Nine Heavens

Chapter 2448 Yang Tai Liufei

The divine witch's exclamation shook the temple, and Yang Huangyue suddenly woke up, and the rainbow shot out of the Linglong Pagoda in an instant, scanning the sky in the universe.

I saw a huge mouth in the outer sky of the ancient great world, like a pitch-black god cave, and also like a terrifying black cloud covering the universe, roaring towards the ancient great world at an indescribable speed.

"It turns out that the double omens of happiness and catastrophe calculated by the gods and witches in my great world should be above Yangtai Weier's Ninth Heaven Recognition Master Ceremony and such a fierce thing.

It seems that our fortunes in the universe of the Great Realm are indeed exhausted, witches! Let's get ready for Yang Tai to fly with divine light. After Yang Tai opens his eyes, we will immediately gather energy to send him into the light, let him drift in the universe, and leave a glimmer of hope for our great world.

Don't forget, all the future things we have prepared for Yang Tai, especially the Great Realm Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers Map created by Cang Ya Mingshen, must be well sealed in his soul universe! "

High above the temple, the Emperor Yang calmly faced the disaster, leaned over to look at His Highness Yangtai Weier, who was recognized as a teacher in the extreme nine heavens, and announced helplessly with a burst of sadness.

Then he apologized to Liu Qianlang who met at a bad time and said:

"This human god, I am really sorry for you. Where did you come from to save it? The gods and witches of our great world have already calculated that the catastrophe of the near future is coming.

You are not the god of life in my great world, there is no need to accompany us to die!

Thank you for blessing Yangtai Weier, but... you go, I only regret that we have met each other, and there is no point of coexistence! "

Liu Qianlang's eyes are also following the Yanghuangyue Queen to watch the huge monster whistling from the universe in the ancient world. Based on the thinking along the way and what he saw with his own eyes at this moment, Liu Qianlang has already boldly speculated about the huge monster in his mind. What the hell is it.

Therefore, Liu Qianlang is not like the panic-stricken Tai Tai who is full of immortal gods and ancestors in the ancient great world. He still has white hair and a calm expression, and he said steadily:

"That's nothing more than a high-dimensional cosmic light that is bigger than ours, and it wants to devour the universe of life in the great world to replenish its divine power!

Please don't worry about Yang Huangyue Empress, it may not be a bad thing for her to devour the universe of life in the great world! "

"Empress Yang Huangyue don't want to listen to the nonsense of a barbarian from another universe, the Great Realm Time and Space that exists in our Great Realm Fate is already the ultimate universe.

The universe body similar to the Great Realm Fate Universe is already the largest universe body among them, how can there be a more dimensional existence than the Great Realm Fate Universe! "

Liu Qianlang's words immediately disgusted the wizard who had been looking at Liu Qianlang coldly. As soon as Liu Qianlang finished speaking, the wizard who looked like a pitch-black tree stump immediately shouted.

The emperor was silent for a moment when he heard Liu Qianlang's words, but when he heard the words of the god witch, he sighed slightly:

"Gods and witches urge Liu Feiyang Taishen Formation to move. Your Highness has hundreds of millions of gods and ancestors. Let's take action together, and safely push the Yangtai Weier Drifting God Zhou Time Boat out of the Great Realm Mingjian!"

At this moment, Yang Taiweier's Zhou eyes suddenly opened, and through the phantom cliffs and divine springs, Cheng Liang's baby eyes happened to see Liu Qianlang with flying white hair and dangling white robes.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Master Lang Yuan!"

Xiao Weier opened his eyes and smiled when he saw Liu Qianlang, and he actually had the same mind as Liu Qianlang. In the arms of Cang Ya's real body, his immature voice repeatedly called Liu Qianlang as his master, and it was incredible that he even shouted out Liu Qianlang's Zhou number.

"Hmm! No!"

"Yangtai, you see clearly, the first thing you saw was me Cang Ya, your uncle, you actually called him Master!?"

