Nine Heavens

Chapter 2465

"Don't worry too much about the blood-dizzy emperor. It's not the time for us to get too close to them. Also, please be more careful with the blood-dizzy god emperor and the three gods and witches in the future.

This scaled god and witch emperor is definitely not simple. How powerful our Muhui god and witch Zhou Zhouwai God Seal is, but he didn't take much effort, and he entered the universe by himself.

What does this mean? It means that he is no stranger to our Wuji Yang Zhou Guangming divine power, and can even be said to be familiar with it. This scaled god and witch emperor is unpredictable! "

Liu Qianlang looked very embarrassed when he saw the blood halo wood god witch emperor and the three wood god witches of His Highness, and said simply.

"Isn't that what Guangming Renzu said? After we Sanxiang heard his cry from Zhouwai, we immediately went out of the universe to meet him. We didn't want him to enter the universe before we left the universe.

At that time, because we were in the wood-forming God Wu Zhou, the three major god witch emperors came to the universe in a swaggering way. He entered the universe so easily, and the three gods didn't think much about it.

Thinking about it now, it's really unbelievable. Now there are nine levels of our Muhui God Witch Zhou Zhou Outer God Seal, and all of them are God Seals of Light. He has never been here before. Zhou's too! "

Hearing what Liu Qianlang said, Jin Yun couldn't help feeling scared, and patted his legs and said.

"He deliberately gave us Guangmingmuhui Shenwu Zhou a prestige. With his divine power and wisdom, it is impossible to make such a low-level mistake. He is implying that our scaled God Wu Zhou is definitely not to be messed with!"

"I see it too!"

The silver halo god and the copper halo god looked at each other with a frown, and suddenly realized that they agreed.

"More than that, Ben Langyuan Renzu thought at first that when he came to our Muhui God Wu Zhou, he would be secretly monitored by the Beast God Wu Zhou and the Bird Transformation God Wu Zhou Wuji Yin Zhou Immortal God, or he would be intercepted halfway. of.

Therefore, Ben Langyuan Renzu specially guarded him outside the universe, for fear that Zhou, the beast-like god, and Zhou, the bird-like god, would rush to intercept and kill the army.

However, the facts turned out to be completely opposite to what I had imagined. There were no gods and gods at all in Zhou, the Beast God, and Zhou, the Bird God. On the contrary, they are scaled gods and witches, and there are no less than hundreds of millions of terrifying evil scales hiding around our Muhui gods and witches.

If Ben Langyuan Renzu was not mistaken, the scaled god and witch emperor Seven-scale Zhouyu did not intend to meet Ben Langyuan Renzu, intending to abandon the dark and follow the light, and come to slaughter our Muhui god Wuzhou .

But for some reason, he didn't make a move in the end, but chose to leave. "

Liu Qianlang recalled in his mind what he had sensed outside Muhui Shenwu Zhouwai, and said with a rather solemn expression.

"Oh! So he..."

The blood-dizzy Wood Transformation God Wuhuang couldn't help shivering, looking at his own good oh Muhui God Wu Zhou Shanhe, feeling anxious for a while.

"Thank goodness, thanks to the arrival of Langyuan Renzu in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!"

Liu Qianlang's words made the three gods and witches look at each other, and then naturally attributed the reason for escaping the disaster to Liu Qianlang.

"No! It's definitely not because of Ben Lang Yuan Ren Zu. Maybe the gods he wants to kill include Ben Lang Yuan Ren Zu. At least, if he wants to do it, he can slaughter Mu Hui Shen Wu Zhou to a mess before I come Yes, but he actually tried his best to prepare, but changed the plan.

The reason why he didn't hide his army must be another reason. The emperor, the three gods, and the god of wood and flowers, among the gods and witches, is there a more powerful god of wood and flowers besides you and the queen of flowers? "

Liu Qianlang shook his head and said.

"No, this blood halo god emperor can be absolutely sure. We are deeply enlightened by the ancestors of waves, and we can be said to be the most powerful strength of Mu Hui God Wu Zhou."

