Nine Heavens

Chapter 2449 God's Evil Smile

"Emperor, will Yota really have a lifeline?"

Emperor Yang was in so much pain and had to order decisively, Yue Hou couldn't bear it, and asked the emperor's husband sadly.

"Yes, do we still need to doubt your father's deduction of Bu Yun Shenwu?

Empress, don't be sad, at a time when our great world is about to perish, we are destined to be born, we should feel relieved! "

Yanghuang Yangshen Guangming looked at his own infinite and vast universe outside the palace, his soul was in a state of turmoil, and he recalled the calculations and divinations of the gods and witches in the past tens of thousands of years.

Pain and hope are intertwined in the heart, and in the face of adversity, difficult choices are made.

Yanghuang Yangshen Guangming really couldn't bear to look at the time and space of the universe where countless eons lived, and was suddenly swallowed like this!

There is also her own son, Yang Tai, who just opened her eyes and never enjoyed the auspiciousness of the Great World of Fate, but what she saw was the demise of the Great World of Fate, and she had to drift away.

What is the concept of a ray of life, Yangshen Guangming understands it very well in his heart, the implication is that the chance of living is very slim.

But even so, Yanghuang Yangshen Guangming chose Liufei Yangtai Weier without hesitation. Because my father-in-law, the witch, has deduced more than once that the Great Realm of Life will inevitably fall in this universe swallowing.

However, there is still a ancestral god baby in the world who may have escaped this catastrophe. This lucky baby god, the god witch Menglan fate soul, happens to be on the body of the unborn Yang Taiweier.

The God of Yang, the God of Light, was in severe pain, trying to calm himself down, maintaining the majesty of the Emperor, and consoling Moon Queen with sideways glances.

The huge monster coming from the Great Realm of Fate, the mouth of the huge hole as black as ink has swallowed most of the Great Realm of Fate.

Commanded by the god witch, a silver-gray divine boat shrouded in divine rainbows is moving away at an indescribable speed towards the southeast direction of the Great Realm, trailing behind it a long silver divine light.

Inside the silver-gray Shenzhou, Wei Er was in it just after opening his eyes. There are ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine protective seals sealed around the Shenzhou.

Each seal is built by all the gods and gods in the Linglong Pagoda of the Zhou Sun Moon Palace in the Great Realm.

According to the estimation of Yanghuang Yangshen Guangming, after all the 99,999 protective seals are destroyed, Yangtai Weier should also rush out of the dangerous time and space where the Great Realm of Life is located.

"My son Yotawel—"

The behemoths outside the Great Realm of the Great Realm are devouring the Great Realm of the Great Realm at an increasing rate, and soon they will completely swallow the ancient Great Realm of the Great Realm in the midst of Moon Queen's mournful cry.

Afterwards, the ancient Great World of Life, where countless gods and gods of various kinds had once thrived, was swallowed up by the darkness of the behemoth.

On the edge of the ancient Great Realm, Liu Qianlang took the lead in arriving at such an area by means of infinitely fast escape.

Because Liu Qianlang knew very well in his heart that if he didn't do this, he, Shenquan, Cangya, and Cosmic Eagle would definitely be swallowed by the behemoth, and then return to the Great World of Life when he came back.

Liu Qianlang took these into consideration, that's why when Linglong Pagoda Palace was suspected of having intentions, he flew wildly outside the universe without hesitation.

The purpose of doing this is to avoid the fate of being devoured is one, and the second plan is to rescue Weier by force.

Liu Qianlang flew wildly to the edge of the ancient great world of life on the map of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the great world, but did not stop, but continued to fly wildly, while paying attention to the silver-gray Shenzhou where the target Weier was.

"Where did the otherworldly demon escape!"

boom! boom!

Longfeng Mingzu, who was chasing after Liu Qianlang, identified Liu Qianlang as the culprit for the devouring of their life universe in the great world.

Seeing Guzhou's homeland being swallowed up by the universe, with nowhere to go, filled with pain and sorrow, endless hatred, chasing Liu Qianlang while making all kinds of attacks.

Naturally, Liu Qianbang had no time to pay attention to it, let alone fight back, and just flew wildly desperately.

For the convenience of flying, Liu Qianlang repeated his old tricks, regardless of whether Shenquan, Cangya, and Cosmic Eagle were willing or not, they had already been illusioned into the Soul Universe.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Just as Liu Qianlang galloped with all his might, and finally rushed out of the ancient great world of life and space, and entered a more vast and empty space of time and space, he suddenly heard bursts of cold laughter.

The level of supernatural powers in the universe and the universe is obviously different in the life of the ancient great world. Because of the protection of the body-fixing bead, he can barely stabilize his figure.

However, it would be a disaster for the dragon and phoenix Mingzu who chased and killed him. Just after entering the inexplicable universe time and space with him, the dragon and phoenix Mingzu was swallowed by the infinite and terrifying cosmic divine wind vortex, and he didn't know where he was blown to.

When Liu Qianlang heard the cold laughter, he suddenly felt a little familiar, but he couldn't be sure who the other party was. I was so astonished in my heart that I couldn't help but look inside at the Shenquan, Cangya and Cosmic Eagle in the Soul Universe:

"Dare to ask Shenquan, the two seniors of Cangya, Brother Ying, did you hear Shenzhou's laughter just now?"

"Damn! It's strange if you can't hear it. I really didn't expect it. The gods and witches who have always been heartfelt to the universe of the great world are actually the creators of this universe. It's really unexpected!"

Shenquan sighed angrily.

"Hmph! I have long thought that old thing is unreliable, and we still don't know where he came from.

Back then, he brought Moon Queen to our ancient great world, there must have been some ulterior secret in his life. Otherwise, would there be a conspiracy to swallow the universe today? "

Cang Ya also snorted coldly.

"This is really unbelievable, since he is willing to marry his beloved daughter Moon Empress to Yanghuang, Yanghuang is also his relative, why would he create the universe to devour the Great Realm and the universe.

In this way, the fate of the ancient great world was in trouble, and wouldn't his daughter Moon Queen also be implicated! "

There was a deep thought in Shenquan's words.

"Damn, you guys are so naive, isn't it obvious, the old witch, the purpose is not to destroy the ancient world of life, but to kill Yang Taiweier!"

As soon as Cosmic Eagle heard a few fairy gods talking, no one paid attention to him, so he changed the angle of the topic at random, and shouted.


Cosmic Eagle didn't care about what he said, but Liu Qianlang, Shenquan and Cangya were shocked when they heard it.

"not good!"

With a loud cry, Liu Qianlang moved the Great Realm of the Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers under his feet, and shot towards the gray Shenzhou flying in the inexplicable space and time of the universe.

"I said Emperor Langyuan, you have a bad habit, you said you fly yours, why did you get us into your soul universe with a thought! It seems that our strength is not much worse than yours! "

Liu Qianlang flew wildly with white hair, and the magical red sun flashed in his hand, drawing a cosmic rainbow as he flew wildly, and the divine spring in the soul universe said jokingly.

"That's right, how can we say that he is also a master of the gods in the Great Realm, why are you looking down on him so much?"

"That's right, how can I let you protect me, a master of such wisdom as the Cosmic Eagle?"

Cang Ya and Cosmic Hawk also joked.

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