Nine Heavens

Chapter 2446 Yang Emperor Moon Empress

"Ha ha……"

"It's so wonderful, let's take Wei'er away at the master recognition ceremony in the Ninth Heaven!"

Cang Ya heard Liu Qianlang's description, and shouted decisively.

"It probably won't be that easy, let alone other Great Realm Ancestors, even our own ancient Great Realm Avatar won't agree!

If Big Brother Yangshen and Moon Moon Empress order the All Universe Mingzu to deal with us, even if we succeed, there will be countless pains and disasters left behind.

The purpose of our coming here is to rescue Wei Er who has fallen in the future in good faith, and we are also here to pay homage to our hometown of the universe, how can we bear to do him any harm.

Therefore, we can only adopt the most reasonable and perfect way for the future development of the Great World. We are here to make up for regrets and never create new regrets. "

Shenquan immediately refuted Cang Ya's suggestion.

"Then what do you say?"

When Cang Ya heard that Shenquan disagreed with his approach, he also felt that his approach was not very good, so he asked Shenquan.

"For the time being, I haven't thought of a better way. We can only take one step at a time."

Shenquan has been thinking about this problem for a long time, but he still can't think of a perfect solution.

"Seniors, I wonder if the younger generation can express their own opinions?"

Liu Qianlang had already considered how to rescue Wei Er, and had a general idea of ​​how to rescue Wei Er Zhou Emperor.

However, Liu Qianlang has always done things carefully, and he is not very sure, so he is generally unwilling to say it out loud. But this time the task of coming to the ancient great world of life is special, and Liu Qianlang has no more opportunities to verify it, so I can say it and let everyone discuss it together.

"Even if Emperor Langyuan said it was true, you are in charge of this mission, and we are just helping you with all our strength. Just say what you think."

As soon as Liu Qianlang made a sound, Cang Ya and Shenquan nodded almost at the same time, looking at Liu Qianlang expectantly.

After a while, Shenquan said.

"Actually, this junior doesn't have a way to form it, but after careful consideration, this junior found that there are two opportunities for us to rescue Emperor Weier Zhou.

One is the Heaven of the Extreme Nine, above the Master Recognition Ceremony of Emperor Weier Zhou, and the second time is when that behemoth suddenly appears and the whole universe gathers energy to fly to Emperor Weier Zhou.

However, although these two timings are good, each has its own difficulties. The former is just as Senior Shenquan said just now. As for the latter, once we don't grasp the time node well, all our previous efforts will be wasted!

The reason why the younger generation expresses their opinions is to throw bricks and spark jade, and everyone discusses it to determine one of the opportunities, or prepare with both hands, and then decide on a specific action plan. "

Liu Qianlang put forward his own idea without hurting anyone.

"We can only succeed in rescuing Emperor Weier Zhou, and we are not allowed to fail! Let this cosmic eagle see, it is better to prepare with both hands."

Hearing this, Cosmic Eagle said without thinking.

However, Shenquan and Cangya did not express their opinions in a hurry, but fell into short-term thinking.

After a long time, Shenquan said:

"Emperor Langyuan and Cosmic Eagle are right, Ben Shenquan recalled the situation before and after the sudden cosmic swallowing in the ancient Great World.

The fact is as you guessed, only these two time nodes are the best time for us to rescue Emperor Weier Zhou.

In order to ensure success, what Cosmic Eagle said is that we must be prepared with both hands. If the first opportunity fails, we will go all out to grasp the second opportunity! "

"Well, this is the best, but how do we deploy it?"

Hearing this, Cang Ya nodded heavily and sighed.

"Here, let's go ahead and exchange soul thoughts. Everyone, get ready. Emperor Ben Langyuan urges Shi Guang Shun to escape the curse, and we will soon shoot out the way of divine light and appear outside the Linglong Palace of the Sun and Moon Central Universe!"