The bloody wood god Wuhuang replied without hesitation.

"Hey, that's weird, so what is he worried about? It stands to reason that killing our Wuji Guangming wood and plant god Wu Zhou is definitely the scaled god witch emperor, the animal transformed god Wu Zhou and the bird transformed god Wu Zhou all want to kill us." What he did, such an opportunity can be said to be gone forever, why on earth did he give up!"

Liu Qianlang picked up a jar of divine wine on His Highness's desk, raised his head and drank it, then sighed.

"Well, could it be because of Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv?"

While Liu Qianlang was sighing, the copper halo spirit was filled with copper mist all over his body, and he suddenly thought of something and guessed.

"They? Please also ask the bronze halo god to explain in detail, why did the god say that?"

Liu Qianlang thought over and over again, but couldn't find a convincing explanation, and suddenly heard the guess of Tong Yun's appearance, he couldn't help but light up, as if he had a feeling.

Because today, the fourth younger brother Song Zhen reminded himself again and again to pay more attention to his beloved daughter Xiao Lian'er, saying that he has always seen the auspicious light shining on Xiao Lian'er's body recently, but her body is facing Mu Hui God Wu Zhou's eyes. The side is visibly dimmed.

This shows that there may be disasters in Muhui Shenwuzhou recently, but little Lian'er is Muhui Shenwuzhou's savior. It was because of the words of the fourth younger brother Song Zhen that Liu Qianlang intentionally let little Lian'er and his beloved disciple Yaya come to Muhui God Wuzhou.

When Song Zhen and Liu Qianlang said these words at that time, Liu Qianlang didn't think too much about it, but now when he heard the words of Tong Yun, his heart suddenly trembled.

"Langyuan Renzu didn't know something, but when the Scaled Transformation God Witch Emperor first arrived at the main hall of Muhui Shrine, he was so arrogant, especially underestimated the head of Yaya.

When he saw that it was the head of Yaya who came to the meeting instead of Langyuan Renzu, I saw his eyes resting in his harsh words, obviously wanting to summon some god outside the universe.

But at the moment when the poisonous rainbow glow left his eyes, Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv suddenly turned into phantoms secretly, stepped on the Lingtuo Lian, and walked away with ninety-nine and eighty-one divine dragon balls all over their bodies.

I clearly remember that at that time, the Scaled God Witch Emperor looked at the little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv who were going away from the phantom, and their expressions were extremely shocked.

At that time, he left the poisonous rainbow's breath and returned to the target.

At that time, I just felt a little strange, and didn't think too much about it. If you contact Renzu Langyuan now, wouldn't his Muhong Xixi at that time be summoning the army of evil scales outside the universe to slaughter our wood and flower god Wu Zhou! "

While speaking, the copper halo god was so startled that he broke out in a cold sweat.

"It makes sense. Ben Yinyun also noticed what the copper halo god said. At that moment, the scaled god Wuhuang's attitude towards Yaya's head instantly became polite."

The golden halo god nodded heavily when he heard the words of the copper halo god, and the silver halo god agreed with the same feeling.

"Could it be that the Scaled God Witch is afraid of Little Lian'er and Little Dragon Girl... or the Ninety-Nine Eighty-One God Dragon Ball?"

Liu Qianlang's thoughts finally found a direction, and she continued to think about her beloved daughter Xiaolian'er and Long's niece Xiaolongnv.

"According to this Divine Emperor, the Scaled Transformation God Witch Emperor is either afraid of the Nine-color Divine Lotus of Little Lian'er's young ancestor, or the Nine-Nine-Eighty-One Divine Dragon Ball.

Especially the ninety-nine and eighty-one God Dragon Balls, they are the number one fetishes of the infinite scaled gods and witches, and they are infinitely revered and feared by both the infinite Yang universe and the infinite Yin universe! "

The blood halo wood god Witch Emperor also thought for a while, and then said confidently,

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