Nine Heavens

Chapter 2447

"After the opening of Yanghuangyue, rumors spread outside the palace, saying that there is a self-proclaimed human race, who called the body of the universe to come to congratulate Yangtai Weierjijiutian. I don't know what the will of Yanghuangyue is?"

In the Linglong Pagoda Palace, after a conversation with the gods Mingzu and Yanghuangyuehou, the gods of the ancient great world, they opened Yang Taiweier's Zhoumu to perform the eye-opening ceremony and recognize the teacher.

As I said before, in the universe of life in the great world, a newborn baby of the god of the universe opened his eyes nine days after his birth, and the first fairy god he saw was the god teacher he identified as the god of the universe.

Just when Yangtaiweier's eye-opening ceremony had just been completed, all the gods and ancestors in the hall were waiting eagerly, wanting to become the first fairy god Yangtaiweier saw when he opened his eyes and become the guide of Yangtai Zhou, the god witch Bu Yun suddenly got up and played.


Yanghuang Yangshen Guangming had never heard anything about the shape of the human race and human life, so he couldn't help but look sideways at Yuehou with a dazed expression on his face.

"No matter where it is sacred, the person who comes is the honored guest of my great world, let alone the god who came to send Ruiming to Weier, what do you think, Yanghuang?"

Moon Queen's eyes flashed with kindness, and she looked at Yanghuang.

"Because it suits my heart after the month, I have to ask the god witch to send an order outside the palace to invite that humane person to the palace, and give a banquet in respect, and continue to recognize Wei Er as a teacher!"

The Yanghuang Yangshen Guangming Torch bent slightly, and said in a loud voice.

"An uninvited guest, Human Dao Zhou Xianliu Qianlang pays a visit to Yangguangyuehou, Buyun Shenwu and Mandian Xianshenmingzu!"

As soon as the Yanghuang Yangshen Guangming finished speaking, before His Royal Highness the God and Witch, the first god on the right side of the throne, sent an order to the outside of the palace.

Even in the center of the main hall of the shrine, a white and shining divine light surged like waves.

After the waves rolled over and over, a handsome young man with white hair fluttering and silver clothes swirling, holding a red sun in his hand rose up from the waves.

This person is none other than Liu Qianlang.

It turned out that Liu Qianlang, Shenquan, Cangya and Cosmic Eagle discussed for a while on the way here, and finally decided to use Liu Qianlang's body to step into the palace, and they secretly entered the palace.

But no matter how he appeared, Liu Qianlang was a visitor from the other universe of the Zhou Sun Moon Palace in the fate of the ancient great world. Therefore, Liu Qianlang simply saved the "procedures" of entering the palace layer by layer outside the palace. After appearing outside the palace, he showed a shadow, and then appeared with the magic of time travel and escape.


Liu Qianlang's appearance made Yang Shenyue Empress and His Royal Highness all the immortals in the inner hall of Linglong Pagoda exclaimed.

They are all the ancestors of the sun, moon and universe, that is, the life forms of the Great Realm. The immortal body is the basic structure of the seven orifices and six parts. However, they had never seen what the person the witch just said looked like.

As soon as the image of Liu Qianlang appeared, the hall was shaken immediately, which shocked all the gods present and marveled at the beauty of the "human".

For a moment, all the gods and ancestors in the palace hall forgot everything, remained silent, and concentrated on admiring the white-haired Liu Qianlang from top to bottom.

"Hey, let's see what you have to say this time, Wei Er is in my real body's arms, and my soft soul body is in front of him."

The gods of the Mandian Temple ordered the ancestors to be in a daze, Liu Qianlang's "beauty" made waves, and the quiet demon was like a sculpture.

However, following Liu Qianlang to fly to the divine spring in the main hall of the Jingu Palace, Cang Ya and Cosmic Eagle are not very interested in the various weird forms of the ancestors of the palace.

Cangya and Shenquan only cared about whether Weier would be the first to see when he opened his eyes, and their indifferent phantoms squeezed hard in front of the real body of Zhou Cangya in the ancient great world.

