Nine Heavens

Chapter 2462 Anti-Ming Sanying

In the universe of bird-like gods and witches.

"Why, didn't you catch them? The Eagle King and Shadow Queen heard that after you were stolen by the Xuanze Muhua God Witch, you didn't die, but miraculously sprouted in the Bright World. I couldn't be happier. of.

They immediately set up a feast for the gods, waiting for you to go back, and the whole universe will celebrate. You see, the tower of the divine eagle in the universe is full of ominous auspicious feathers, and it is full of festive signs.

As soon as the Eagle King heard from me, you captured a few life forms from the Bright World, and they were so happy that they kept praising your godly abilities to the officials in the tower palace and temple.

Do you know how much credit it is to capture a few life forms in the bright world, especially the human race in the mutated Tailing Lu Yuanzhou bright world!

The Eagle King said that since the Anti-Ming World existed, there has never been a God-Witch Zhou capable of arresting any human races! Including Zhou, the beast-like god and witch in the Dark Realm, they don't have this ability either!

But if you do it today, our Qinhua God Wu Zhou's position in the Anti-Ming Wu Wu Zhou will immediately become supreme and majestic!

Get out and catch them, what kind of gratitude, what mutual respect, they are deceiving you, the existence of the bright world is our demon against the world of light!

If they are good, then why did you go deep into our anti-Ming world with you? Obviously, those who have plans must be spies from the bright world. "

The long neck in the mouth of the three anti-ming eagle brothers is also a hundred thousand huge divine bird, and the body in the dark is white that the anti-ming body can easily sense.

This long-necked man lives up to his name, with a gigantic body whose neck only takes up four-fifths of the front. His head is like a python, his body is like a goose, and his belly has six legs with seven fingers.

"Bai Chang! You don't understand. The Bright World is really not what you said. The life forms there are very good. You see, the reason why our brothers still have a chance to live is proof!

Our brothers can't be ungrateful, they saved us, we in turn hurt them! "

Dawu shook his head vigorously, refusing to go out to arrest Liu Qianlang, Shenlong, Shenfeng and Qiqi.

"Oh! That's all, anyway, I, Bai Chang, have said everything I should have said to you. You three are the young masters of the Eagle King, and Bai Chang has absolutely no right to order you.

However, Bai Chang still wants to remind you that if you don't arrest them at this time, not only will the Eagle King and Eagle Queen be unhappy, but it will also implicate us Qinhua God and Wu Zhou. From then on, we will become public enemies of the anti-Ming world!

Bai Chang hopes that you will definitely identify the current disadvantages and think carefully, your decision can be said to be life-threatening! "

Bai Chang sighed, and said solemnly.

Fangming Mitaka was silent for a long time when he heard the words, and after looking at each other, they all shook their heads resolutely. Then Dawu said:

"Thank you, Brother Bai Chang'e, for reminding us that as the princes of the anti-Ming Qinhua God Wuying Clan, we should naturally benefit the entire Qinhua God Wu Zhou, and even the entire anti-Ming world!

This is our responsibility and our mission. However, it is precisely because of this that we need to be more cautious!

If our cute eggs hadn't been stolen into the world of light by Xuanze Muhuashenwu of Muhuashen Wuzhou, and hadn't seen how kind and benevolent there is, and how virtuous and auspicious that human being is, we would definitely be like you Wrong to hate them.

In fact, there are infinite and bright gods in the bright world, with auspicious clouds all over the sky, and there are magical Tailing Luyuan Zhou Lingming Tianlian everywhere, bright fairy shadows floating, auspicious wandering in the sky, Benlu, Xianyang, Zhou, Manyu, all kinds of immortals and gods. The body is also as mysterious and miraculous as our anti-Ming world's five great gods and witches.

They have pure thoughts and benevolent minds, and we really can't say that they are bad against our will. And it is obvious that if we have a good relationship with the Bright World, the future will not only be splendid, but also bright and bright!

So, please forgive us, Brother Bai Chang Evil, we are out of emotion and reason, and in the future of our bird-like god Wu Zhou, we only have a heart of reverence for them, and we will never have any intention of harming them.

Of course, we know that you are doing it for our brother's benefit, and we also know that you are also doing it for us!

Our fundamental difference does not lie in our mutual sincerity to Qinhua Shen Wuzhou, but because Brother Bai Chang'e has not seen the beauty of the bright world of Wuji Yangzhou with his own eyes!

We firmly believe that if Brother Bai Changge has the same experience as us, he will have the same opinion as us! "

"Please, three Eagle princes. Since the three Eagle princes are determined, it is useless for Bai Chang to talk too much. The Eagle King and the Eagle Queen can't wait for you. Let's not talk about these things. No matter what, you can come back alive. This is the biggest thing." happy event!"

Bai Chang secretly sighed in his heart, changed the subject, and flew steadily ahead to lead the way, but Mitaka didn't say much behind him, and they shot towards an infinitely high and infinitely high pitch-black divine tower in sight.

The bird turns into a god and witch outside the universe.

Liu Qianlang used his powerful psychic eyesight to see through the universe, and he clearly saw the scene where Sanying and Baichang Wu'e stayed and talked just now.

However, because the Qinhua God Wu Zhou was covered with a strong green seal against the negative energy of the cathode, although he could see it, he couldn't sense what they were saying.

Liu Qianlang only roughly deduced their respective attitudes towards themselves and the Bright World based on their expressions and behaviors.

Liu Qianlang faintly felt that this trip would not go smoothly, but he was used to experiencing all kinds of uncertainties and difficulties, so he didn't have any major changes in his expression because of this.

Instead, it has been standing steadily on the map of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the great world, floating in the dark time and space of the infinite Yin universe and the dark world, with white hair fluttering and silver clothes dancing rainbows, watching quietly, like a ghost in the infinite darkness. A source of light.

"I don't know what the ancestors of Langyuan discovered. Will they still consider us when they return to their own universe?"

The dragon and the phoenix, one on the left and one on the right, are fulfilling the mission of guardian at this moment. Going deep into the endless Yin universe, they are different from Liu Qianlang, they are very uncertain in their hearts, and their gods can't see through the universe, so they are full of vigilance, for fear that some anti-clear enemies will suddenly appear in the universe or other directions things.

They didn't look forward to Yang Huang Ouyang Langlong's instructions at all, they must protect the ancestors of Langyuan Tailing Lu Yuanzhou!

In times of crisis, they consciously fly to the left and right of Liu Qianlang, following Liu Qianlang's line of sight, watching the birds turn into gods and Wu Zhou, while watching six directions and listening to all directions.

"We don't have to doubt the sincerity of Miying's gratitude! Ben Langyuan Renzu believes that not only will they not forget Qiqi's kindness in raising them, but they will also be able to distinguish right from wrong and understand what is the future of their bird-like god Wuzhou! "

Because of Liu Qianlang's eyesight, he could roughly confirm that the three eagles were talking to him by looking at the expressions of the three eagles, so he said so.

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