Nine Heavens

Chapter 2453 Extremely Spiritual Body

"Well, I suddenly realized that I was a bit reluctant to kill you, why did your words make me feel so comfortable.

You see how perfect we are, you want to die perfectly, I want to kill perfectly, and then this witch will perfectly sit on the Lord Zhou of the Sun Moon God Zhou! "

Hearing Liu Qianlang's words, the witch got the information that Liu Qianlang had confessed to death, which caused him to feel astonished at Liu Qianlang for a moment, and then calmed down for the second time, and then he felt relieved.

"Hey! Emperor Ben Langyuan suddenly discovered that this world is so beautiful!"

In his soul, Liu Qianlang received the message from his brother Song Zhen that they will appear in his area soon, and suddenly sighed like this.


"Could it be that Emperor Langyuan suddenly doesn't want to die?"

The witch cast a disdainful glance at Liu Qianlang and Weier, who was already a youth in the gray Shenzhou, and said in a sympathetic tone.

"That's not true, Emperor Benlangyuan just hates it very much. If Emperor Benlangyuan dies, there will be two guardians of the dragon and phoenix Mingzu who are the gods and witches.

Just now Emperor Benlangyuan said that Emperor Benlangyuan is also a person who pursues perfection, so if Emperor Benlangyuan died, he would never want your subordinates to be buried with him. It would be so incongruous.

Think about it, our relatives, brothers and sisters of immortals and gods in Shifang Yuanzhou are reunited after death, what are your two dragon and phoenix protectors? "

Liu Qianlang's white hair fluttered around, and she said with a wicked smile on her face.

"Ha ha……"

"Is Emperor Langyuan frightened by this witch? The two protectors of Longfeng Mingzu have just sent a message that they hijacked your Shifang Yuanzhou and will soon enter the Mengling Taizhou. You are about to die!

My two dragon and phoenix protectors have more than enough spirits and spirits in your universe. How many sons and grandsons of dragons and grandchildren have been born, phoenixes, magpies and phoenixes! It can be said that God can be powerful and infinite! How could he die! "

Liu Qianlang's words made the god and witch laugh wildly when he heard it, and said dumbfoundedly.


"So, my Shifang Yuanzhou brothers and sisters are even more powerful. It seems that it is not the Dragon and Phoenix Destiny Ancestor who hijacked my Shifang Yuanzhou, but my brothers and sisters control the Dragon and Phoenix Destiny Ancestor,"

Liu Qianlang sighed slightly, and said lightly.

"Ga! Ga! Ga!"

"I'm so funny, Black Tree Stump, I like you!"

At this time, the cosmic eagle couldn't hold back anymore, and when he heard Liu Qianlang's words, he mocked the gods and wizards.

"Ha ha……"

"Sorcerer, witch! You underestimate the light of our great Yang Emperor, Yang God. Do you know why you didn't kill Yang Taiweier in the ancient universe?"

When Shenquan heard the Cosmic Eagle's words, he couldn't help laughing sadly, then shook his head and said.

"Of course I know, if it weren't for the sudden collapse of Taiyuan in Mengling Taizhou, I wouldn't miss it!"

The witch mentioned that he had made a perfect plan to create the universe and swallowed it back then, but he didn't kill Weier. He immediately became angrily, and then almost roared.

"But do you know why the only Taiyuan Lu Lingzhou in Mengling Cosmos, which is the only Lingzhou in the Aoliao Void that our ancient world is most proud of, collapsed into countless remnants?"

Shenquan's body was azure and boundless, and his blue eyes were looking at the bright red eyes of the Yang Emperor Yangshen who was bound by countless chains of divine energy in the sky. They both looked calm and nodded slightly.

Then, on the left side of Liu Qianlang, Shenquan swept his eyes towards the witch who was flying upside down and looked at Liu Qianlang, and asked again.

When the witch saw Shenquan and Yanghuang Yangshen Guangming staring at each other just now, he panicked suddenly, and an ominous feeling immediately floated in his heart, and his jet-black eyes immediately turned to Yanghuang Yangshen Guangming.

