Nine Heavens

Chapter 2443 Extreme Nine Heavens

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"What's the use of that, don't you forget that we are all gods of cultivating immortals, no matter how much you do for Xiao Weier, it is useless!

The fate of the great world is infinitely magical, but it belongs to you only by fate. This divine spring has never done anything for Xiao Weier, but Xiao Weierwei opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was me when he recognized his master, so what can you do!

Frankly speaking, this Shenquan is really not like you. Before Xiao Weier was born, you have been thinking hard about being his teacher of the universe.

As the saying goes, if you are blessed, you don't have to be busy, if you are not blessed, you will be heartbroken! Besides, you don't want to find a pure lake that is originally a magical spring to take a picture of yourself.

On the one hand, you don't have the same soul breath as Xiao Weier, and on the other hand, you look like a ghost, how can you be Xiao Weier's master! "

Seeing the angry look of the Cosmic Eagle, Shenquan felt very comfortable, and burst out laughing wildly from Liu Qianlang's Soul Universe.

"What's the fate? You must have played a trick back then, so that Xiao Weier, who was hugged in Ben Cangya's arms, in the ninth day, when Wei Mou opened his eyes, looked up and saw you who suddenly barged in. !

Even if it is fate, I am Xiao Weier's biological uncle, what do you think he is, dare to compare fate with me.

Haha... It's all the retribution of your wickedness, so what if Xiao Weier saw you first, so what if he recognized you as a teacher, did he call you master, did you teach any skills?

Blessed don't have to be busy, hum! You are blessed, so blessed that as soon as you appeared, that huge and terrifying behemoth appeared outside our ancient world!

Then Xiaowei was drifted away, and then you were not regarded as a master for a day! hey-hey……"

Cang Ya couldn't help laughing, and sneered when he brought up the matter of Jijiu Temple back then.

In the fate of the ancient great world, the newly born Zhou'er had to celebrate the Teacher Recognition Day of the Extreme Ninth Heaven, and this day was also the day when the newly born Zhou'er opened his eyes.

In the life of the great world, all immortals are powerful, and all gods are giants. For the sake of fairness, it is also respect for all immortals and gods, forming an interesting method of recognizing teachers.

That is, who is the first fairy god that Xin Zhou'er saw when he opened his eyes, who is Xin Zhou'er's future God Master, responsible for the education of Xin Zhou'er until adulthood.

This method of recognizing masters is called Weimu Eyes Opening and Fixing Masters. This day is chosen on the ninth day of the new Zhou'er's birth, which is called the ninth day in the life of the great world.

What Cang Ya said just now refers to this.

"Hmph! Don't talk nonsense, it has something to do with my Shenquan, which is a blessing that the ancient great world has long had.

Didn't the witches predict it a long time ago? It just so happened that the spring of the gods appeared. Besides, it was a fate of God's universe swallowing different blessings, not a calamity.

Although this Shenquan didn't become Xiaoweier's God Master Zhou, it was a blessing in disguise.

Back then, the God of Sun was bright, Yuemeng was sister Ning An, and the witches and witches tried their best to release the little nephew Wei Er, despite my strong opposition, but as a result, Xiao Weier created Wei Er Hui Zhou.

We are also a blessing in disguise. After being swallowed by a giant, not only did we lose nothing, but the whole universe evolved once.

Now, when we go back to the ancient Great Realm, we can find Xiao Weier again, and continue my duty as a god teacher of the universe. Although the time is long and the process is infinitely tortuous, luck is fate after all.

Wei Er found it, all the immortals and gods in our Great Realm Fate are reunited, and there is more Waves and Ten Fangs Fate, so the ending, wouldn't it be better! "

Shenquan also sneered and made some sense.


"Hey! What are you arguing about? Can't this Cosmic Hawk sleep for a while?"

When Shenquan and Cangya were bickering lively, the cosmic eagle suddenly woke up from the silence, and felt that he kept shaking his buttocks, fluttering his wings, and the eagle feathers flew all over the sky, without a single beak. Zhang He couldn't help shouting angrily.

"It's none of your business, what should you do now!"

Cang Ya was manipulating the cosmic eagle to scold Shenquan, and it could be said that it was the right time to play, but the waking up of the cosmic eagle made him feel awkward, and immediately reprimanded.

"What are you supposed to do? This is my cosmic eagle's fairy body! You are an outsider!"

When Cosmic Eagle heard it, Wuying's body circled up and down in his own soul universe, and he loudly retorted with the most powerful style he had ever seen.

"Yeah! What the heck, if you have the ability to take it back, like your buddy Lang Yuan, you just kicked that damn Shenquan out of Hun Zhou Yang's heart!"

Cang Ya coldly looked inside for a while at the strength of the Cosmic Eagle's soul power, and saw that the Cosmic Eagle was really sleeping, not only did his divine power not grow, but it seemed to be lowered, how could he make a fool of himself, so he pinched him to death with words .

"I Yu, you idiot, you keep controlling my fairy body to fly, don't you feel tired?

I just reminded you to take a break for your own good. You are still fighting with Shenquan, and if you fly down, the divine energy will be consumed, and you will have to shrink into a baby, can you still fight him?

Besides, both of you are idiots, is there any point in fighting like this! I can hear what you are arguing even when my soul is still.

Isn't it just to fight over who will be the master of Emperor Weier Zhou? This is also a problem, and there is nothing to argue about.

This cosmic eagle even suspects how your level of divine wisdom can be mixed up to the three-dimensional universe immortal peak immortal in the life of the great world.

If you feel that the past is unfair, well, we have gone back to the past, and you can participate in the Master Recognition Conference again.

No matter who wins or loses this time, they have to accept their fate, wouldn't the problem be solved. "

Cang Ya thought that the Cosmic Eagle would be easily bullied by him if he wanted strength but no strength, if he wanted supernatural power but no supernatural power.

Unexpectedly, he ignored a problem with the Cosmic Hawk, that is the arrogant temper of the Cosmic Hawk. I closed my eyes and hurt myself, not only did not scare the Cosmic Eagle, but aroused the natural arrogance and self-esteem, making the Cosmic Eagle scold me and Shenquan.

"I, I am eggplant!"

"Whoa, this, that..."

The cosmic eagle replied angrily, which surprised Cang Ya and Shenquan Dou, who were speechless for a long time.

"Ha ha……"

"Brother Ying is very wise, Lang Yuan thinks this method is wonderful. Why don't we go out in a hurry when we reach the end of the divine way, and deduce the quasi-ancient great world life between the sun, the moon, the central universe, the Linglong Pagoda Palace, the ninth day of the Dingshida Let's go out again when the ceremony starts.

Then, as Brother Ying said, let the two seniors go to the hall together at the same time, to see who the little Wei Er Zhou Diwei saw when he opened his eyes this time! "

Cangya and Shenquan were stunned by the cosmic eagle, which made Liu Qianlang laugh for a while, but felt that the cosmic eagle's method was indeed good, so he laughed.

"Damn it, good! It's settled like this, I, Cang Ya, don't believe that my uncle can't beat a parallel importer!"

"Okay! Who is my Shenquan afraid of! Don't do anything wrong, and don't be afraid to recognize God Master Zhou again in a fair way.

But you are a rascal by nature, we need Xiaolanghun and Cosmic Hawk to testify. Bystanders know, you and I don't count! "

As soon as Liu Qianlang's words came out of his mouth, Cang Ya and Shen Quan thought about it for a while, and then they said simply.

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