Nine Heavens

Chapter 2452

Liu Qianlang, with white hair fluttering around and a calm demeanor, stood steadily on the map of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the great world, galloping in sync with the silver-gray Shenzhou and the witch.

The countless dark demonic branches on the body of the witch penetrated into the gray Shenzhou slowly and cautiously, coupled with the witch's demeanor of ignoring everything, his strange attack was extremely confusing.

On the surface, he looks like Liu Qianlang and the strange-shaped dark cloud that occasionally floats from the west side of the gray Shenzhou, and he looks like he will float away as soon as he comes. No matter how you look at it, you can't see that he is secretly planning a terrifying murder means.

For all this, Liu Qianlang has long been aware of all this. While protecting the silver-gray Shenzhou with layers of newly cultivated sun and moon divine powers, Liu Qianlang is also secretly concentrating the majestic divine power in his body. If Wu had the slightest intention to kill Wei Er, Liu Qianlang would immediately strike.

But on the surface, Liu Qianlang didn't seem to make any move.

A celestial being, a god of destiny, flew calmly, like the benevolent messengers protecting the silver-gray Shenzhou from left to right, protecting Emperor Weier Zhou, and flying hand in hand at the same time, as if they had nothing to do with the silver-gray Shenzhou.

In this way, they have been running fast, as if no one will move further forever.

Time in the universe does not wait, tens of thousands of years are flying by in their state.

"The sun god Guangming and the moon are coming, let's do it, if you don't do it again, Weier Zhou Emperor will break through the seal and go away, you will never have a chance to kill him again!"

Tens of thousands of years later, Liu Qianlang's spiritual consciousness covering the entire universe sensed tens of thousands of divine lights from the New Universe Light Domain.

Above each divine light stands proudly the ancestor of the new great world, and the leading divine light is bright red and azure blue. Standing on it are the Yanghuang Yangshen Guangming and the Moon Hou Yue Meng Ning Dark.

However, they did not come here freely, but their whole bodies were locked with light locks of Dao Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, and Dao.


"This witch is not only waiting for the Queen of the Moon, but also all the souls of the sub-Zhou of Huizhou in your Shifang Yuanzhou.

This witch can only kill you and your Shifang Yuanzhou Lingming, as well as Emperor Weierzhou in front of the Yanghuang Moon Empress, and then this witch will kill the Yanghuang and ascend the position, and it will be perfect! Ha ha……"

The witch finally waited for the first wave of shadows he had planned, and was extremely proud, before sneering.

When Liu Qianlang heard the words, although he had expected that the other party would say this, he was still very shocked.

I prayed silently in my heart, hoping that brother Zhen could have a complete plan to protect Shifang Yuanzhou, all relatives and disciples, as well as countless created beings and spirits.

"It turns out that Longfeng Mingzu is the subordinate of Zhou Mingzu, the son of your god and witch. They are really good at performing. They bombarded me in the ten directions and shouted for help. I didn't expect that everything was arranged by your god and witch.

Frankly speaking, it was not until Emperor Ben Langyuan came to this ancient world that he figured out a lot of things, from suspicion to certainty that the dragon and phoenix ordered the ancestor to go to our ten-direction fate. It turned out to be a conspiracy, a conspiracy directed by you, a witch ! "

"It's a pity that you know all this too late. Your ten-direction fate has been controlled by my dragon and phoenix destiny ancestor guardian. In more than ten thousand years, the dragon and phoenix destiny ancestor will step on your ten-direction destiny and appear in front of us." surrounding.

oh! This witch is so happy, although this day came a bit late, but it still came after all!

By the way, in fact, I still admire you very much, but Emperor Zhou, as a human ancestor, can't survive in the end. You are just his human body, and you have survived until now, which has cost me a lot of work! "

"Ha ha……"

"Emperor Ben Lang Yuan is also very happy. I just found out that the witches are so kind, and sent left and right protectors and confidantes, Dragon and Phoenix Mingzu, to bring Shifang Yuan Zhou, who has been worrying about Ben Lang Yuan, here! Thank you! Thank you! Haha... ..."

When the witch said this, he thought Liu Qianlang would be furious, but Liu Qianlang didn't. Not only was he not angry, but he looked very much looking forward to it.

"Emperor Langyuan really has a character. Being able to be with his own humanity, creation, life and death, is so satisfying! This witch really likes you, I thought you would fight this witch because of anger."

The witch sneered in surprise, and at the same time, his eyes swept towards the southeast of the area, which was the direction where he and Longfeng Mingzu made an appointment to imprison Shifang Yuanzhou.

"Hehe, what is life like, so what is death, relatives and friends gather together, fate is a good relationship, relatives and friends disappear, the source of happiness is no longer, isn't it boring to live alone.

Since the witch must want us to die, we will die, and die reunion perfectly, how can Emperor Ben Langyuan be unhappy!

oh! In fact, Emperor Langyuan is also a fairy god who pursues perfection, and he has been enjoying the innocence of the universe and the innocence of the universe.

Only the Dao of Good Fate is the only Daheng God in the Immortal God Universe. You are kind, I am harmonious, and he is also harmonious.

In this way, the sun is always warm and the red sun is always warm, and the moon is cute and the blue moon is always peaceful. Under its universal radiance, the spirit of hundreds of millions of gods and common people is only Lehuan.

It's a pity that Ben Langyuan was so persistent, but finally lost in the hands of your great witch! Regretful and helpless, I have no choice but to rejoice that I am in trouble with the immortals and gods of the ten directions! "

Liu Qianlang's soul read the sound transmission, and soon got in touch with his fourth brother Song Zhen, and learned that Shifang Yuanzhou was indeed flying towards his direction, and learned about the state of Longfeng Mingzu in detail at the moment.

After Liu Qianlang had the bottom line in his heart, he said in a tone almost expecting death.

Seeing Liu Qianlang's expression like this, the witch was very upset, because he never saw Liu Qianlang showing the slightest fear.

Especially when his vicious horned dragon branches were secretly coiling around the silver-gray Shenzhou where Weier was, and when he suddenly sensed that Liu Qianlang had sealed and protected Weier Emperor Zhou before him, he was even more angry.

"I can't tell that Emperor Lang Yuan is still a master with a calm face. Do you think a few seals can stop this god witch from killing this hateful human ancestor?"

Now that the two sides finally came into contact with Emperor Weierzhou's actions, there is no point in covering up any more, so it's better to speak out.

Out of such a heart, the witch said in a somewhat provocative tone.

"Hehe, the witches misunderstood, the reason why Emperor Ben Langyuan tried his best to protect Emperor Weierzhou was definitely not to resist the powerful and invincible attacks of witches.

It's just continuing with its mission. It seems that the gods and witches also know about the mission of Emperor Lang Yuan to come to the ancient great world.

Emperor Ben Langyuan is a humane fool who regards mission more than life. No matter whether he lives or dies, he will never forget his original intention of coming here.

Even though he knew he was no match for the witch, he still couldn't give up the mission of rescuing Weier. In Ben Lang Yuandi's heart, good and evil are distinct, and the belief in the avenue of good fate will never change!

Although Zu Weier's heart to save others is immortal! For the protection of Emperor Wei Erzhou, there is really no such thing as a sinister face with a busy face! "

Liu Qianlang explained himself, and at the same time satirized the witch.

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