"Could it be that Taiyuan Lu Lingzhou was exploded by you!?"

The witch looked up and down the Yanghuang Yangshen Guangming with unbelievable eyes, and asked.

Yanghuang Yangshen Guangming has remained as calm and benevolent as ever, quietly watching the gods and witches in the dark tree stump, with countless teeth and claws dancing wildly, without saying a word.

"Daddy! Stop it, Emperor Yang is not what you said, he is not the Shamo of Taiyuan Lu Lingzhou, he is really merciful!"

Yue Mengning's dark blue eyes, deep and clean, have been looking at the two immortals with complicated expressions, one is Yanghuang and the other is a witch.

At this moment, she heard Shenquan's words and shouted excitedly.

"Yuemeng! You actually betrayed daddy and helped this stupid red sun!?"

Soul Shaman's heart trembled violently. He shook his head and looked at the daughter of the Goddess whom he had hoped for infinitely. He really couldn't believe that she would betray him at this most critical moment.

The soul shaman cried out in severe pain.

"Father, why do you do this, the Yang God is just a new energy god who is infinitely warm and loving.

His appearance not only did not weaken the spiritual beauty and magic of our ancient Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, on the contrary, because of the appearance of Yang Lang, our Tailing Lu Yuanzhou has changed from eight gods to nine gods since then.

The daughter hosts Ye Xiang, the Yang Lang hosts Zhou Ming, and the father and other Zhou uncles host seven orifices and six divisions and double balance spiritual life. How wonderful! Isn't this the beauty of the ancient Tailing Lu Yuanzhou that Daddy has always expected..."

Yuemeng's eyes were full of tears, and her emotions were extremely complicated. At first, she deceived the Yang God for her father, approached the Yang God, and then married the Yang God, but the purpose was to help her father to kill the Yang God.

However, after Yuemeng Ningan married Yangshen, she wanted to kill her husband Yangshen countless times, but she couldn't do it every time, because she really couldn't find any reason to kill Yangshen.

Not only couldn't do it, but fell more and more deeply in love with Yangshen, murder became protection, father's countless acts of murdering her husband were all hinted at by her husband to avoid it.

"Hmph! Stupid, what do you know, you know, our ancient Tailing Lu Yuanzhou has always been a world ruled by our non-human spirit race.

However, as soon as he appeared, the pattern of the ancient Tailing Lu Yuanzhou's seven orifices and six branches with double balance of spiritual life would definitely change.

There will be a super-spiritual body, that is, a human form like Weier that you and he produced together!

You really disappointed me. I am a witch who faked marrying Jurchen to kill evil, but you, you...

Not only did she fail to kill the Yang God for her sake, but she even gave birth to Wei Er, an unknown life form, with him! "

On the dark and infinite body of the witch, because of anger, a torrential black rainbow burst out, turning the time and space in front of the gray Shenzhou speeding into endless darkness.

"But Daddy, what's wrong with the human body, Weier is so cute! Yang Lang is kind, and Weier will be infinitely merciful!"

Yue Mengning's eyes were shining with tears, shaking her head slightly, in infinite pain, she took the initiative to transform into a human figure, leaned over the sky behind Liu Qianlang, and looked at Aizi Weier in the silver-gray Shenzhou from a distance, with tears in her eyes, her graceful appearance was changing The complicated maternal love smiled and cried.

"Hmph! You are not worthy to be the daughter of a god or witch, yet Shen Hui is so ignorant. Until now, I have not realized that if they are allowed to exist in human form, they will definitely become the time and space masters of any fairy god universe in the future, and we will Creeping at their feet!

That's why your father insisted on killing his Yang God, but you didn't live up to it.

Repeatedly sabotaged father's plan, and gave birth to the human ancestor Wei'er, but in desperation, father had to design the universe Tunyi to kill Wei'er..."

At this time, there is no need for the witch to hide everything, and he has revealed all his plans to kill Yangshen and Weir!

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