When Cang Ya heard that the nephew in his real body was calling Liu Qianlang as master, he was instantly furious and shouted.

However, his soft soul phantom is useless even if he shouts. Any immortal gods in the Dajie Mingjian Zhou Riyue Zhou Linglong Pagoda Palace can't see their existence, so no matter how they shout, no one can see them. Hear their voices.

Because of this, Yangtai Weier saw Liu Qianlang through the incorporeal bodies of Cangya and Shenquan.

"Hey! Cang Ya accept fate, how did we forget that we are the incorporeal body of the future Zhou Gaodimensional Life Source, Yangtai Weier can't see us. That's why Emperor Lang Yuan took advantage of it.

Neither you nor I have become Yangtai Weier's God Master Zhou, but his God Master Zhou turned out to be Emperor Langyuan, the guest of our great world Mingjian Zhou! Haha... Such a result is really bloody! "

Neither the Shenquan real body nor the soft soul virtual body appeared in Yang Taiweier's eyes at the most critical moment when he opened his eyes, and he couldn't help comforting himself, and also comforted Cang Ya.

"Will! Will!"

Cosmic Eagle saw Weier Zhoudi opened his eyes, and his faint phantom body suddenly materialized, and then rushed towards Yangtai Weier, trying to follow the original plan and successfully rescue Yangtai Weier in one fell swoop.

However, Emperor Wei Er Zhou gave birth to his mother a month later, how could he bear to see that his beloved son had to say goodbye to reality forever because of the sudden cosmic swallowing.

Then Yue Hou's phantom suddenly shot out a ray of divine light and called Aizi Wei'er into the arms of the Highness himself.

This sudden move a month later just caught the Cosmic Eagle in the air.

"Huh? Where did the alien monsters come from? You are in the same group!?"

Seeing this, all the gods and ancestors in the temple immediately connected the universe that suddenly appeared with Liu Qianlang, and couldn't help but exclaimed in unison.

When Liu Qianlang saw this, he dared to hesitate. Seeing that the first plan to rescue Wei Er had gone bankrupt, he had no choice but to scream, and the picture of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers under his feet flashed, and he fled into the air.

"Hey! Brother Langyuan, we came together, you can't just run away like this, wait for me!"

The cosmic eagle stared at the empty claws that he hadn't caught Weier Zhoudi, regretted for a while, and then chased Liu Qianlang and yelled.

"Wow! Cang Ya, did you see that, with such an IQ, he dared to come to the ancient great world to do business in the Ming Dynasty? I really don't know what that old guy Yangshen Guangming thinks.

Let's go too, if we miss again in the universe, we have no choice but to go back and be losers, and we will walk and fly with our heads down forever! "

The cosmic eagle chased after Liu Qianlang desperately, and kept yelling, especially the content of its yelling, which made Shenquan and Cangya feel extremely depressed. Leaving the palace, chasing Liu Qianlang.

"Hmph! They must have something to do with that behemoth, Dragon and Phoenix Mingzu, you go and track them immediately, and you must find out their origin!"

The sorcerer snorted coldly, Yue Zu acted on his behalf, and ordered directly without asking Empress Yang Huangyue.

Shenlong Mingzu and Shenfeng Mingzu immediately shot to the center of the temple when they heard the words, and nodded slightly after seeing Yanghuangyue, and immediately took orders in a loud voice, and the next moment they were flying like dragons and phoenixes, chasing after Liu Qianlang and others. up.

"The ancestors of the immortal gods in the whole palace are preparing to gather my sun and moon god Zhou Dafa's divine power, and fly Yang Taiweier to the great world and life outside the universe and time and space!"

After the sorcerer ordered the dragon and the phoenix to chase after Liu Qianlang, Cangya, Shenquan and the cosmic eagle, the Yanghuang Yangshen Guangming also made an order categorically.


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