Liu Qianlang has been judging the timing of shooting the Dao of Divine Light in the ancient great world, and found that it is time to shoot the Dao of Divine Light, so he reminded everyone loudly.


Shenquan, Cangya and Cosmic Eagle responded in unison.

call out--

After a dull and long whistle, a divine rainbow intertwined with black, white, blue and green suddenly shot from an inexplicable direction into the inner palace of Zhou Linglong Pagoda, the outer hall square in the center of the ancient world.


In the Linglong Pagoda Palace, the ancient Yang Emperor Yang God Guangming sat on the throne of the Yang Emperor in the Shen Palace, with a look of joy on his face. The moon sprouted Ning Dark Moon beside him, and embraced the little Yang Taiweier who was born nine days old. She has a peachy face and smiles from ear to ear.

Congratulations to Yang Huangyue Empress, Yang Tai ascended to the palace; Congratulations to His Highness Yang Tai Weier, the heaven of the ninth day, Ji Xuan Zhou Dao Shenshi. "

Under the palace of the gods, all ancestors, immortals and gods of the ancient great world of Ming Dynasty congratulated in unison.

"Ha ha……"

"The source of life for all the gods, the ancestors for all the immortals, quickly sit down and sit down. This Yang God and the Empress of the Moon are delighted to be a child of Yang Tai, and now they are promoted to the palace to recognize their masters.

Such auspiciousness and auspiciousness are all the blessings of the gods and ancestors. Ben Yanghuang and Yuehou should be grateful, and they are worthy of congratulations from the gods and ancestors!

Don't forget to say it first, let the immortals and gods of the universe in the great world order their ancestors to raise their glasses first, so that Emperor Ben Yang and the Queen of the Moon will respect you. Months later please! "

The Yang God, Guangming, is not in the form of a human body, sitting on the throne of the Yang Emperor is a group of bewitching red torches. However, the upper end of the torch also has a face with seven orifices similar to a human face, and "limbs" protrude from the top and bottom of the torch.

From a distance, the Yangshen Torch Panhong looks like a dragon.

The Queen of the Moon beside her is also not human, her core is like a feather, her curved shape is like a moon, her outer rainbow is blue and blue, and her rainbow is like a phoenix.

Looking at His Majesty's Immortal God Ming Zu, none of them are in the form of a human being. From a distance, it is simply a gathering of animals and plants, with all kinds of shapes.

However, Emperor Yang and Empress Moon's son Wei'er are different from them, they look exactly like human babies.

"The Emperor Yang is merciful! The Divine Instrument of the Empress of the Moon! One piece of divine wine, the world is united!"

His Royal Highness, the gods and ancestors, took their seats one after another, took the divine wine poured for them by the fairy envoys from the flying palace, and stood up at the same time, expressing gratitude.


"Thank you all the gods and gods. I'm not very polite for holding a baby. I hope the gods and gods will forgive me. Just drink it to your heart's content.

The aroma of the wine is strong, and the moon queen is not good at words, so I can only drink this statue to show my gratitude. "

Although Moon Hou is not human, but in the faint blue and dazzling rainbow, there is a beautiful face with exquisite seven orifices, his voice is like a bell, and he smiles heartily.

Then he looked sideways at Yanghuang Yangshen, with a smile on his face, he actually drank it happily.

"The Godly Instrument of the Moon Queen! The Godly Instrument of the Moon Queen!"

Seeing this, His Highness's countless immortal gods and ancestors all called for praise.

"Ha ha……"

"After the month is so happy, how can we not drink heartily!"

Yanghuang Yangshen also looked sideways at the virtuous Houyuemeng Ning An and his beloved son Weier in his arms. Seeing the sweet and cute state of his beloved son, he became more and more happy. road.

"Please, Emperor Yang!"

His Highness, the Immortal God Ming Zu shouted in unison, and then Yang Huang and Man Dian Ming Zu all raised their heads and poured wine, laughing and drinking happily.

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