Nine Heavens

Chapter 2461 I am the Dragon

"Also, and, not only what the two of them said, in our anti-Ming world, there are actually five gods and witches from the Zhou clan.

There are Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou, Wood Transformation God Wu Zhou, Bird Transformation God Wu Zhou, Scale Transformation God Wu Zhou, and Flower Transformation God Wu Zhou. The three of us brothers are the Eagle Clan in Bird Transformation God Wu Zhou.

When we were still in Mengdan, I heard my parents chatting that among the five major gods and witches in the anti-Ming world, the beast-like gods and witches are the most powerful, and they exist in the mysterious Absolute Darkness Realm.

We Qinhua Shenwu Zhou and Linhua Shenwu Zhou are rising stars, but they are also very powerful.

The weakest are Muhuashen Wuzhou and Huahuashen Wuzhou, but they have the longest history and the most things!

Our Bird Transformation God Wu Zhou, Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou, and Scale Transformation God Wu Zhou usually rely on bullying the existence of Flower Transformation God Wu Zhou and Wood Transformation God Wu Zhou..."

"Stop, what are you talking about? Your wife is confused. We don't care about porridge. Since we have come to your lair, you must ensure our safety. Otherwise, your hair seems to be very neat! "

Da Wu, Er Ya and Xiao Hei, you talked, I kept talking, Qi Qi got very annoyed, and stopped loudly.

Then Qiqi suddenly remembered something, pondered for a while, and asked again:

"By the way, what is the relationship between the Huangbai Muhua Shenwu you mentioned and you? How did they know that we broke through the Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, and you went to take us with the god net?"

"Oh! They! They are the two Wooden God Witches of the Wooden God Wuzhou. We don't know their specific status in the Wooden God Wuzhou, and we didn't ask.

We just saw that their arms were full of magic witch fruits in Wujihe and Divine Energy Realm, so we chased them and snatched them!

They were afraid that the three of us brothers would kill them, so they told us that the gods and witches on them were not as delicious as the gods and witches from the Tailing Lu Yuanzhou where Wang Niang lived. That's why we waited for you outside Tailing Lu Yuanzhou where Wang Niang lives with a net.

Didn't they know that Wang Niang, Grandpa Wang Niang, the big bug and the little butterfly were ordered by the gods of your Tailing Lu Yuanzhou? He said that it was a wooded god named Xuanze Muhuashenwu, who had a contract with them for hundreds of millions of years. , They are on an appointment to go to your Tailing Lu Yuanzhou.

However, they are very upset, the Xuanze Muhua God Witch who met with them, they said that they were killed by you! Then when they flew back to the Anti-Ming World and passed through Wujihe and Divine Energy Realm, they were spotted by us.

The previous things are what they told us. They promised to give us a lot of woody witch fruit when they saw us again, so we let them go. Then we quietly took the net and waited to catch you.

We didn't expect that after waiting for a long time, what we waited for was not some delicious Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, but Wang Niang, Grandpa Wang Niang, and that bug and butterfly! "

Dawu explained in detail the reasons why they waited outside Langyuan Tailing Lu Yuanzhou.

"Well, hehe! What Dawu said is absolutely correct, as it should be. Qiqi, your three children are very good and smart, so don't pluck their hairs!

Besides, they are your sons of birds, all their fur has been plucked, how can we take them to meet their parents! You don't look good either. "

Liu Qianlang had been quietly listening to the conversation between Da Wu, Er Ya, Xiao Hei and Qi Qi, and then reminded Qi Qi to say something loudly.

"Grandpa Wang is right! Grandpa Wang is ten thousand years old, ten thousand years old!"

When the three pitch-black giant birds heard Liu Qianlang's words, they were immediately moved to tears and shouted in unison.

"Well, for the sake of your grandpa Wang Niang, it doesn't matter if you don't pluck your hair, but! Since you have that long-necked Zhou Yin, I think you know how to get back to your Qinhua Shenzhou, so it will be helpful." You lead the way!

I hope you will correct your mistakes, and you will never be disrespectful to me and your grandpa Wang Niang in the future! lead the way! "

Qiqihun listened to Liu Qianlang's meaning, his tone slowed down, and he said in a very kind tone.

"Okay! Lady Wang, Grandpa Grandpa, Lord Wang. But what about the big bug and the butterfly?"

As soon as Da Wu heard Wang Niang's warm tone, he readily agreed, greeted Er Ya and Xiao Hei, then took the golden net and took off to lead the way.

But he didn't fly very far, and when he turned his head and saw the enlarged dragon and phoenix, he asked Qiqi.

"Broken bird, I am a dragon, not a bug. It is a phoenix, not a butterfly. Have you ever seen a dragon or a phoenix? You can't tell the difference between a bug and a dragon!?"

Shenlong yelled at the three blackbirds one bite at a time, and was already so angry that he couldn't help but roar at this moment.


"I cut!"


Unexpectedly, it would be fine if Shenlong didn't say anything, this cry immediately caused Da Wu, Er Ya and Xiao Hei to burst into laughter.


After hearing this, Shenfeng smiled coquettishly for a while, and then asked the three black birds:

"I don't know why the three birds laughed?"

"Quack! The Butterfly God of Bright Life, we are not laughing at you, life forms like you, on the wood god Wu Zhoumu Hua Shenmu, there are groups of groups, one piece by one, covering the universe and buzzing.

You are much smaller than the worms of Muhua Shen Wuzhou, and not as good-looking as them, we are right.

But you guys, especially this big worm, don’t even admit that you are worms, and keep shouting what kind of dragon you are! What is a dragon! What is the phoenix? "

The three black birds shook their wings and laughed again when they heard Shenfeng's words, and then the big black bird couldn't help saying that they also stretched their necks and flew as fast as possible.

"Oh! That's right! Unexpectedly, there are life forms in the world of light like ours, and there are many of them in your anti-light world. Then we have to see and see.

However, three birds, I don’t know how to criticize you. Whether it’s the life forms of our bright world or your life forms of the anti-light world, we should respect each other.

Since in our bright world, he is called Shenlong and I am called Shenfeng, you should respect our title Chen.

In the same way, we should also respect your titles. You know it yourself, if it wasn't for Qiqi's kindness to hatch you back then and wiped you out, would you still be where you are today.

Your lives were hatched because of Qiqi's kindness and respect for life in your anti-ming world, and then taught you a lot of skills.

Qiqi gave you the chance to live, which is the greatest respect for you. Shouldn't you be grateful to Qiqi and the entire Bright World? You can't respect us in the same way.

The reason why Shenlong is dissatisfied with you is because you guarded us in Tailing Lu Yuanzhou and trapped us before.

As you may not know, our dragon and phoenix are the two most majestic lines of the Youtian Clan in the Bright World, and are respected everywhere. But how can you not feel humiliated by being called by you bite by bug! ? "

Shenfeng also felt that the three black birds were too much, so she preached to Shenlong about the three black birds.

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