Because Cang Ya is Wei'er's uncle, and also the baby god of Wei Mou's eye-opening ceremony, Wei'er is in his arms at this moment. Cang Ya's real body should have been full of ambitions on this occasion, and he just waited for his nephew to open his eyes to see that he recognized his teacher.

However, the real body of Cang Ya is the same as the other gods in the temple, looking at Liu Qianlang with great interest, and his eyes are far away from Weier in his arms.

Cang Ya's soft soul and phantom body sees his real body and does not look at Weier to look at Liu Qianlang, he is very annoyed, stretches out his empty hand, and moves his real body's neck vigorously, trying to turn his face into his arms Weir.

However, when Cang Ya's soft soul incorporeal arm crossed Cang Ya's real body's head, it was like a light mist, breaking and reuniting, it was not the essence at all, and it was useless no matter what.

Reluctantly, Cang Ya's soft soul and incorporeal body fought hard towards the center of his real body.

Naturally, Shenquan phantom did not show any weakness, and stood side by side with Cangya phantom, and the two bent down to look at Weier in Weier's arms with big eyes and small eyes.

Emperor Weier Zhou's eye hairs were moving slightly, and he was about to open.

Both Cangya and Shenquan were nervous, competing in secret, pushing and shoving each other, for fear that Yang Taiweier would not be the first to see when he opened his eyes.

"Hey, Shenquan, you lost this time, look at your real body, it's fixed there, just look at Emperor Langyuan."

Cang Ya occupies a favorable position, just in front of his real body, even if his real body tilts his head to look at Liu Qianlang, his soft soul body occupies a favorable position, seeing Shenquan suddenly shoot into Linglong Pagoda Palace, floating in the Gong Kong, who was looking at Wei Er, suddenly looked at Liu Qianlang.

This made Cang Ya very satisfied, and he couldn't help but provocatively said.

"Hehe, don't worry, God's destiny is mysterious, all demands are in vain, just like Emperor Langyuan's human principle: if you want to plant flowers, they won't bloom, but if you don't, you will plant willows to make shade!

I am too lazy to argue with you, but I will open my eyes for a while, and the result will come out immediately! Ben Shenquan believes in fate, and fighting for it is futile! "

Shenquan pretended to be relaxed, and said it didn't matter what he said, but the soft soul body was not polite at all, and squeezed hard with Cang Ya's soft soul body.

"I really don't understand, what's the good of you all vying for a little baby and insisting on being someone else's master. If it's me, I won't even ask you to. Look at you, I'm depressed!"

The cosmic eagle's true soul incorporeal body floated more than ten feet above them. Its task was to immediately materialize the incorporeal body as soon as Weier opened his eyes, and then grabbed Weier to go to the ancient great world Mingjian Guguang Shendao when he came and went. fly.

It looked at Liu Qianlang's state like all the statues of immortal gods and ancestors in Linglong Pagoda Palace, and then looked at Cangya and Shenquan's appearance, and couldn't laugh or cry.

He didn't say anything about Liu Qianlang, because it was a "beauty trick" designed by Liu Qianlang to save Wei Er. But the actions of Shenquan and Cangya made Cosmic Eagle feel ridiculous, so he ridiculed.

"Close your bird's mouth, what should you do, no wonder you eagles always fly alone in the sky, and you don't understand any emotions!"

"It's nice to listen to when you're not talking, but when you're talking, oh my god, I'm so worried that your hair will be gone soon!"

Shenquan and Cangya scolded successively.

"Cang Ya, what do you mean by that?"

Cosmic Eagle didn't listen to Ming Cangya's words, and asked with a hairy head.

"I don't understand! You will find out in the future, please shut up now, I don't have time to talk to you!"

When Cang Ya heard the words, a green rainbow flashed all over his body suddenly, and his soul thought transmitted sound, and hummed angrily.


"Not good! Emperor Yang, that inexplicable colossus from Zhouwai is roaring towards us!"

After a strange silence in the Zhoushen Palace in the ancient great world, the witch suddenly called out.

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