Nine Heavens

Chapter 2460

"Fourth brother! Far away, Sister Juan! Looking for darkness!"

Seeing several relatives and brothers who lived and died together, Liu Qianlang choked up and shouted, tears streaming down even more.

"Qianlang, we know your heart, after we have finally gone through countless hardships to reach the Supreme God Zhou Sun Moon God Zhou in the universe of light, it is time for us to enjoy endless light.

You can't bear to let everyone accompany you to experience any uncertainty, or even fall.

However, Qianlang, you have overlooked the most important point, that is, no matter life or death, only when we are together is our greatest happiness.

If Qianlang goes to the anti-Ming world to take risks alone, no matter how much comfort and happiness there is, how can we feel at ease!

We are afraid that we will never be able to part with each other in Qianlang, the distance is, the brother Zhen is, the dark is looking, and the sister Feng is also. Fengmei couldn't bear to see you leave, and she was still crying in Linglong Pagoda Palace! "

Liu Juan was still wearing the soul dress, stepped on the pure white blood refining handkerchief, and held the Nine Dragon Fireworks Jade Seal in her hand. Her emerald eyes appraised and said calmly.

"Qianlang, we were unfortunately separated when we were young, this time, Yuanfang will never let such a thing happen.

You see, I and your four sisters-in-law are all here, don't worry, my Dark Wolf Castle is still in the universe and will never distract you! "

Cheng Yuanfang seldom joked, but at this moment, he was deliberately joking.

"Ha ha……"

"Emperor Zhen, Sister Juan, brother Yuanfang is right, Yuelan and I think so too. Ancestor Langyuan, no matter where you go, we will follow you. Our Tailing Lu Yuanzhou has already lost a person." Ancestor, we will never let the second Human Ancestor be lost again.

We have already made an agreement with Langlong Yanghuang and Fengmeiyuehou, when we successfully protect the ancestors of Langyuan people and return to Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, when will we come back to be Sifang Zhouhuang.

Langlong Yanghuang! Bless you and Fengmei Guangtuo Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, when we come back, we will still enjoy it! "

In order to ease the oppressive atmosphere, the Darkness-seeking Emperor stepped on the huge light and dark disk and smiled deliberately.

"Okay! Let's make a deal. No matter where the four Emperors go, they will be the Emperors of the Tailing Lu Yuanzhou. The Thunder Wave Dragon will always be in vain until you come back.

Qianlang will always be the Zhou Emperor of Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, and the Taishang Shrine will never change because of your travels and explorations.

This is the meaning of me and Fengmei, and it is also the meaning of all the gods and ancestors of Tailing Lu Yuanzhou. "

Langlong Yanghuang quickly accepted Xun An's words and reiterated their previous agreement.


"Daddy, you are really busy! We have just been stable in Tailing Lu Yuanzhou for less than 100,000 years, and I haven't made friends with all the gods of Beast Universe, so we set off to go outside the world of light explored.

whee! Fortunately, I guessed that sooner or later Daddy would go to find the anti-Ming world, so recently I always invite friends from various beast universes to visit Sun Moon God, just in case Daddy would leave suddenly to travel.

No, let me guess right, hum! No matter where Daddy is going, don't even think about leaving my little Lian'er behind! "

Yaya, Liuyun, Tianling, Xiaoying, Liusha, Danrou, Dieer, Blue Butterfly, Xiaoluo and Xiaolianer, Jiuying, Three-color Fire Baby, Red Immortal, Linhe Three Immortals, Five-color Spirit Shen, the beloved wives who just followed Liu Qianlang came here.

Among them, Little Lian'er's body was not yet stable, so she stepped on the colorful silk, holding the nine-color lotus in her hand and shouting with a smile.

"Hehe, children, don't patronize naughty, you must take good care of your elders!"

Ouyang Langlong saw that a group of Liu Qianlang's sons and daughters were going to follow Liu Qianlang, he liked it very much in his heart, he was very reluctant, and he exhorted helplessly.

"Hee hee! Just don't worry, Uncle Lang Longyang, with my little Lian'er here, I will definitely take good care of Daddy!

However, Uncle Langlong, little Lian'er can't play with you and Aunt Yuehou anymore, so take care of yourself!

Little Lian'er sent a lot of fun things to Aunt Yue Hou. During the time when little Lian'er was going out with her father, if Uncle Lang Longyang Huang missed me, just look at those fun things, and he would Think of me. "

Little Lian'er heard that, because she didn't know the danger of Liu Qianlang going out of the universe to explore the anti-Ming world, she thought it was the same as before, but came back after traveling out of the universe for a while, so she replied very simply.

When Ouyang Langlong heard the words, tears couldn't help but also fell spontaneously, he smiled and said:

"Okay! Okay! Uncle Langlong remembers, little Lian'er is so obedient and sensible!"

"Langlong! Everything about Tailing Lu Yuanzhou is counted on you. For divination, please ask Qizheng Zhanwang. Brother Zhen will entrust you with the way of stars, just like we are by your side.

In addition, I will leave the spirit of the time boat to you. If any sudden disaster happens to Tailing Lu Yuanzhou while we are away, you can get into the boat immediately to get through it.

At the same time, Yaya's time boat body will also sense it, and then we will come back to help you quickly. At the same time, you can also sense our breath and drive a boat to pursue our spirit. "

Liu Qianlang no longer refuses the coming of brothers and sisters. After looking at each other for a long time with his beloved wives, he reminds Ouyang Langlong very ashamedly.

"Thank you Qianlang for your consideration, I hope Tailing Lu Yuanzhou will be safe forever, and I wish you all the best, smooth sailing, and an early return!

Brother Yuanyuan, Langlong can't follow him personally, so let the two dragons and phoenixes order their ancestors to be the left and right guardians of leading the waves, so let's be the Langlong to protect the left and right! "

Ouyang Langlong knew Liu Qianlang's temper, so he wouldn't talk too much, and said while thanking Liu Qianlang.

"This, Langlong! This is really inappropriate. You are also new to the position of Yanghuang Yangshen. There are only two guardians, the dragon and the phoenix, sister Juan, Yuanfang, brother Zhen, and Xunming all follow me. Don't you There is not even a God of Protection!"

Liu Qianlang immediately refused.

"Hehe, can't Qianlang trust Fengmei? It is enough for Langlong to have a golden whip, shepherd spirit, beast, and bird to protect him after the moon.

Besides, Langlong seems to be quite powerful himself, so don't worry about Qianlang.

The dragon and the phoenix are already on the edge of the dome Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, if Qianlang refuses, then Langlong has no choice but to accompany you in person! "

Ouyang Lang wept bitterly and said with a sad smile.

"Hehe, what virtue and ability are you in Qianlang, how dare you do this. You have no choice but to be respectful rather than obedient. However, Qianlang leaves you with the power of the new ninety-nine and eighty-one gods, dragons, phoenixes, dragon balls, phoenix pills, and swords and arrows. Don't refuse, so I can feel more at ease."

Liu Qianlang also wiped away tears, forced a smile.

"Of course, even if Qianlang takes them with me, I won't let them, so how lonely my sister Feng after the moon will be! Don't blame Qianlang, she can't bear to see you go, so she doesn't come to see you off of!"

Ouyang Langlong's red hair was fluttering, and the divine robe of the fire rainbow whirled in the wind, standing steadily on the cliff, pretending to be proud, Hong Sheng said.

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