate the way of good fortune between immortals, Emperor Ben Langyuan can agree. "

The other party's condition, even if Shenquan didn't mention it, Liu Qianlang could guess all about it. However, Liu Qianlang is still pretending to be silly.

"First, as long as you call this soil turtle an elder, you must also respect me as an elder!"

"Okay! Promise!"

"Second, as soon as you find Xiao Weier, when we return to the life of the new world, immediately return my divine power to me!"

"This is for sure, the younger generation has never had the habit of sitting back and enjoying what they get, this is what Senior Yangshen Guangming instructed the younger generation to do.

He told the younger generation to seize the divine power of the senior Shenquan, and it was also temporary, and he also asked me to do what you said after I go back. "

Because Liu Qianlang knew that Shenquan had already expected that the helper and instigator who robbed him of his divine power was the Yangshen Guangming, so he simply spoke clearly.

"Third, after Xiao Weier is rescued, I must still be his teacher. Frankly speaking, this Shenquan is not a childish and boring god.

The reason why this Shenquan is unruly and unruly, and even acted recklessly, is all due to the fact that the two old things, the witch and the sun god Guangming, fled to Xiaowei, which made me, the Zhou teacher, not teach my disciples for a day, just with He parted. "

"Oh! It turns out that this junior misunderstood Senior Shenquan, and your cynicism is actually due to this reason. This junior has no reason not to agree to you.

However, the younger generation doesn't seem to be the one who decides Xiao Weier's future fate. For such an important issue, Senior Shenquan still needs to ask his parents Yangshen Guangming and Yuemeng Ningming for instructions.

But there is one thing that juniors can do. Once under the guidance of Senior Shenquan, once Emperor Ben Langyuan finds Xiao Weier, Xiao Weier can be taken care of by Senior Shenquan on our way back. "

When Liu Qianlang heard Shenquan's words, he felt a little ashamed for the disrespect towards him before, but he didn't dare to make too much of it, and answered objectively.


"If you can agree to this, this Shenquan will be gratified enough.

This thought of mine is already in your soul universe, after we shoot out this divine light of the ancient great world, it will naturally work on its own, you just need to feel it. "

Shenquan finally calmed down in Liu Qianlang's soul universe, and turned into a god-man in a giant blue robe with wide sleeves, with the appearance of spring waves gushing from his head, and his eyes flashed brightly.

"Cut! Xiaolanghun, don't listen to his nonsense. He is now more stubborn than Manzhou Chuxian, and he looks like a god all day long. Let him educate Xiao Weier, wouldn't it be a mistake!"

Cang Ya looked at Liu Qianlang talking to himself like a stand-up comic, and was very surprised. After observing for a while, he found out that Liu Qianlang was talking to Shenquan Ruanhun in his Soul Universe.

After a few careful readings, I knew the content of their conversation, and I was very unconvinced, and opened my mouth to roar.

"Shut up your stupid mouth, what do you want, you fought with me back then, what happened?

Xiao Weier only communicates with my soul attribute, and my soul, wisdom, and primordial spirit resonate, but has no resonance with you.

Don't you just give up and insist on being Xiao Weier's mentor to Zhou Dao?

Do you think you can be willful just because you are Xiao Weier's uncle! Ben Shenquan tells you, what happened to relatives, relatives also want to talk about the relationship between teachers and students.

Xiao Weier and I were born with the resonance of the water spirit, because we are both of the Shenshui family.

But you are not, you are of the earth attribute, if you want to get close to Xiao Weier, you can be the Yunfeng Shrine to shelter him from the wind and rain.

You can use life flowers, long fairy flowers, and provide Xiao Weier with a happy environment for children to play and grow..."

However, no matter what you do, you still have some self-knowledge if you want to be Xiao Weier's Master Zhou.

You are Xiao Weier's teacher of the universe, what do you teach them, can you teach him to fly clouds and rain, create star clusters, and lay out the wasteland? "

Shenquan was very angry when he heard Cang Ya's words in Liu Qianlang's Soul Universe, and shouted reproachfully.

"Why, is there anything wrong with being the god of the universe who created the sun, moon, mountains, rivers and universe? Hmph! The map of the great world of sun, moon, mountains and rivers that you stood before is my masterpiece.

After Xiao Weier was born that year, it was a gift I gave him Manzhou Zhixi. Yang Shen Guangming and Yuemeng Ning An personally agreed to let me be Xiao Weier's Kaizhou Moe teacher.

At that time, Yangshen Guangming readily agreed, and Cang Ya was so happy that he gave him the ancient Great Realm Mingjian Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers Map that was just created at that time, which is his current divine inscription.

Facts have proved how valuable the Dajie Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers Map is. Weier created the magic of Weiming Huizhou based on the Dajie Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers map!

Let him think that the ancient life of the great world that disappeared forever has a new life.

Isn't it suitable for Ben Cangya to be his mentor?

It's not like a certain great god who is full of benevolence and morality all day long, always saying that he has the ability to change the world, but in the end, he actually sees his lover drifting away alone, but there is nothing he can do! "

When Cang Ya heard Shenquan's sarcasm, he was naturally very unhappy, and also refuted it.

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