Nine Heavens

Chapter 2466 Spiritual Heavenly Lotus

"Wow! How did Xuanze Muhua Shenwu hang on such a messy Tailing Lu Yuanzhou? It really embarrasses us barbaric Muhuawu Shenzhou!

At the beginning, the Blood Dragon Wood Transformation Witch Emperor, and you stinky wooden sticks just didn't listen to me, Bai Yun Wood Transformation God Witch, especially the nine-color wood brother who opposed me to death.

Now it's all right, Xuanze Muhua Shenwu died, not only did he not destroy the Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, but also let it open up, turning it into the state of Lingming Tianlian Zhou.

You and I both know that once this kind of change occurs in the Tailing Luyuan, it will continue to grow and divide, and one Tailing Luyuan will divide into many Tailing Luyuan sub-universes.

Then these sub-verses of the Tailing Luyuan Universe grew further, and formed a Lingyuan Universe that was bigger than the Mother Universe! How can you say that Xuanze Muhua Shenwu is doing so well?

Not only did he lose his life, but he even got attached to a Tailing baby that I, Bai Yunmuhua, worked so hard to raise!

Just look at how proud they are now, the sun and moon central universe is about to develop into the heart of the Holy Spirit, and the surrounding Bengzhou is also constantly condensing divine energy, and sooner or later it will become a sun and moon god.

The covenant between Xuanze Muhua Shensha and our yellow and white Halomuhua's Trillion Years of Triumph has now become his covenant of death.

It's really bad luck, don't worry about it, let's go back and report to the Blood Dragon Wood God Emperor! "

"Bai Yunmuhuashenwu, don't be impatient! Don't you always hate Xuanze Muhuashenwu clan? You should be happy that their only young master Shenwu died.

Don't you really want us to pick him up and return in triumph, looking proud and looking down upon the Hall of Gods and Witches! ? "


"Huang Yunmuhua is right. His death is the happiest thing for us. You mean, we have to thank the Immortal God of Sun and Moon with Seven Orifices and Six Parts and Two Balances in the Tailing Lu Yuanzhou?"

"That's not true. The Qiqiaoming clan born from the Lingming Tianlian will always be the enemy of our Yan Shanmu Huashen Wuzhou. The death of the young master Xuanze Muhuashen Wuzhou this time is just an end to us. Personal grievances.

But at the same time, it has brought even greater disasters to our anti-Ming fairyland. The appearance of this spiritual lotus is obviously different from the previous spiritual lotus. A new family of divine destiny was born in its center, Sun Moon God Zhou.

I heard rumors in the inner hall of Huamu Temple that Xuanze Muhua Shenwu once returned the breath of Zhou Wu, they are called Renzu Shenming, and they are the queens of the sun and moon gods! "

"What ancestors of humans, ancestors of birds, ancestors of beasts, ancestors of flowers, ancestors of fog, ancestors of wind, ancestors of electricity... Tailing Lu Yuanzhou Bright World is the land of spiritual life evolution, so what's so strange about the appearance of new life ancestors!"

"This time I was wrong. This Tailing Lu Yuanzhou Sun Moon Human Race is different from other sun and moon ancestors. Not only are they beautiful in life, but they are also powerful beyond imagination. The most terrifying thing is that, They have incredible creative abilities.

Not only can they create the time and space of the universe, they can create their own spirits, they can also create powerful cosmic gods and gods, and maybe even Yan Shanhua wood gods and witches like us..."

"My Zhou! No way, they are so terrifying!"

"I'm also guessing, but look at their appearance, Grandpa Zhou is really good-looking. I used to think that stealing some Tailing infants in Tailing Lu Yuanzhou would be enough to feed them and grow them up as leisure dance and music pets.

But now, when I see the appearance of these bright and orderly people of the human race, my Tailing Babies and Le Pets will just treat them as snacks when they go back. "

"What do you mean, we don't go empty-handed, catch some of these humans and go back to play?"

"Go! I'm just talking tentatively, don't act rashly. No matter what kind of fairy god or ancestor the current Lingming Tianlian is, we'd better not move.

We don't know their language, and we don't know how powerful their gods are. Let's go back and tell the Muhua God, Witch God Emperor in detail about the situation here. "

"Well, that's what I mean too. According to me, things in the Bright World should not be messed with. Let's just talk about those Tailing babies you raise.

Good-looking is good-looking, but every time we appreciate their dancing and singing, it is at the cost of consuming our magical energy. Beauty is good, but beauty is poisonous!

Look at yourself, you are skinny, if you continue like this, it will be no wonder you die. "

"You don't understand the yellow halo wood gods and witches, the many beauties of their bright fairyland really fascinate me, it is something that our wood gods and witches will never have.

I am fascinated by their postures with seven orifices and six parts, their beautiful voices fascinate me, their smiles fascinate me, their eyes fascinate me, their dancing postures, their fresh breath..."

"Okay! I, Huang Yunmuhua, don't know anything, right? You understand that you are constantly consuming the power of gods, witches and gods for the sake of beauty, and you are willing!

However, as a fellow brother, I, Huang Yunmu Hua Shenwu, still want to remind you, go back and kill those Tailing infant pets, or it will be a disaster sooner or later!

It doesn't matter if you die in Baiyunmuhua, because of this, I will never agree to ruining the reputation of my Yunmuhuashenwu family.

I'm a little embarrassed, but in view of your degenerate living conditions, I have already applied for the title of Family Wu Wuzun from the Wooden God and Witch God Emperor, and the whole family and the Wooden God Witch God Emperor have agreed. "

"Vulgar! Vulgar! Huangyunmuhuashenwu, you are my brother of Baiyunmuhuashenwu, and you don't understand the great beauty of this witch.

Your taste is only limited to our Gods of Gods and Witches, so we are destined not to be fellow travelers, we are still in the same Gods, sad, sad! "

"Cut! Your madness has occurred again. Since you don't want to do anything, Xuanze Muhua God Witch is also dead. Let's go back quickly. As for how to deal with this spiritual lotus, we have to watch Muhua." The meaning of the God, Witch and God Emperor."

"No, no, no! It's not to deal with this Tailing Lingming Tianlian, but to deal with the newly born human beings, gods and ancestors!"

"What's the difference, lunatic, you can continue to look at your beauty, I have to go, I still have the task of eliminating other Tailings Lu Yuanzhou to complete!"

"Alas! An idiot who doesn't know how to live knows how to destroy this one and that one. Wait for me—"


When Liu Qianlang, Ouyang Langlong and others were saying goodbye, Liu Qianlang's infinitely powerful soul, Zhou Huneng, suddenly received this mysterious conversation.

Liu Qianlang quickly mobilized his powerful soul energy to decipher the mysterious language magic, and soon he understood the meaning of the words, and he couldn't help being surprised and delighted.

Liu Qianlang suddenly stretched out very inappropriately, and then said with a smile:

"Look, I was just joking with you that I was going to leave Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, and you were crying like this, even I was moved to cry.

If one day I really go to find the anti-Ming world, then what should I do! "

"What? Daddy, you said you're not leaving, you're lying to us for fun, wow! Daddy is so naughty!"

Everyone heard the words, all of them were woolen hair, crying and laughing at the same time, Liu Qianlang's ten beloved wives stepped forward to give Liu Qianlang a slap in the shoulder, and Xiao Lian'er burst into joy Call.

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