Nine Heavens

Chapter 2445 Exploring Weier

Liu Qianlang stood on the back of the Cosmic Eagle, looking at the time and space far and near of the ancient great universe, tens of thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye.

As the light path wanders and shuttles, Liu Qianlang and others are slowly approaching the time node of the extremely nine heavens.

From the point of view of the ancient world of fate, Liu Qianlang is unfamiliar with the time and space he is about to enter. But from another point of view, that is, the five worlds of the chaotic universe that he lived in, Liu Qianlang felt very kind.

Is this the five human time and space that I, Liu Qianlang, my parents, Uncle Cheng, Aunt Cheng, Sister Juan, Yuanfang, Sister Feng, and my fourth brother lived in?

Liu Qianlang's heart was surging, she asked herself over and over again, and then shook her head slightly.

Liu Qianlang's spiritual consciousness that has been released for tens of thousands of years, and the more distant ancient world life space that he has explored and analyzed, are full of majesty, oldness, and the feeling of huge things, and the ancient life world he once lived in. The cosmic ages of the universe are not the same age.

The ancient era of the Great Realm that I lived in belonged to an inexplicable era after this time.

"Emperor Lang Yuan explored and analyzed the central polar sun and moon central universe located in the ancient Great Realm of Fate, and the Linglong Pagoda Palace of the pure and white gods is shining in it. It is time for us to step out of the divine light of the ancient Great Realm of Fate."

Liu Qianlang's thoughts were racing, and he took a deep breath and said.

"What Emperor Langyuan said is that we should go out, thank you to the old guy Yangshen Guangming, it's great to see the ancient homeland!

Linglong Pagoda Palace, also known as Qizheng Shrine, we are the founders of this palace and its patron saints.

The seven dazzling divine stars form the arrangement of the seven orifices of spiritual life, the magic is immersed in it, and the essence of the palace is dazzling, so it is called Linglong Pagoda Palace.

There are seven brilliant stars, the largest is bright red, the one that shines at the top is called Yang, the smallest is blue, and the one that floats at the bottom of the palace is called Yue. Their star gods are the sun god Guangming and the moon god Yuemeng Ningdark.

The Linglong Pagoda Palace that Emperor Langyuan explored and analyzed is a mystical palace, not only the palace of our seven political and energy gods, but also the artifact of the sun god Guangming, which is our sun, moon and Zhou Lord.

We never slaughter and kill. In the face of any evil, we can only release the light to cheer for the evil spirits. Ha ha... Emperor Lang Yuan saw me and Cang Ya bickering like this before, but in fact it was just a joke, we were angry at each other, but there is a deep bond between brothers. "

Shenquan has a soft soul and a weak body, empty but not scattered, tall and straight, with a fluttering blue robe, dark blue eyes sparkling, and smiled freely.

"Oh! I finally made it to the place. If I don't come again, even arguing with you will be boring! Hahaha..."

Shenquan and Cangya flew steadily beside Liu Qianlang, one on the left and one on the right.

After Shenquan finished speaking, Cang Ya, who was wearing a dangling emerald green robe, suddenly became calm and relaxed, and laughed heartily.

"I'm depressed! You two Gods of Great Realm, you're all right, you're deliberately yelling along the way of your relationship.

Why didn't you say it earlier, I, Cosmic Hawk, scolded you with all my heart! "

Hearing this, the cosmic eagle under Liu Qianlang's feet felt embarrassed and said unhappily.

"Hehe, it's only interesting if the fake show is performed realistically! Otherwise, the hundreds of millions of years of galloping will not suffocate us to death. As for him, the wings outside your body are intact. What you see is that we did it on purpose. The illusion is mad at you."

Cang Ya and Shenquan raised their sleeves, and they both slightly brushed one side of the cosmic eagle's wings, and the cosmic eagle instantly recovered the look it had when it first entered the ancient great world of life, the universe of light.


"This is the happiest thing I have ever encountered since the Cosmic Eagle entered the light path. This Cosmic Eagle has really convinced you. The illusion has reached such a state that it can make me feel pain. The illusion and the truth are exactly the same!

Come on, don't fly around me, all of you are on my back, I take back what I said disrespectful to you before! "

Cosmic Hawk is refreshed and in a great mood!

"Ha ha……"

"The same is true for the younger generation. The younger generation also made disrespectful remarks to the two seniors before. I hope the two seniors will forgive me!"

Liu Qianlang laughed loudly, bowed left and right to salute, and said.

"Hehe, Emperor Langyuan is not polite, Brother Sunshine is nothing more than worried that we will not be under your influence, and we will not be able to enter the ancient world of life smoothly.

In fact, he was overthinking, why don't we want to rescue the little Weier who had no divine wisdom back then, and besides, we were swallowed by an inexplicable giant, and we still don't know why that giant exists, and it has always been a knot in our hearts.

Come here today, we also intend to find out the truth! Another point is that my Shenquan has never subdued any newborn celestial beings from the Great Realm, but seeing you, Emperor Langyuan, made my Shenquan eyes suddenly brighten.

Emperor Langyuan is just a human immortal god in the sub-verse of the only number of sub-verses, but he was able to cultivate into a great life world. Such good fortune, although the ability Shenquan created infinite magic in the ancient life world of the great world, it is also I'm not as good as myself.

Emperor Lang Yuan is so outstanding, Cang Ya and I are both infatuated with talents, how can we not be happy in our hearts, so we help you come here, no matter what we say, we are all willing in our hearts.

As for our various performances, they were just naughty and teasing Brother Yang Huang. "

Shenquan laughed.

"Hey! When will Big Brother Yanghuang improve his IQ a little bit? He is the most stupid among our seven political power gods. He just knows how to be stupid and kind, and he has no heart at all.

To this day, I, Cang Ya, still understand what the seventh sister, Yuemeng Ningan, really likes about him. If she insists on marrying him, the other four brothers envy and hate him at the same time. "

Cang Ya held a deep emerald green mountain in his hand, stared at a waterfall hanging on the emerald green sacred mountain, and shook his head.

"Hehe, didn't Seventh Sister say that Yanghuang is the stupidest, and Seventh Sister can rest assured that he is with him. Because Big Brother Yanghuang knows how to treat her well, no matter what she does, Big Brother Yanghuang will tolerate her.

Based on this, can you, me and the other two brothers do it? "

Shenquan answered.


"Emperor Langyuan probably sensed Xiao Weier's existence, right?"

The four of them chatted for a while, Shenquan faintly sensed Xiao Weier's message, but because the idea of ​​Lianxi was handed over to Liu Qianlang, he was not sure, so he asked.

"Hehe, at this moment Weier Zhou Emperor has just been born, and the Yang God Guangming Yanghuang and Yuemeng Ningan are in the birth palace, accepting the pilgrimage gifted by the people of the world.

We are rushing right now, so we can just catch up with the Great Ceremony of the Supreme Nine. "

Liu Qianlang could clearly sense the appearance of the newly born Emperor Weier Zhou in his consciousness.

Little Weier Emperor Zhou, with a full heaven and a round earth pavilion, big ears and fat rounds, and flashing rainbow eyebrows, looks auspicious at first glance, but his eyes have not yet opened.

Liu Qianlang was very pleased with Xiao Weier Zhou Emperor's clear perception, and happily told everyone what he had sensed.

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