Nine Heavens

Chapter 2451 hate ancestors

"That is to say, as early as the time when the ancient great world was born, you were planning to kill Emperor Weier Zhou before he was born.

It's just that at that time, you really had no way to start, so you designed the so-called lie of swallowing the universe and the universe in the ancient great world, so that it was logical to fly away the little Weier Zhou Emperor, and then you looked for opportunities to kill Weier.

As for the ancient Great Realm Life Universe, it was fine after experiencing the so-called universe swallowing.

However, your wishful thinking was not as perfect as you imagined. In the ancient fate of the great world, after Xiao Weier was sent flying, you failed to kill him!

The lie that you made up at that time that Xiao Weier could become a new source of life turned out to be a fact.

After Xiao Weier successfully cultivated the Sun and Moon Divine Art, the 99,999 divine power seals outside the Shenzhou were released, and he also became a god of life with infinite power and dominance over the entire universe. , and is the god of human ancestors.

Not only that, Emperor Weierzhou created Weiming Huizhou. While countless spiritual lives prospered, because he was the ancestor of humans, the human race flourished in his sub-verse, and our Ten Fang Yuanzhou is The most typical part.

Such a result is what the Yang God Guangming and Yuemeng Ningan hoped for, and it is also the continuation and gift of Emperor Weir Zhou to the ancient great world of life.

However, such an ending is something that you, the gods and witches, absolutely do not want to see, so in order to be able to eliminate the forces of the Emperor Yang and the Moon Empress, you will realize your wish of dominating the life and universe of the great world.

You have no choice but to continue your conspiracy ambitions, and start to make up for the fate of the ancient great world, to kill Weier, and to destroy the plan of the sun god Guangming.

On the one hand, they continue to build their own strength in the dark in the new world, like bringing down the light of the sun god.

On the other hand, you are doing everything you can to start from the lowest-end human race mortals to the Huizhou immortal gods, and continue to disintegrate everything created by the Weier ancestors layer by layer.

In addition, there is another most critical and thorny problem, that is, you must kill Emperor Weier Zhou in the end before you can succeed. And right now, you have returned to the ancient great world of life, and now you have only one purpose, and that is to kill Emperor Wei Er Zhou!

In this way, as long as you kill Emperor Weier Zhou, even if you fail to destroy everything he created before, you can still control them. Emperor Ben Langyuan guessed it right! "

Liu Qianlang had always had various speculations about the purpose of Emperor Wei'er Zhou's exile in his heart. According to the god-witch's wild laughter and evil words just now, all the puzzles in his mind soon became clear, so he said very confidently.


"It seems that the ancient calculations of the gods and witches are correct. If the ancestors of humans appear, the universe will start to change, and the human world will appear, and the gods will change. The human race will prosper, and all spirits will prostrate!

Even the two fractals of human ancestor Weier are so divine and wise. If Weier is born in the universe of the great world, then where will the future of my god witch Zhou Lord be? "

When the witch heard Liu Qianlang's words, the wild laughter stopped abruptly, and he looked at Liu Qianlang in a daze.

Liu Qianlang's eyes were full of deep feeling, unpredictable, she didn't bother to look at the god witch, but looked at Weier in the silver-gray Shenzhou with infinite respect.

Then he said calmly:

"You actually want to kill not only Weier, but also me Emperor Langyuan, the shadow of my Langyuan body Ouyang Langlong, the chaotic eye Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang, the strange fragrance dark soul Liu Juan, and the head of Lan Zhan's fairy god." Qiling Fairy Demon Lord Zhou Cheng Shifeng, your nemesis Zhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, your own humane beauty god Dongluo! Am I right?"

"How do you know this, this is all you thought of!?"

The witch was more and more surprised and stunned by Liu Qianlang's words. He couldn't believe that his countless millions of years of precise planning and design, from the human world created by Weier to Weiming Huizhou, everything was so perfect that he couldn't believe it. The sabotage plan, which is all amazing, was guessed by the Human Dao Zhou Immortal next to him.

In his mind, the witch had already named himself the supreme and powerful Lord of the Sun Moon God Zhou in the future. It can be said that he ignored all existence. In his opinion, the Yang Emperor was already a god of death.

However, at this moment, when he heard Liu Qianlang's words that made him unbelievable, he felt an inexplicable fear of him.

The witch asked Liu Qianlang in shock.

"If Emperor Ben Langyuan can't think of this at this moment, wouldn't he be too confused.

In the previous life of your soul-splitting soul, the country witch of the ancient Coconut Kingdom in the world, after I entered the fairyland, your Zhou witch... no matter which state of the fairyland the world is in, you have made me suffer. , I should have thought of it, everything is caused by the evil witches behind you.

However, Emperor Ben Langyuan still didn't figure out one thing. It seems that if you want to kill our Weier Seven Daoist Ancestral Divine Breath, there is no need to have such an elaborate layout.

Emperor Langyuan's Shifang Yuandi is always under your patrol. If you want to do something to us Langyuan Seven Daoist Ancestors, you can do it in my Shifang Yuanzhou.

That is the universe under the universe. With the divine power of your Great Realm Life Universe, wouldn't it be easy to destroy the Ten Directions Yuan Universe? Your design like this is really superfluous! "

"Hmph! Do you think that this witch is just a kind of wild and slaughtering person, no! Everything that this witch has done needs to be perfect.

An imperfect plan, its ending is definitely not perfect. Not only does this witch want to kill you, but also Zu Weier, this witch wants to see a perfect ending. "

The witch snorted coldly, and then said in a very intoxicated manner.

"Ha ha……"

Liu Qianlang burst into laughter, and asked:

"The curtain ended perfectly, you mean to see us all die in the perfect way you think in your divine thoughts?"

"That's right, although you are also the target that my witch must kill, like Weier, you are a human, human, god, and evil thing that I hate deeply.

But your words are good, and this witch likes to hear them very much. This witch not only wants to kill you perfectly, but also perfectly sit on the Lord of the Sun Moon God Zhou! "

Countless dark and evil branches of dragon horns from the witch have penetrated deep into the bottom of the gray Shenzhou where Weier is located. As long as he suddenly retracts it, the entire gray Shenzhou can be smashed into pieces in an instant.

At this time, the instant fear he felt towards Liu Qianlang disappeared in an instant.

For a living body that has a certain chance of winning, all the threats it faces are just temporary tension, and this tension will make them extremely excited.

This is the feeling of the witch at the moment. The once perfect plan of swallowing the universe did not kill Weier, and now it will be perfected soon.

He was extremely excited in his heart, but he hadn't done anything yet, because he was waiting for the other two ancient Great Realm Fate Ancestors to come here, and he also had his own new Great Realm Fate Universe, who needed to kidnap Yang Huangyue Empress here.

The witch is an absolute perfectionist. The mistakes made in the ancient great world must be perfectly made up for in this time and space.

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